BethI helped create ameme generator,with over 500people creatingtheir own RIOFBmemes with theirpets. Who am I?PaulI’m proud of how we'veconstantly adapted tothe organisation's andour audiences' needsto remain relevantduring anunpredictable andchallenging year. Whoam I?JamesI’m proud of our firstyear running mostdisplay inhouse. Wehave run campaignsfor RIOFB, Fundraisingand Advice which haveall given us greatresults. Who am I?MeganI created a newemail productwhich hasrecruited over 17Knew subscribers.Who am I?AliceI’m proud of TheRescue Report: abrand-newnewsletter forMPs. Who am I?DanI got the web testingworkstream off theground - with moretests launched, moreactionable learningsand over £25k in extrafundraising revenue sofar. Who am I?JenI’m proud of the factthat our organicsearch traffic hasincreased 306% YoYdue to more focusedoptimisation andcontent research.Who am I?TomI’m proud of gettingan email that read:"The rehomersstarted to do thisyesterday and wehave already had 3call back requests for1 cat 😊". Who am I?EmiI migrated theNotFunny micrositeover to Squarespace,refreshing it to bring itin line with the brand.The result is a reallyclean, concise andprofessional-lookingsite. Who am I?JuliaI ran our first usertesting and rolled outlearnings into thedonation journey andsoon the sponsorshipand challenge eventjourneys. Who am I?CraigI’m proud of our teamadapting to everchanging mediabudgets throughoutthe year – and stilldeliver greatperformance! Whoam I?KathleenI helped launchBattersea's firstaugmented realityInstagram filter thisyear, which has beenopened nearly40,000 times. Whoam I?SavannahI reached over 5mpeople with 160thAnniversary posts,including a Twitterthread of Battersea'shistory that had over120K impressions andresulted in pressactivity. Who am I?MarkI settled in a talentedfull team, whodelivered a fullcalendar of highperforming supportercomms throughoutthe twists and turnsof 2020. Who am I?CaitlinI created a newstewardship journey forpeople who have givena one off donation,including a matcheddonation ask whichhasn’t previously beenused in stewardship.Who am I?BethI helped create ameme generator,with over 500people creatingtheir own RIOFBmemes with theirpets. Who am I?PaulI’m proud of how we'veconstantly adapted tothe organisation's andour audiences' needsto remain relevantduring anunpredictable andchallenging year. Whoam I?JamesI’m proud of our firstyear running mostdisplay inhouse. Wehave run campaignsfor RIOFB, Fundraisingand Advice which haveall given us greatresults. Who am I?MeganI created a newemail productwhich hasrecruited over 17Knew subscribers.Who am I?AliceI’m proud of TheRescue Report: abrand-newnewsletter forMPs. Who am I?DanI got the web testingworkstream off theground - with moretests launched, moreactionable learningsand over £25k in extrafundraising revenue sofar. Who am I?JenI’m proud of the factthat our organicsearch traffic hasincreased 306% YoYdue to more focusedoptimisation andcontent research.Who am I?TomI’m proud of gettingan email that read:"The rehomersstarted to do thisyesterday and wehave already had 3call back requests for1 cat 😊". Who am I?EmiI migrated theNotFunny micrositeover to Squarespace,refreshing it to bring itin line with the brand.The result is a reallyclean, concise andprofessional-lookingsite. Who am I?JuliaI ran our first usertesting and rolled outlearnings into thedonation journey andsoon the sponsorshipand challenge eventjourneys. Who am I?CraigI’m proud of our teamadapting to everchanging mediabudgets throughoutthe year – and stilldeliver greatperformance! Whoam I?KathleenI helped launchBattersea's firstaugmented realityInstagram filter thisyear, which has beenopened nearly40,000 times. Whoam I?SavannahI reached over 5mpeople with 160thAnniversary posts,including a Twitterthread of Battersea'shistory that had over120K impressions andresulted in pressactivity. Who am I?MarkI settled in a talentedfull team, whodelivered a fullcalendar of highperforming supportercomms throughoutthe twists and turnsof 2020. Who am I?CaitlinI created a newstewardship journey forpeople who have givena one off donation,including a matcheddonation ask whichhasn’t previously beenused in stewardship.Who am I?

Digital Team 2020 Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. I helped create a meme generator, with over 500 people creating their own RIOFB memes with their pets. Who am I?
  2. I’m proud of how we've constantly adapted to the organisation's and our audiences' needs to remain relevant during an unpredictable and challenging year. Who am I?
  3. I’m proud of our first year running most display inhouse. We have run campaigns for RIOFB, Fundraising and Advice which have all given us great results. Who am I?
  4. I created a new email product which has recruited over 17K new subscribers. Who am I?
  5. I’m proud of The Rescue Report: a brand-new newsletter for MPs. Who am I?
  6. I got the web testing workstream off the ground - with more tests launched, more actionable learnings and over £25k in extra fundraising revenue so far. Who am I?
  7. I’m proud of the fact that our organic search traffic has increased 306% YoY due to more focused optimisation and content research. Who am I?
  8. I’m proud of getting an email that read: "The rehomers started to do this yesterday and we have already had 3 call back requests for 1 cat 😊". Who am I?
  9. I migrated the NotFunny microsite over to Squarespace, refreshing it to bring it in line with the brand. The result is a really clean, concise and professional-looking site. Who am I?
  10. I ran our first user testing and rolled out learnings into the donation journey and soon the sponsorship and challenge event journeys. Who am I?
  11. I’m proud of our team adapting to ever changing media budgets throughout the year – and still deliver great performance! Who am I?
  12. I helped launch Battersea's first augmented reality Instagram filter this year, which has been opened nearly 40,000 times. Who am I?
  13. I reached over 5m people with 160th Anniversary posts, including a Twitter thread of Battersea's history that had over 120K impressions and resulted in press activity. Who am I?
  14. I settled in a talented full team, who delivered a full calendar of high performing supporter comms throughout the twists and turns of 2020. Who am I?
  15. I created a new stewardship journey for people who have given a one off donation, including a matched donation ask which hasn’t previously been used in stewardship. Who am I?