Nuclear   EnvelopeI am themembranethatsurroundsthe nucleus.   FlagellaI am found onprokayrotes andsome eukaryoticcells. I propell acell through liquid.Nucleus  I am one of the feworganells you cansee on under amicroscope. I amwhat separates aEukaryote from aProkaryote and Icontain DNA. ProtistaI am a single cellorgansim and part ofthe EukaryoteDomain. I includeorganism such asamoeba, algae, andslime molds. Endoplasmic    ReticiulumI am site wherethe production ofproteins mainlyoccurs. I amfound close tothe nucleus.CytoskeletonI maintin cellstructure, I ammade up ofmicrotubulesandmicrofillamnets     VacuoleI am found in plantand animal cells but Iam larger in plants. Imostly contain waterand can help to storewaste prducts.ChromosomeI am a structurethat DNA formduring celldivision. I amfound within thenucleus ofEukaryotic Cells.Prokaryotic   cellBacteria are thistype of cell. I do notcontain a nucleus orany membranebound organells.BitI do have a cellwall.FungiI am part of theEukaryote Domain ofcells. I make uporgansims such asmushrooms, moldsand yeast. There arejokes about me.mitochonriaI am the"powerhouse of thecell" I am responsiblefor harvesting energy.I also have my ownDNAI am what makes therough E.R. "rough"though I can also befoudn floating in thecytoplasm. I makeprotiens by readingRNA      Organelles My name means"little organs".Collectively I amwhat you call the littlemembrane boundthings inside aEukaryotic cell.Cell   wallI surroud someeukaryotic cells andprokaryotes. I amquite tough topenetrate and a canhelp providestructureal supportGolgi   ApparatusI package lipidsand proteins intovesicles fortransport out of thecell. I am foundnear the E.R.NucleolusI am the locationinside thenucleus whereribosomes aremade.ChloroplastI am green andfoudn in plantcells. I captureenergy from thesun for use inthe cell.MicrotubuleI help tomaintin thestructureof the cell.Cell   membraneI am a semipermeable layer thatsurrounds the cell. Iam made up of twolayers ofphospholipids(bilayer).Eukaryotic    cellI contain a nucleusand membranebound organells.Plants, Animals,Fungi and Protistsare all this type ofcell.I am essentially asack of digestiveenzymes. I breaddown excess orworn out cell parts.      I am the "Stuff"that fills the restof the cell. I amfound in bothProkaryote andEukaryote cells.MicrofilamentI help assist incell movementand am madeup of a proteincalled actin.CentrosomeI am made of twomicrotubule ringsknown as centrioles. Iorganize themicrotubules andprovide a structure tothe cell.Nuclear   EnvelopeI am themembranethatsurroundsthe nucleus.   FlagellaI am found onprokayrotes andsome eukaryoticcells. I propell acell through liquid.Nucleus  I am one of the feworganells you cansee on under amicroscope. I amwhat separates aEukaryote from aProkaryote and Icontain DNA.ProtistaI am a single cellorgansim and part ofthe EukaryoteDomain. I includeorganism such asamoeba, algae, andslime molds.Endoplasmic    ReticiulumI am site wherethe production ofproteins mainlyoccurs. I amfound close tothe nucleus.CytoskeletonI maintin cellstructure, I ammade up ofmicrotubulesandmicrofillamnets     VacuoleI am found in plantand animal cells but Iam larger in plants. Imostly contain waterand can help to storewaste prducts.ChromosomeI am a structurethat DNA formduring celldivision. I amfound within thenucleus ofEukaryotic Cells.Prokaryotic   cellBacteria are thistype of cell. I do notcontain a nucleus orany membranebound organells.BitI do have a cellwall.FungiI am part of theEukaryote Domain ofcells. I make uporgansims such asmushrooms, moldsand yeast. There arejokes about me.mitochonriaI am the"powerhouse of thecell" I am responsiblefor harvesting energy.I also have my ownDNAI am what makes therough E.R. "rough"though I can also befoudn floating in thecytoplasm. I makeprotiens by readingRNA      Organelles My name means"little organs".Collectively