I had agooseas a petI’ve beenskydiving inReno withmy previousemployerIce skatedwith theBaltimoreFigureskating club.Deaconat myChurchI dancedonAmericanBandstandI was aplatoonleader inNJROTCI have notridden ahorse in47 years.Member of the AlphaKappa Alpha Sorority,Inc. My Line wasNOTABLE NINE….myLine Name isPRECIOUS PEARLrepresenting thegenuineness of mycaring for others.I wascertified as adental andnurseassistantComing from afamily ofWaterman, myGrandfathercoined the phrase“Chicken Necker”.I lovescrapbookingAuthorof 3booksI havemoved atleast onceevery yearsince 2002I workedfor HomeShoppingNetworkLoveto cookI was borninHarrigate,England.I playedHigh SchoolVolleyball all4 yrsI like totakephoto’sI am a selfproclaimedfood snob.I playedSandy inGrease.I was bornwith coal-black hair thatwent down tomy shouldersFREE!I was a 2ndLieutenant inMD NationaGuardI was agolf profor a veryshort timeI was aFarmQueenI had agooseas a petI’ve beenskydiving inReno withmy previousemployerIce skatedwith theBaltimoreFigureskating club.Deaconat myChurchI dancedonAmericanBandstandI was aplatoonleader inNJROTCI have notridden ahorse in47 years.Member of the AlphaKappa Alpha Sorority,Inc. My Line wasNOTABLE NINE….myLine Name isPRECIOUS PEARLrepresenting thegenuineness of mycaring for others.I wascertified as adental andnurseassistantComing from afamily ofWaterman, myGrandfathercoined the phrase“Chicken Necker”.I lovescrapbookingAuthorof 3booksI havemoved atleast onceevery yearsince 2002I workedfor HomeShoppingNetworkLoveto cookI was borninHarrigate,England.I playedHigh SchoolVolleyball all4 yrsI like totakephoto’sI am a selfproclaimedfood snob.I playedSandy inGrease.I was bornwith coal-black hair thatwent down tomy shouldersFREE!I was a 2ndLieutenant inMD NationaGuardI was agolf profor a veryshort timeI was aFarmQueen

Getting To Know You - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. I had a goose as a pet
  2. I’ve been skydiving in Reno with my previous employer
  3. Ice skated with the Baltimore Figure skating club.
  4. Deacon at my Church
  5. I danced on American Bandstand
  6. I was a platoon leader in NJROTC
  7. I have not ridden a horse in 47 years.
  8. Member of the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. My Line was NOTABLE NINE….my Line Name is PRECIOUS PEARL representing the genuineness of my caring for others.
  9. I was certified as a dental and nurse assistant
  10. Coming from a family of Waterman, my Grandfather coined the phrase “Chicken Necker”.
  11. I love scrapbooking
  12. Author of 3 books
  13. I have moved at least once every year since 2002
  14. I worked for Home Shopping Network
  15. Love to cook
  16. I was born in Harrigate, England.
  17. I played High School Volleyball all 4 yrs
  18. I like to take photo’s
  19. I am a self pro claimed food snob.
  20. I played Sandy in Grease.
  21. I was born with coal-black hair that went down to my shoulders
  22. FREE!
  23. I was a 2nd Lieutenant in MD Nationa Guard
  24. I was a golf pro for a very short time
  25. I was a Farm Queen