Every 7hours,someone iskilled by apolice officer67% ofpeople killedby policeusingfirearms In New York blackpeople are 5.2xmore likely to bekilled by policethan white people98.3% of killing bypolice from 2013-2020 have notresulted in officersbeing charged witha crime 5% of policedepartmentsnationwide thatvoluntarily track andreport policemisconductallegations to thefederal government Black people are1.3x more likely tobe unarmedcompared to whitepeople when killedby the police Native Americanare just as likelyto be killed bylaw enforcementofficers1% of police-involved killingresult in arrestor indictment ofthe officer Black people havebeen 28% of thosekilled by police in2020 despitebeing only 13% ofthe population Police havekilled 897people in2020 as ofright now 199 children underthe age of 12 havebeen killed duringan interaction withlaw enforcement For every 1,000people killed bypolice, only oneofficer isconvicted of acrimeLabor strikes werefirst large scale policebrutality in the US,including the greatrailroad strike in 1877as being one of thefirst Excessive forceis one fo themost commonforms of policemisconductFree!Police brutality isthe use of force bylaw enforcementcan be legallydefined as civilrights violation Every 7hours,someone iskilled by apolice officer67% ofpeople killedby policeusingfirearms In New York blackpeople are 5.2xmore likely to bekilled by policethan white people98.3% of killing bypolice from 2013-2020 have notresulted in officersbeing charged witha crime 5% of policedepartmentsnationwide thatvoluntarily track andreport policemisconductallegations to thefederal government Black people are1.3x more likely tobe unarmedcompared to whitepeople when killedby the police Native Americanare just as likelyto be killed bylaw enforcementofficers1% of police-involved killingresult in arrestor indictment ofthe officer Black people havebeen 28% of thosekilled by police in2020 despitebeing only 13% ofthe population Police havekilled 897people in2020 as ofright now 199 children underthe age of 12 havebeen killed duringan interaction withlaw enforcement For every 1,000people killed bypolice, only oneofficer isconvicted of acrimeLabor strikes werefirst large scale policebrutality in the US,including the greatrailroad strike in 1877as being one of thefirst Excessive forceis one fo themost commonforms of policemisconductFree!Police brutality isthe use of force bylaw enforcementcan be legallydefined as civilrights violation 

Police Brutality - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Every 7 hours, someone is killed by a police officer
  2. 67% of people killed by police using firearms
  3. In New York black people are 5.2x more likely to be killed by police than white people
  4. 98.3% of killing by police from 2013-2020 have not resulted in officers being charged with a crime
  5. 5% of police departments nationwide that voluntarily track and report police misconduct allegations to the federal government
  6. Black people are 1.3x more likely to be unarmed compared to white people when killed by the police
  7. Native American are just as likely to be killed by law enforcement officers
  8. 1% of police-involved killing result in arrest or indictment of the officer
  9. Black people have been 28% of those killed by police in 2020 despite being only 13% of the population
  10. Police have killed 897 people in 2020 as of right now
  11. 199 children under the age of 12 have been killed during an interaction with law enforcement
  12. For every 1,000 people killed by police, only one officer is convicted of a crime
  13. Labor strikes were first large scale police brutality in the US, including the great railroad strike in 1877 as being one of the first
  14. Excessive force is one fo the most common forms of police misconduct
  15. Free!
  16. Police brutality is the use of force by law enforcement can be legally defined as civil rights violation