To produce an optimizedRipple, users mustprecisely control the energyproduced by the breathing.It typically requiresfocusing the energy beforeunleashing it all at once tocreate a powerful burst ofRipple.StandoPowaStarPlatinum,the "Star"cardLiving organisms can beaffected by Ripple attacks,but are not automaticallyhurt by it. For instance, WillA. Zeppeli healed JonathanJoestar's broken arm whileCaesar Zeppeli used hisRipple to control a womaninto fighting Joseph, andJoseph'HamonStands are connected to analien virus contained in therock of a meteorite that fellin Cape York, Greenland. Itis explained that the viruscan infect people and forthe most part kills them, butthe few who survive aregranted a Stand ability.[ZeppeliUnlocking the Golden Spingrants mastery over aninfinite amount of energy,therefore, severalmiraculous feats arepossible. First andforemost is that its wielderspontaneously develops aStand or evolves it shouldthey already have one.GyroOraBy imbuing any object withthe Ripple, a Ripple usercan perform severaltechniques that cancombine with the warrior'sown tactics, to allow for avery flexible fighting style.Because of its versatilenature, many warriors usedifferent weaponsDue to their diversity,Stands are not madeequal. Some can beincredibly powerful due totheir User's outstandinggrit, others can be highlysituational because of adefining quirk of character,or even detrimental to theirUser if they do not hAnybody can technicallyproduce the Ripple.However, Will AnthonioZeppeli explains that onlyone in ten thousand hasthe ability to be a Rippleuser in practice. In effect,only a few people have thewillpower and therefore thediscipline to breStands aretypicallyused inbattleJoestarUsingtheRippleA Stand can also representthe manifestation of anindividual's innate "fightingspirit" and embodies, to anextent, the individual'spsyche. However, Standsmay also derive throughthe exploration ofpossibilities and expressionof the mind, inMerely producing a lightamount of Ripple requiresthe user to breathe aprecise way. Thus to notonly enhance the ability toproduce it, and efficientlywield it in battle, the Rippleuser must undergo trainingand exercise his ability.BowProducing the Ripplealso preserves theuser's vitality, makingthem look moreyouthful and be moreenergetic even duringold age although thismethod has limits.. Stands are defined aspersonifications of "lifeenergy" (although it's laterchanged to "spiritualenergy") whose abilities aregiven visual form. Whenfirst presented, the term iswritten as "Stand" (幽波紋スタンド Sutando),[2] withfuriganaW to chanTrainingTheRippleJonathanJoestar'sSendō RippleOverdrive, apowerful Rippleattack.Those who want to fightwith the Ripple alsotypically undergo martialarts training to acquirebattle experience andfighting skills that will beenhanced by the Ripple.Will Zeppeli and JonathanJoestar thus have trainedto use the Sendō alongsArrowRipple users undergohyper-rigorous physicaltraining to increase theirbreathing ability and thusthe amount and power ofthe Ripple they produce.Although the training isexplained as being focusedon the rhythm of breathing,which will positivWhen Stands were firstintroduced in StardustCrusaders, they werenamed after Major Arcanaof the TarotW and thenAncient Egyptian deitiesW,with their designs oftenfeaturing motifs of thosecards or mythologicalfigures. Towards the end ofStSpinThe Ripplemakesanything intoa weaponDeveloped in the MiddleAges to bypass the shieldand armor of mountedknights, stirrups wereinvented to harness thepower of a running horse.The horseman must let thehorse run with the force ofthe Golden Rectangle,meaning it must gallop atThe Ripple can also affectnon-living things. An objectcharged with Ripple energywill have one or severalattributes enhanced by theenergy, making it a moreeffective tool, or weapon.Liquids conduct the Rippleespecially well (and theuser'sMudaToolsJojoAlthough almighty, theGolden Spin is incrediblycomplicated to use. Onemust not only have ahealthy horse, but alsohave the expertise to feelwhen it runs at its naturalpace, in addition to theneed of being proficient inthe Spin and possessGyro's Ball Breaker andJohnny's Tusk ACT4appear to represent theinfinite force of the GoldenSpin which trumps manypowers. Both are notablycapable of bypassing theinterdimensional barriers ofD4C -Love Train- that hideand protect FunnyVabody can produce throughcontrolled breathing,having the effect ofproducing ripples of energypropagating from thebloodstream to the rest ofthe body and other objectsin contact with it. TheRipple manifests itself aselectricity-like sparks,Due to its identicalnature to the positiveenergy of the Sun, theRipple's primary usesare to heal variouswounds or ailments,and combat creaturessuch as vampires orzombies.To