I amwhat you call the littlemembrane boundthings inside aEukaryotic cell.Cell   wallI surroud someeukaryotic cells andprokaryotes. I amquite tough topenetrate and a canhelp providestructureal supportGolgi   ApparatusI package lipidsand proteins intovesicles fortransport out of thecell. I am foundnear the E.R.NucleolusI am the locationinside thenucleus whereribosomes aremade.ChloroplastI am green andfoudn in plantcells. I captureenergy from thesun for use inthe cell.MicrotubuleI help tomaintin thestructureof the cell.Cell   membraneI am a semipermeable layer thatsurrounds the cell. Iam made up of twolayers ofphospholipids(bilayer).Eukaryotic    cellI contain a nucleusand membranebound organells.Plants, Animals,Fungi and Protistsare all this type ofcell.I am essentially asack of digestiveenzymes. I breaddown excess orworn out cell parts.      I am the "Stuff"that fills the restof the cell. I amfound in bothProkaryote andEukaryote cells.MicrofilamentI help assist incell movementand am madeup of a proteincalled actin.CentrosomeI am made of twomicrotubule ringsknown as centrioles. Iorganize themicrotubules andprovide a structure tothe cell.

Cell Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. I am the membrane that surrounds the nucleus.
    Nuclear Envelope
  2. I am found on prokayrotes and some eukaryotic cells. I propell a cell through liquid.
  3. I am one of the few organells you can see on under a microscope. I am what separates a Eukaryote from a Prokaryote and I contain DNA.
  4. I am a single cell organsim and part of the Eukaryote Domain. I include organism such as amoeba, algae, and slime molds.
  5. I am site where the production of proteins mainly occurs. I am found close to the nucleus.
    Endoplasmic Reticiulum
  6. I maintin cell structure, I am made up of microtubules and microfillamnets
  7. I am found in plant and animal cells but I am larger in plants. I mostly contain water and can help to store waste prducts.
  8. I am a structure that DNA form during cell division. I am found within the nucleus of Eukaryotic Cells.
  9. Bacteria are this type of cell. I do not contain a nucleus or any membrane bound organells.Bit I do have a cell wall.
    Prokaryotic cell
  10. I am part of the Eukaryote Domain of cells. I make up organsims such as mushrooms, molds and yeast. There are jokes about me.
  11. I am the "powerhouse of the cell" I am responsible for harvesting energy. I also have my own DNA
  12. I am what makes the rough E.R. "rough" though I can also be foudn floating in the cytoplasm. I make protiens by reading RNA
  13. My name means "little organs". Collectively I am what you call the little membrane bound things inside a Eukaryotic cell.
  14. I surroud some eukaryotic cells and prokaryotes. I am quite tough to penetrate and a can help provide structureal support
    Cell wall
  15. I package lipids and proteins into vesicles for transport out of the cell. I am found near the E.R.
    Golgi Apparatus
  16. I am the location inside the nucleus where ribosomes are made.
  17. I am green and foudn in plant cells. I capture energy from the sun for use in the cell.
  18. I help to maintin the structure of the cell.
  19. I am a semi permeable layer that surrounds the cell. I am made up of two layers of phospholipids (bilayer).
    Cell membrane
  20. I contain a nucleus and membrane bound organells. Plants, Animals, Fungi and Protists are all this type of cell.
    Eukaryotic cell
  21. I am essentially a sack of digestive enzymes. I bread down excess or worn out cell parts.
  22. I am the "Stuff" that fills the rest of the cell. I am found in both Prokaryote and Eukaryote cells.
  23. I help assist in cell movement and am made up of a protein called actin.
  24. I am made of two microtubule rings known as centrioles. I organize the microtubules and provide a structure to the cell.