AWBRandomRed ErrorMessage.You hear fromthe client thatthe Dispatcherscrewed upLMI.AWB isconnected.LMI is not.You gotasked tohelpCQAA.Signedout ofAWBproperly.TechSupportSingleUseYou connect toa computer thathas other LMIsessionsalreadypresent.CWadeworkedplatformduring yourshift. Justleave thisblank.AWB isconnected.LMI is not.AWB is notconnected.LMI is notconnected.Client usesthe word"hacked"during theservice.Clientinstantlyasks for aphone call.Client doesn'thit the Enterkey whendone typing inchat.Can't usescripts inLMI.The dispatcheradded a tune-up to themission that theclient has noclue about.AWB is notconnected.LMI is notconnected.Client asksyou in chat ifthey canhang up thephone.Had a phonecall with aclient thatlasted over anhour.Client usesboth chatwindows backand forth duringthe session.Client sharessomethingpersonal abouttheir life withyou randomly.Lost LMIconnectionduring aservice.Lost LMIconnectionduring aservice.Williamssayssomethingdumb inSkype chat.You changedthe color ofthe "features"in AWB.You see themouse move,but the clientdoesn't respondto chat.AWBRandomRed ErrorMessage.You hear fromthe client thatthe Dispatcherscrewed upLMI.AWB isconnected.LMI is not.You gotasked tohelpCQAA.Signedout ofAWBproperly.TechSupportSingleUseYou connect toa computer thathas other LMIsessionsalreadypresent.CWadeworkedplatformduring yourshift. Justleave thisblank.AWB isconnected.LMI is not.AWB is notconnected.LMI is notconnected.Client usesthe word"hacked"during theservice.Clientinstantlyasks for aphone call.Client doesn'thit the Enterkey whendone typing inchat.Can't usescripts inLMI.The dispatcheradded a tune-up to themission that theclient has noclue about.AWB is notconnected.LMI is notconnected.Client asksyou in chat ifthey canhang up thephone.Had a phonecall with aclient thatlasted over anhour.Client usesboth chatwindows backand forth duringthe session.Client sharessomethingpersonal abouttheir life withyou randomly.Lost LMIconnectionduring aservice.Lost LMIconnectionduring aservice.Williamssayssomethingdumb inSkype chat.You changedthe color ofthe "features"in AWB.You see themouse move,but the clientdoesn't respondto chat.

AWBS - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. AWB Random Red Error Message.
  2. You hear from the client that the Dispatcher screwed up LMI.
  3. AWB is connected. LMI is not.
  4. You got asked to help CQAA.
  5. Signed out of AWB properly.
  6. Tech Support Single Use
  7. You connect to a computer that has other LMI sessions already present.
  8. CWade worked platform during your shift. Just leave this blank.
  9. AWB is connected. LMI is not.
  10. AWB is not connected. LMI is not connected.
  11. Client uses the word "hacked" during the service.
  12. Client instantly asks for a phone call.
  13. Client doesn't hit the Enter key when done typing in chat.
  14. Can't use scripts in LMI.
  15. The dispatcher added a tune-up to the mission that the client has no clue about.
  16. AWB is not connected. LMI is not connected.
  17. Client asks you in chat if they can hang up the phone.
  18. Had a phone call with a client that lasted over an hour.
  19. Client uses both chat windows back and forth during the session.
  20. Client shares something personal about their life with you randomly.
  21. Lost LMI connection during a service.
  22. Lost LMI connection during a service.
  23. Williams says something dumb in Skype chat.
  24. You changed the color of the "features" in AWB.
  25. You see the mouse move, but the client doesn't respond to chat.