produce an optimizedRipple, users mustprecisely control the energyproduced by the breathing.It typically requiresfocusing the energy beforeunleashing it all at once tocreate a powerful burst ofRipple.StandoPowaStarPlatinum,the "Star"cardLiving organisms can beaffected by Ripple attacks,but are not automaticallyhurt by it. For instance, WillA. Zeppeli healed JonathanJoestar's broken arm whileCaesar Zeppeli used hisRipple to control a womaninto fighting Joseph, andJoseph'HamonStands are connected to analien virus contained in therock of a meteorite that fellin Cape York, Greenland. Itis explained that the viruscan infect people and forthe most part kills them, butthe few who survive aregranted a Stand ability.[ZeppeliUnlocking the Golden Spingrants mastery over aninfinite amount of energy,therefore, severalmiraculous feats arepossible. First andforemost is that its wielderspontaneously develops aStand or evolves it shouldthey already have one.GyroOraBy imbuing any object withthe Ripple, a Ripple usercan perform severaltechniques that cancombine with the warrior'sown tactics, to allow for avery flexible fighting style.Because of its versatilenature, many warriors usedifferent weaponsDue to their diversity,Stands are not madeequal. Some can beincredibly powerful due totheir User's outstandinggrit, others can be highlysituational because of adefining quirk of character,or even detrimental to theirUser if they do not hAnybody can technicallyproduce the Ripple.However, Will AnthonioZeppeli explains that onlyone in ten thousand hasthe ability to be a Rippleuser in practice. In effect,only a few people have thewillpower and therefore thediscipline to breStands aretypicallyused inbattleJoestarUsingtheRippleA Stand can also representthe manifestation of anindividual's innate "fightingspirit" and embodies, to anextent, the individual'spsyche. However, Standsmay also derive throughthe exploration ofpossibilities and expressionof the mind, inMerely producing a lightamount of Ripple requiresthe user to breathe aprecise way. Thus to notonly enhance the ability toproduce it, and efficientlywield it in battle, the Rippleuser must undergo trainingand exercise his ability.BowProducing the Ripplealso preserves theuser's vitality, makingthem look moreyouthful and be moreenergetic even duringold age although thismethod has limits.. Stands are defined aspersonifications of "lifeenergy" (although it's laterchanged to "spiritualenergy") whose abilities aregiven visual form. Whenfirst presented, the term iswritten as "Stand" (幽波紋スタンド Sutando),[2] withfuriganaW to chanTrainingTheRippleJonathanJoestar'sSendō RippleOverdrive, apowerful Rippleattack.Those who want to fightwith the Ripple alsotypically undergo martialarts training to acquirebattle experience andfighting skills that will beenhanced by the Ripple.Will Zeppeli and JonathanJoestar thus have trainedto use the Sendō alongsArrowRipple users undergohyper-rigorous physicaltraining to increase theirbreathing ability and thusthe amount and power ofthe Ripple they produce.Although the training isexplained as being focusedon the rhythm of breathing,which will positivWhen Stands were firstintroduced in StardustCrusaders, they werenamed after Major Arcanaof the TarotW and thenAncient Egyptian deitiesW,with their designs oftenfeaturing motifs of thosecards or mythologicalfigures. Towards the end ofStSpinThe Ripplemakesanything intoa weaponDeveloped in the MiddleAges to bypass the shieldand armor of mountedknights, stirrups wereinvented to harness thepower of a running horse.The horseman must let thehorse run with the force ofthe Golden Rectangle,meaning it must gallop atThe Ripple can also affectnon-living things. An objectcharged with Ripple energywill have one or severalattributes enhanced by theenergy, making it a moreeffective tool, or weapon.Liquids conduct the Rippleespecially well (and theuser'sMudaToolsJojoAlthough almighty, theGolden Spin is incrediblycomplicated to use. Onemust not only have ahealthy horse, but alsohave the expertise to feelwhen it runs at its naturalpace, in addition to theneed of being proficient inthe Spin and possessGyro's Ball Breaker andJohnny's Tusk ACT4appear to represent theinfinite force of the GoldenSpin which trumps manypowers. Both are notablycapable of bypassing theinterdimensional barriers ofD4C -Love Train- that hideand protect FunnyVabody can produce throughcontrolled breathing,having the effect ofproducing ripples of energypropagating from thebloodstream to the rest ofthe body and other objectsin contact with it. TheRipple manifests itself aselectricity-like sparks,Due to its identicalnature to the positiveenergy of the Sun, theRipple's primary usesare to heal variouswounds or ailments,and combat creaturessuch as vampires orzombies.


