Being placedinto prison -ImprisonmentAn incident or crimemotivated by prejudiceor hostility against aperson’s race, religion,sexual orientation,transgender identity ordisability - Hate CrimeA person harmed,injured, or killed asa result of a crime,accident, or otherevent or action -Victims A virtual, uniqueform of attackinganother personwhich occursthrough theinternet - OnlineabuseAn act ofburning /setting fire toproperty -ArsonPrejudicialtreatment ofdifferentcategories ofpeople -DiscriminationAn opinion basedthat is not basedon reason oractual experience- PrejudicePhysical, hearingand visualimpairments,mental ill health andlearning disabilities- DisabilityPeople who identifyas ‘trans’ includingtransgender ortranssexual people -Transgender identityDisabilitistA penalty served byauthorities tooffenders, generallyas an attempt toprevent the personfrom reoffending -PunishmentAn attempt tofrighten / make aperson aware thatthey will beattacked in someform - Threats ofviolenceHomophobicNationality,ethnicity,skin colourand heritage- RaceStealing ortaking itemsthat are notbelonging toyou - TheftA behaviour thataffects anotherperson through theuse of harm,intimidation orthreat - BullyingPeople whoidentify as lesbian,gay, bi-sexual orheterosexual -Sexual orientationThe intentionalkilling ofanother person- MurderTo frighten orthreaten someone,usually with the goalof wanting the personto do as they ask -IntimidationFaith, belief,non-religiousbelief -ReligionRacistA form of attack bywhich a person actsintentionally /recklessly by whichcauses anotherperson’s suffering -AssaultA form of verbalabuse usedagainst anotherperson / group -Offensive jokes /Name calling Making a call tosomeone with theintention of beinghumorous ormalicious - HoaxcallsBeing placedinto prison -ImprisonmentAn incident or crimemotivated by prejudiceor hostility against aperson’s race, religion,sexual orientation,transgender identity ordisability - Hate CrimeA person harmed,injured, or killed asa result of a crime,accident, or otherevent or action -Victims A virtual, uniqueform of attackinganother personwhich occursthrough theinternet - OnlineabuseAn act ofburning /setting fire toproperty -ArsonPrejudicialtreatment ofdifferentcategories ofpeople -DiscriminationAn opinion basedthat is not basedon reason oractual experience- PrejudicePhysical, hearingand visualimpairments,mental ill health andlearning disabilities- DisabilityPeople who identifyas ‘trans’ includingtransgender ortranssexual people -Transgender identityDisabilitistA penalty served byauthorities tooffenders, generallyas an attempt toprevent the personfrom reoffending -PunishmentAn attempt tofrighten / make aperson aware thatthey will beattacked in someform - Threats ofviolenceHomophobicNationality,ethnicity,skin colourand heritage- RaceStealing ortaking itemsthat are notbelonging toyou - TheftA behaviour thataffects anotherperson through theuse of harm,intimidation orthreat - BullyingPeople whoidentify as lesbian,gay, bi-sexual orheterosexual -Sexual orientationThe intentionalkilling ofanother person- MurderTo frighten orthreaten someone,usually with the goalof wanting the personto do as they ask -IntimidationFaith, belief,non-religiousbelief -ReligionRacistA form of attack bywhich a person actsintentionally /recklessly by whichcauses anotherperson’s suffering -AssaultA form of verbalabuse usedagainst anotherperson / group -Offensive jokes /Name calling Making a call tosomeone with theintention of beinghumorous ormalicious - Hoaxcalls

Hate Crime - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Being placed into prison - Imprisonment
  2. An incident or crime motivated by prejudice or hostility against a person’s race, religion, sexual orientation, transgender identity or disability - Hate Crime
  3. A person harmed, injured, or killed as a result of a crime, accident, or other event or action - Victims
  4. A virtual, unique form of attacking another person which occurs through the internet - Online abuse
  5. An act of burning / setting fire to property - Arson
  6. Prejudicial treatment of different categories of people - Discrimination
  7. An opinion based that is not based on reason or actual experience - Prejudice
  8. Physical, hearing and visual impairments, mental ill health and learning disabilities - Disability
  9. People who identify as ‘trans’ including transgender or transsexual people - Transgender identity
  10. Disabilitist
  11. A penalty served by authorities to offenders, generally as an attempt to prevent the person from reoffending - Punishment
  12. An attempt to frighten / make a person aware that they will be attacked in some form - Threats of violence
  13. Homophobic
  14. Nationality, ethnicity, skin colour and heritage - Race
  15. Stealing or taking items that are not belonging to you - Theft
  16. A behaviour that affects another person through the use of harm, intimidation or threat - Bullying
  17. People who identify as lesbian, gay, bi-sexual or heterosexual - Sexual orientation
  18. The intentional killing of another person - Murder
  19. To frighten or threaten someone, usually with the goal of wanting the person to do as they ask - Intimidation
  20. Faith, belief, non-religious belief - Religion
  21. Racist
  22. A form of attack by which a person acts intentionally / recklessly by which causes another person’s suffering - Assault
  23. A form of verbal abuse used against another person / group - Offensive jokes / Name calling
  24. Making a call to someone with the intention of being humorous or malicious - Hoax calls