The personfrom thesmall town isthe perfectman/womano It’ssnowing Title has theword“Christmas”in it Someone buys,decorates, orlights aChristmas treeo Everyscene ismeticulouslydecorated forChristmas ASanta/elf/magicalguide helps thelead(s) make theright decision  something hasto happen “byChristmas”...orelse!A montage!(lots of scenescut together toshow timepassing)o Santaappears Someonestruggles totravel overthe holidayo Someonediscusses a pastemotionalhardship duringthe holidays  A smallbusiness/inn/restauranthas to shut downSomeonehas anoverbearingparento Someonehas lost thespirit ofChristmas  Kissing, hugging,or falling on top ofeach otheraccidentally (or tohide/run fromsomething)One of theleads is tooobsessed withwork for a lovelife  Someonelearns thetrue spirit ofChristmasThey have toraise moneyfor a goodcauseThere isa bigmisunderstanding!Carolersappear atjust theright time Someone isobsessedwith allthingsChristmaso Loveinterests meetby literallybumping intoeach otherThe leadsmeet in anegativeway the personfrom the“city” is ajerk The personfrom thesmall town isthe perfectman/womano It’ssnowing Title has theword“Christmas”in it Someone buys,decorates, orlights aChristmas treeo Everyscene ismeticulouslydecorated forChristmas ASanta/elf/magicalguide helps thelead(s) make theright decision  something hasto happen “byChristmas”...orelse!A montage!(lots of scenescut together toshow timepassing)o Santaappears Someonestruggles totravel overthe holidayo Someonediscusses a pastemotionalhardship duringthe holidays  A smallbusiness/inn/restauranthas to shut downSomeonehas anoverbearingparento Someonehas lost thespirit ofChristmas  Kissing, hugging,or falling on top ofeach otheraccidentally (or tohide/run fromsomething)One of theleads is tooobsessed withwork for a lovelife  Someonelearns thetrue spirit ofChristmasThey have toraise moneyfor a goodcauseThere isa bigmisunderstanding!Carolersappear atjust theright time Someone isobsessedwith allthingsChristmaso Loveinterests meetby literallybumping intoeach otherThe leadsmeet in anegativeway the personfrom the“city” is ajerk 

fatou sallah - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. The person from the small town is the perfect man/woman
  2. o It’s snowing
  3. Title has the word “Christmas” in it
  4. Someone buys, decorates, or lights a Christmas tree
  5. o Every scene is meticulously decorated for Christmas
  6. A Santa/elf/magical guide helps the lead(s) make the right decision
  7. something has to happen “by Christmas”...or else!
  8. A montage! (lots of scenes cut together to show time passing)
  9. o Santa appears
  10. Someone struggles to travel over the holiday
  11. o Someone discusses a past emotional hardship during the holidays
  12. A small business/inn/restaurant has to shut down
  13. Someone has an overbearing parent
  14. o Someone has lost the spirit of Christmas
  15. Kissing, hugging, or falling on top of each other accidentally (or to hide/run from something)
  16. One of the leads is too obsessed with work for a love life
  17. Someone learns the true spirit of Christmas
  18. They have to raise money for a good cause
  19. There is a big misunderstanding!
  20. Carolers appear at just the right time
  21. Someone is obsessed with all things Christmas
  22. o Love interests meet by literally bumping into each other
  23. The leads meet in a negative way
  24. the person from the “city” is a jerk