(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. To produce an optimized Ripple, users must precisely control the energy produced by the breathing. It typically requires focusing the energy before unleashing it all at once to create a powerful burst of Ripple.
  2. StandoPowa
  3. Star Platinum, the "Star" card
  4. Living organisms can be affected by Ripple attacks, but are not automatically hurt by it. For instance, Will A. Zeppeli healed Jonathan Joestar's broken arm while Caesar Zeppeli used his Ripple to control a woman into fighting Joseph, and Joseph'
  5. Hamon
  6. Stands are connected to an alien virus contained in the rock of a meteorite that fell in Cape York, Greenland. It is explained that the virus can infect people and for the most part kills them, but the few who survive are granted a Stand ability.[
  7. Zeppeli
  8. Unlocking the Golden Spin grants mastery over an infinite amount of energy, therefore, several miraculous feats are possible. First and foremost is that its wielder spontaneously develops a Stand or evolves it should they already have one. Gyro
  9. Ora
  10. By imbuing any object with the Ripple, a Ripple user can perform several techniques that can combine with the warrior's own tactics, to allow for a very flexible fighting style. Because of its versatile nature, many warriors use different weapons
  11. Due to their diversity, Stands are not made equal. Some can be incredibly powerful due to their User's outstanding grit, others can be highly situational because of a defining quirk of character, or even detrimental to their User if they do not h
  12. Anybody can technically produce the Ripple. However, Will Anthonio Zeppeli explains that only one in ten thousand has the ability to be a Ripple user in practice. In effect, only a few people have the willpower and therefore the discipline to bre
  13. Stands are typically used in battle
  14. Joestar
  15. Using the Ripple
  16. A Stand can also represent the manifestation of an individual's innate "fighting spirit" and embodies, to an extent, the individual's psyche. However, Stands may also derive through the exploration of possibilities and expression of the mind, in
  17. Merely producing a light amount of Ripple requires the user to breathe a precise way. Thus to not only enhance the ability to produce it, and efficiently wield it in battle, the Ripple user must undergo training and exercise his ability.
  18. Bow
  19. Producing the Ripple also preserves the user's vitality, making them look more youthful and be more energetic even during old age although this method has limits.
  20. . Stands are defined as personifications of "life energy" (although it's later changed to "spiritual energy") whose abilities are given visual form. When first presented, the term is written as "Stand" (幽波紋スタンド Sutando),[2] with furiganaW to chan
  21. Training The Ripple
  22. Jonathan Joestar's Sendō Ripple Overdrive, a powerful Ripple attack.
  23. Those who want to fight with the Ripple also typically undergo martial arts training to acquire battle experience and fighting skills that will be enhanced by the Ripple. Will Zeppeli and Jonathan Joestar thus have trained to use the Sendō alongs
  24. Arrow
  25. Ripple users undergo hyper-rigorous physical training to increase their breathing ability and thus the amount and power of the Ripple they produce. Although the training is explained as being focused on the rhythm of breathing, which will positiv
  26. When Stands were first introduced in Stardust Crusaders, they were named after Major Arcana of the TarotW and then Ancient Egyptian deitiesW, with their designs often featuring motifs of those cards or mythological figures. Towards the end of St
  27. Spin
  28. The Ripple makes anything into a weapon
  29. Developed in the Middle Ages to bypass the shield and armor of mounted knights, stirrups were invented to harness the power of a running horse. The horseman must let the horse run with the force of the Golden Rectangle, meaning it must gallop at
  30. The Ripple can also affect non-living things. An object charged with Ripple energy will have one or several attributes enhanced by the energy, making it a more effective tool, or weapon. Liquids conduct the Ripple especially well (and the user's
  31. Muda
  32. Tools
  33. Jojo
  34. Although almighty, the Golden Spin is incredibly complicated to use. One must not only have a healthy horse, but also have the expertise to feel when it runs at its natural pace, in addition to the need of being proficient in the Spin and possess
  35. Gyro's Ball Breaker and Johnny's Tusk ACT4 appear to represent the infinite force of the Golden Spin which trumps many powers. Both are notably capable of bypassing the interdimensional barriers of D4C -Love Train- that hide and protect Funny Va
  36. body can produce through controlled breathing, having the effect of producing ripples of energy propagating from the bloodstream to the rest of the body and other objects in contact with it. The Ripple manifests itself as electricity-like sparks,
  37. Due to its identical nature to the positive energy of the Sun, the Ripple's primary uses are to heal various wounds or ailments, and combat creatures such as vampires or zombies.