Can play soccer   Can you play..?Can cook rice    Can you ..?Travelled outside ofKorea    Have you Travelled...?Has more thanone brother   Do you have..? Has the samebirthday month asyou   When is your ...?Play the piano   Can you play...?Has a brother   Do you ...?Loves to sing  Do you liketo...?Is the oldest childin the family   Are you the...?Likes math   Do you like...?Can eat spicyfood   Can you eat...?Can say I love youin 3 differentlanguages  Can you ...?Someone who hasblue eyes   Do you have ...?Some who likesto dance  Do you liketo...?Doesn't likechocolate    Do you like...?Writes with theirleft hand  Can you write...?Has a pet   Do you have...?Has a birthday thismonth   When is your ...?Has been toEverland   Have you been..? Has a birthdayin March   Do you have...?Read HarryPotter books  Have youread..?Likes spring morethan winter   Do you like..? Someone whoplays videogames  Do you play...?Has a sister   Do you ?Can play soccer   Can you play..?Can cook rice    Can you ..?Travelled outside ofKorea    Have you Travelled...?Has more thanone brother   Do you have..? Has the samebirthday month asyou   When is your ...?Play the piano   Can you play...?Has a brother   Do you ...?Loves to sing  Do you liketo...?Is the oldest childin the family   Are you the...?Likes math   Do you like...?Can eat spicyfood   Can you eat...?Can say I love youin 3 differentlanguages  Can you ...?Someone who hasblue eyes   Do you have ...?Some who likesto dance  Do you liketo...?Doesn't likechocolate    Do you like...?Writes with theirleft hand  Can you write...?Has a pet   Do you have...?Has a birthday thismonth   When is your ...?Has been toEverland   Have you been..? Has a birthdayin March   Do you have...?Read HarryPotter books  Have youread..?Likes spring morethan winter   Do you like..? Someone whoplays videogames  Do you play...?Has a sister   Do you ?

Find Someone who - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Can play soccer Can you play..?
  2. Can cook rice Can you ..?
  3. Travelled outside of Korea Have you Travelled ...?
  4. Has more than one brother Do you have..?
  5. Has the same birthday month as you When is your ...?
  6. Play the piano Can you play...?
  7. Has a brother Do you ...?
  8. Loves to sing Do you like to...?
  9. Is the oldest child in the family Are you the...?
  10. Likes math Do you like...?
  11. Can eat spicy food Can you eat...?
  12. Can say I love you in 3 different languages Can you ...?
  13. Someone who has blue eyes Do you have ...?
  14. Some who likes to dance Do you like to...?
  15. Doesn't like chocolate Do you like...?
  16. Writes with their left hand Can you write ...?
  17. Has a pet Do you have...?
  18. Has a birthday this month When is your ...?
  19. Has been to Everland Have you been..?
  20. Has a birthday in March Do you have...?
  21. Read Harry Potter books Have you read..?
  22. Likes spring more than winter Do you like..?
  23. Someone who plays video games Do you play...?
  24. Has a sister Do you ?