Schoolwasclosed.It wassnowinga lot.The entireroad wasflooded.The rain waspouringdown inSeattle.I walkedright intoa door.I wasn'twatchingwhere Iwas going.He had ahorriblestomach achewhen he wasrunning on thefield.Harry ate toomuch pastabefore hisgame.Her newcoat wasruined.Nancyslipped inthe mud.Hecouldn'tfindanything.Albertdidn't keephis roomclean.We had tochase himaround theneighborhood.My dog'sleadbroke.I couldn'tremember myhomeworkwhen I gothome.I didn't writemy nameassignmentsin myplanner.An hourlater thegoldfishwas gone.The curiouscat was leftalone withthe goldfish.Shecould notsit still.Josie atea lot ofsugar.I made herchickennoodlesoup.My momdidn't feelgood.We wentshoppingforgroceries.We wereout offood.He waspulledover by acop.Tom wasspeedingdown theroad.I ate allthe foodin thefridge.I was sohungry afterbasketballpractice...I was sweatyand earnedfree time.I playedreally hardin gymclass.She waslate toschool.Isabelleforgot to sether alarmbefore bed.I wastired allday.I stayed uplate playingvideogames.We had touseflashlightsto see.Thepowerwent outlast night.I earnedan A onthe test.I studiedall weekfor thetest.I now knowhow to playa wholesong.I practicethe pianoeveryday.Isneezedall day.Therewas a lotof pollenin the air.She wasallowed tohavedessert.Jenfinishedher entiredinner.By the endof thesummer mylegs werestrong.I walkedtwo milesevery day.Thedog bither.Madelinekeptpulling thedog's tail.Schoolwasclosed.It wassnowinga lot.The entireroad wasflooded.The rain waspouringdown inSeattle.I walkedright intoa door.I wasn'twatchingwhere Iwas going.He had ahorriblestomach achewhen he wasrunning on thefield.Harry ate toomuch pastabefore hisgame.Her newcoat wasruined.Nancyslipped inthe mud.Hecouldn'tfindanything.Albertdidn't keephis roomclean.We had tochase himaround theneighborhood.My dog'sleadbroke.I couldn'tremember myhomeworkwhen I gothome.I didn't writemy nameassignmentsin myplanner.An hourlater thegoldfishwas gone.The curiouscat was leftalone withthe goldfish.Shecould notsit still.Josie atea lot ofsugar.I made herchickennoodlesoup.My momdidn't feelgood.We wentshoppingforgroceries.We wereout offood.He waspulledover by acop.Tom wasspeedingdown theroad.I ate allthe foodin thefridge.I was sohungry afterbasketballpractice...I was sweatyand earnedfree time.I playedreally hardin gymclass.She waslate toschool.Isabelleforgot to sether alarmbefore bed.I wastired allday.I stayed uplate playingvideogames.We had touseflashlightsto see.Thepowerwent outlast night.I earnedan A onthe test.I studiedall weekfor thetest.I now knowhow to playa wholesong.I practicethe pianoeveryday.Isneezedall day.Therewas a lotof pollenin the air.She wasallowed tohavedessert.Jenfinishedher entiredinner.By the endof thesummer mylegs werestrong.I walkedtwo milesevery day.Thedog bither.Madelinekeptpulling thedog's tail.

What's the effect? - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. It was snowing a lot.
    School was closed.
  2. The rain was pouring down in Seattle.
    The entire road was flooded.
  3. I wasn't watching where I was going.
    I walked right into a door.
  4. Harry ate too much pasta before his game.
    He had a horrible stomach ache when he was running on the field.
  5. Nancy slipped in the mud.
    Her new coat was ruined.
  6. Albert didn't keep his room clean.
    He couldn't find anything.
  7. My dog's lead broke.
    We had to chase him around the neighborhood.
  8. I didn't write my name assignments in my planner.
    I couldn't remember my homework when I got home.
  9. The curious cat was left alone with the goldfish.
    An hour later the goldfish was gone.
  10. Josie ate a lot of sugar.
    She could not sit still.
  11. My mom didn't feel good.
    I made her chicken noodle soup.
  12. We were out of food.
    We went shopping for groceries.
  13. Tom was speeding down the road.
    He was pulled over by a cop.
  14. I was so hungry after basketball practice...
    I ate all the food in the fridge.
  15. I played really hard in gym class.
    I was sweaty and earned free time.
  16. Isabelle forgot to set her alarm before bed.
    She was late to school.
  17. I stayed up late playing video games.
    I was tired all day.
  18. The power went out last night.
    We had to use flashlights to see.
  19. I studied all week for the test.
    I earned an A on the test.
  20. I practice the piano everyday.
    I now know how to play a whole song.
  21. There was a lot of pollen in the air.
    I sneezed all day.
  22. Jen finished her entire dinner.
    She was allowed to have dessert.
  23. I walked two miles every day.
    By the end of the summer my legs were strong.
  24. Madeline kept pulling the dog's tail.
    The dog bit her.