Tim bakerposts anarticle aboutfishingBuy a giftforsomeonedrink at least5 cups ofwater in 1work dayWatchFootballTake an hourfor lunch andgo outsidefor at least35 minsCommenton one ofour ourinsta postsSomeonetalks aboutGooganRodsSomeone usesvika emoji onsomethingunrelated tovikaBring a newitem youwould like tosee on Karl'sto KristyHave a coffeechat withsomeoneoutside ourteamJoshcomplainsabout thecityPost a smallwin or akudos outsideof geekbot or15fivesomeonepost a pictureof a petoutside ofpets channelPull a LookerReport orwork with datateam to pullLooker ReportWhenBoomershowshimself in ameetingAttend ahappyhourTry a newrecipe andpost inecomteamchannelWhen Ryanpicks anicknameandannounces itKyle andGabe talkabout a deadcelebrityJoin a newslackchannel andspark aconversationPost abadjoke in#badjokesSlackTerilyn/Zoeand tell themthey are doinga great jobTalk toKevinwhen he ishungovergo fishingand posta pic in#fishingTim bakerposts anarticle aboutfishingBuy a giftforsomeonedrink at least5 cups ofwater in 1work dayWatchFootballTake an hourfor lunch andgo outsidefor at least35 minsCommenton one ofour ourinsta postsSomeonetalks aboutGooganRodsSomeone usesvika emoji onsomethingunrelated tovikaBring a newitem youwould like tosee on Karl'sto KristyHave a coffeechat withsomeoneoutside ourteamJoshcomplainsabout thecityPost a smallwin or akudos outsideof geekbot or15fivesomeonepost a pictureof a petoutside ofpets channelPull a LookerReport orwork with datateam to pullLooker ReportWhenBoomershowshimself in ameetingAttend ahappyhourTry a newrecipe andpost inecomteamchannelWhen Ryanpicks anicknameandannounces itKyle andGabe talkabout a deadcelebrityJoin a newslackchannel andspark aconversationPost abadjoke in#badjokesSlackTerilyn/Zoeand tell themthey are doinga great jobTalk toKevinwhen he ishungovergo fishingand posta pic in#fishing

Ecom Team Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Tim baker posts an article about fishing
  2. Buy a gift for someone
  3. drink at least 5 cups of water in 1 work day
  4. Watch Football
  5. Take an hour for lunch and go outside for at least 35 mins
  6. Comment on one of our our insta posts
  7. Someone talks about Googan Rods
  8. Someone uses vika emoji on something unrelated to vika
  9. Bring a new item you would like to see on Karl's to Kristy
  10. Have a coffee chat with someone outside our team
  11. Josh complains about the city
  12. Post a small win or a kudos outside of geekbot or 15five
  13. someone post a picture of a pet outside of pets channel
  14. Pull a Looker Report or work with data team to pull Looker Report
  15. When Boomer shows himself in a meeting
  16. Attend a happy hour
  17. Try a new recipe and post in ecomteam channel
  18. When Ryan picks a nickname and announces it
  19. Kyle and Gabe talk about a dead celebrity
  20. Join a new slack channel and spark a conversation
  21. Post a badjoke in #badjokes
  22. Slack Terilyn/Zoe and tell them they are doing a great job
  23. Talk to Kevin when he is hungover
  24. go fishing and post a pic in #fishing