NaturalRightsPeople havebasic rights likelife, liberty andproperty in astate of naturePreambleThe introduction oropening of the U.S.Constitution. Itstates that thepeople create thegovernment andlists the purposesDivineRightThe idea thatthe right of rulecomes directlyfrom God, notfrom otherpeople.StateofNatureThe condition ofpeople living in asituation withoutman-madegovernment, rules,or laws.Unalienable/InalienableRights Basic rightsthat EVERYperson hasthat cannot betaken away.CommonGoodThe good orwelfare of acommunityas a whole.CivicVirtueCitizens makingtheir communityor country bettereven if it costs ofthem individuallyRepublicA nation that has agovernment in whichpower is held by thepeople who electrepresentatives torun the governmentfor themDemocracyA form of governmentin which politicalpower is used byeveryone eitherdirectly or throughrepresentatives.SocialContractAn agreementamong the peopleto set up agovernment andobey its laws.NaturalRightsPeople havebasic rights likelife, liberty andproperty in astate of naturePreambleThe introduction oropening of the U.S.Constitution. Itstates that thepeople create thegovernment andlists the purposesDivineRightThe idea thatthe right of rulecomes directlyfrom God, notfrom otherpeople.StateofNatureThe condition ofpeople living in asituation withoutman-madegovernment, rules,or laws.Unalienable/InalienableRights Basic rightsthat EVERYperson hasthat cannot betaken away.CommonGoodThe good orwelfare of acommunityas a whole.CivicVirtueCitizens makingtheir communityor country bettereven if it costs ofthem individuallyRepublicA nation that has agovernment in whichpower is held by thepeople who electrepresentatives torun the governmentfor themDemocracyA form of governmentin which politicalpower is used byeveryone eitherdirectly or throughrepresentatives.SocialContractAn agreementamong the peopleto set up agovernment andobey its laws.

Unit 3 Constitution pt 1 - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. People have basic rights like life, liberty and property in a state of nature
    Natural Rights
  2. The introduction or opening of the U.S. Constitution. It states that the people create the government and lists the purposes
  3. The idea that the right of rule comes directly from God, not from other people.
    Divine Right
  4. The condition of people living in a situation without man-made government, rules, or laws.
    State of Nature
  5. Basic rights that EVERY person has that cannot be taken away.
    Unalienable/ Inalienable Rights
  6. The good or welfare of a community as a whole.
    Common Good
  7. Citizens making their community or country better even if it costs of them individually
    Civic Virtue
  8. A nation that has a government in which power is held by the people who elect representatives to run the government for them
  9. A form of government in which political power is used by everyone either directly or through representatives.
  10. An agreement among the people to set up a government and obey its laws.
    Social Contract