Multiple3PinvolvedPrepareda file forMediationMultiple lienholdershowever PLAacceptedCali 30/40calculatedamountRecoveredfull lienamount froman attorneyEscalation toTerrancemade adifferenceWas finally ableto get a non-cooperativeattorney torespondGarnett'smotivationquote is relatedto betteringoneselfSettlement withattorneywas more than theapprovedsettlementauthority amountUsed Accurintto obtaincontactinformation formemberCalled into amediationand settledthe lienRecoveredon a filewhenopened post-settlementRecoveredlien within 30days ofopening thefileRespondedto arequest for5500 formAttorney claimsadditional lienholder however theclaims were alreadypaid by our clientUsing an outsidesourcesuch asGo Fund Meto find informationon an accidentID Templatefilled outfollowing firstphone callMed-Malwhererelatednesshad to beargued3P send checkto Rawlingsdirectly insteadof the attorneyEscalationto Davidmade adifferenceOver 30Kreductionsent toLauraTook an ACDcall thatended upbeing a highdollar fileCompleted anovernightto get arecovery inbefore end ofmonthFiduciaryArgumentwasimplementedFile requiringgroupsettlementapproval wasobtainedMultiple3PinvolvedPrepareda file forMediationMultiple lienholdershowever PLAacceptedCali 30/40calculatedamountRecoveredfull lienamount froman attorneyEscalation toTerrancemade adifferenceWas finally ableto get a non-cooperativeattorney torespondGarnett'smotivationquote is relatedto betteringoneselfSettlement withattorneywas more than theapprovedsettlementauthority amountUsed Accurintto obtaincontactinformation formemberCalled into amediationand settledthe lienRecoveredon a filewhenopened post-settlementRecoveredlien within 30days ofopening thefileRespondedto arequest for5500 formAttorney claimsadditional lienholder however theclaims were alreadypaid by our clientUsing an outsidesourcesuch asGo Fund Meto find informationon an accidentID Templatefilled outfollowing firstphone callMed-Malwhererelatednesshad to beargued3P send checkto Rawlingsdirectly insteadof the attorneyEscalationto Davidmade adifferenceOver 30Kreductionsent toLauraTook an ACDcall thatended upbeing a highdollar fileCompleted anovernightto get arecovery inbefore end ofmonthFiduciaryArgumentwasimplementedFile requiringgroupsettlementapproval wasobtained

Team Name: _______________________ - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Multiple 3P involved
  2. Prepared a file for Mediation
  3. Multiple lien holders however PLA accepted Cali 30/40 calculated amount
  4. Recovered full lien amount from an attorney
  5. Escalation to Terrance made a difference
  6. Was finally able to get a non-cooperative attorney to respond
  7. Garnett's motivation quote is related to bettering oneself
  8. Settlement with attorney was more than the approved settlement authority amount
  9. Used Accurint to obtain contact information for member
  10. Called into a mediation and settled the lien
  11. Recovered on a file when opened post-settlement
  12. Recovered lien within 30 days of opening the file
  13. Responded to a request for 5500 form
  14. Attorney claims additional lien holder however the claims were already paid by our client
  15. Using an outside source such as Go Fund Me to find information on an accident
  16. ID Template filled out following first phone call
  17. Med-Mal where relatedness had to be argued
  18. 3P send check to Rawlings directly instead of the attorney
  19. Escalation to David made a difference
  20. Over 30K reduction sent to Laura
  21. Took an ACD call that ended up being a high dollar file
  22. Completed an overnight to get a recovery in before end of month
  23. Fiduciary Argument was implemented
  24. File requiring group settlement approval was obtained