Fossy uses apiece offurniture as animprovisedweapon.Daddy Satantalks to thewhole partyThe partygets stagecostumesEveryone in theparty is drunk(or high) at thesame timeSomeonegets atattooAt least oneof us tries tocover up amurderAce and Beckrouge team,haveshenaniganstogetherNat 1 skillcheck thatis ironic orfunnyWe fightagainstsystematicoppressionWe getthe policecalled onusAce offendsa musicianby beinghimselfNat 20 ona skill checkthey had noright to passJuni hasto nerf anenemymid fightThe planimmediatelyfails and wehave toimprovise therestSomeonefalls asleepin abathroom (ata party)Someonetries toseduce anNPCSomeone iscaughtstealingvaluablesfrom an NPCUndercovermissionFantasyracismBeck lies toan authorityfigure (onthe behalfof the party)Eugene is madeuncomfortableby a stranger'ssexual advancesJuni makes areference tosomething oneor fewer partymembersunderstandWe adopta creatureto be ourmascotOne (or more)party membersare arrestedand must bebroken out.Fossy uses apiece offurniture as animprovisedweapon.Daddy Satantalks to thewhole partyThe partygets stagecostumesEveryone in theparty is drunk(or high) at thesame timeSomeonegets atattooAt least oneof us tries tocover up amurderAce and Beckrouge team,haveshenaniganstogetherNat 1 skillcheck thatis ironic orfunnyWe fightagainstsystematicoppressionWe getthe policecalled onusAce offendsa musicianby beinghimselfNat 20 ona skill checkthey had noright to passJuni hasto nerf anenemymid fightThe planimmediatelyfails and wehave toimprovise therestSomeonefalls asleepin abathroom (ata party)Someonetries toseduce anNPCSomeone iscaughtstealingvaluablesfrom an NPCUndercovermissionFantasyracismBeck lies toan authorityfigure (onthe behalfof the party)Eugene is madeuncomfortableby a stranger'ssexual advancesJuni makes areference tosomething oneor fewer partymembersunderstandWe adopta creatureto be ourmascotOne (or more)party membersare arrestedand must bebroken out.

DnD Campaign - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Fossy uses a piece of furniture as an improvised weapon.
  2. Daddy Satan talks to the whole party
  3. The party gets stage costumes
  4. Everyone in the party is drunk (or high) at the same time
  5. Someone gets a tattoo
  6. At least one of us tries to cover up a murder
  7. Ace and Beck rouge team, have shenanigans together
  8. Nat 1 skill check that is ironic or funny
  9. We fight against systematic oppression
  10. We get the police called on us
  11. Ace offends a musician by being himself
  12. Nat 20 on a skill check they had no right to pass
  13. Juni has to nerf an enemy mid fight
  14. The plan immediately fails and we have to improvise the rest
  15. Someone falls asleep in a bathroom (at a party)
  16. Someone tries to seduce an NPC
  17. Someone is caught stealing valuables from an NPC
  18. Undercover mission
  19. Fantasy racism
  20. Beck lies to an authority figure (on the behalf of the party)
  21. Eugene is made uncomfortable by a stranger's sexual advances
  22. Juni makes a reference to something one or fewer party members understand
  23. We adopt a creature to be our mascot
  24. One (or more) party members are arrested and must be broken out.