Go To Office Hours Alternate Study Spots Look at other exams you've had in the class so far. Drink Cocoa Create an Environment Conducive to Studying Prioritize the tests that matter the most. Ask for help Make It Interesting Talk out loud. Get a good night's sleep. Set realistic studying goals. Take frequent practice tests Know when to stop studying. Focus on your notes Approach Each Class Differently Form A Study Group Reward yourself Teach someone what you’re learning. Block off reading time for each of your classes. Jog Around Campus Eliminate all digital distractions. Manage Your Time Relax. Build On What You Know Go To Office Hours Alternate Study Spots Look at other exams you've had in the class so far. Drink Cocoa Create an Environment Conducive to Studying Prioritize the tests that matter the most. Ask for help Make It Interesting Talk out loud. Get a good night's sleep. Set realistic studying goals. Take frequent practice tests Know when to stop studying. Focus on your notes Approach Each Class Differently Form A Study Group Reward yourself Teach someone what you’re learning. Block off reading time for each of your classes. Jog Around Campus Eliminate all digital distractions. Manage Your Time Relax. Build On What You Know
(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.
Go To Office Hours
Alternate Study Spots
Look at other exams you've had in the class so far.
Drink Cocoa
Create an Environment Conducive to Studying
Prioritize the tests that matter the most.
Ask for help
Make It Interesting
Talk out loud.
Get a good night's sleep.
Set realistic studying goals.
Take frequent practice tests
Know when to stop studying.
Focus on your notes
Approach Each Class Differently
Form A Study Group
Reward yourself
Teach someone what you’re learning.
Block off reading time for each of your classes.
Jog Around Campus
Eliminate all digital distractions.
Manage Your Time
Build On What You Know