Lyrical / Contemporary is your favorite Has gotten 3+ drill down ribbons Got a blue ribbon at UDA Camp Started dancing as a toddler Can do an Aerial Has fallen during a performance Hip Hop is your favorite Performing at basketball games? Had to cancel plans because of dance Cried during a show, recital, or performance Has danced on Pointe Has more dance shoes than regular shoes Performing at football games? Ate the dining hall food at camp Prefers jumping Jazz is your favorite Changed into dance clothes in your car Prefers turning Has had a costume malfunction Can do a head spring Got food delivered at camp Pom is your favorite Met some of your best friends through Poms Had to sit out because of a dance injury Lyrical / Contemporary is your favorite Has gotten 3+ drill down ribbons Got a blue ribbon at UDA Camp Started dancing as a toddler Can do an Aerial Has fallen during a performance Hip Hop is your favorite Performing at basketball games? Had to cancel plans because of dance Cried during a show, recital, or performance Has danced on Pointe Has more dance shoes than regular shoes Performing at football games? Ate the dining hall food at camp Prefers jumping Jazz is your favorite Changed into dance clothes in your car Prefers turning Has had a costume malfunction Can do a head spring Got food delivered at camp Pom is your favorite Met some of your best friends through Poms Had to sit out because of a dance injury
(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.
O-Lyrical / Contemporary is your favorite
B-Has gotten 3+ drill down ribbons
N-Got a blue ribbon at UDA Camp
N-Started dancing as a toddler
B-Can do an Aerial
G-Has fallen during a performance
N-Hip Hop is your favorite
I-Performing at basketball games?
B-Had to cancel plans because of dance
I-Cried during a show, recital, or performance
on Pointe
O-Has more dance shoes than regular shoes
G-Performing at football games?
B-Ate the dining hall food at camp
I-Prefers jumping
O-Jazz is
your favorite
O-Changed into dance clothes in your car
N-Prefers turning
I-Has had a costume malfunction
G-Can do
a head spring
O-Got food delivered
at camp
B-Pom is
your favorite
G-Met some
of your best friends through Poms
G-Had to sit out because of a dance injury