I enjoyeatingbreakfastfoods forlunch!On December24th, my familyand I go tochurch (thisyear is a Zoomyear!)I speakPortuguese I have beento allcontinents,exceptAntarcticaSanta deliveredgifts onChristmas Evewhile an adultwould drive kidsaround!Every year I makemy “Chocobark”recipe. I have madeat least 2 batcheseveryseason for the last18 yearsI've traveledto 13 differentcountries forRH over 15yearsI was 1 of 5people tolaunch theSao Paolo,Brazil officeWe eat homemadechicken soup onChristmas Eveafter church andpicturesI don’tlike spicyfood!I only useChristmas themedcups at home fromThanksgivingthrough ChristmasWe gather withfriends and familyfor a picnic on mygrandfather’s farmon Christmas DayWe don’t put upour Christmastree untilChristmas Eve I have beento everycontinentexceptAntarcticaWe maketamales forChristmasdinner I majoredinGeographyin collegeMy dreamjob: work ina See’sCandiesstoreI don't likemeltedcheeseI learned tomacrame frommy grandmotherandmade curtains!I have vividdreams -there's a storylike I'mwatching amovie!We celebratetheLithuaniantraditioncalled KūčiosI enjoyeatingbreakfastfoods forlunch!On December24th, my familyand I go tochurch (thisyear is a Zoomyear!)I speakPortuguese I have beento allcontinents,exceptAntarcticaSanta deliveredgifts onChristmas Evewhile an adultwould drive kidsaround!Every year I makemy “Chocobark”recipe. I have madeat least 2 batcheseveryseason for the last18 yearsI've traveledto 13 differentcountries forRH over 15yearsI was 1 of 5people tolaunch theSao Paolo,Brazil officeWe eat homemadechicken soup onChristmas Eveafter church andpicturesI don’tlike spicyfood!I only useChristmas themedcups at home fromThanksgivingthrough ChristmasWe gather withfriends and familyfor a picnic on mygrandfather’s farmon Christmas DayWe don’t put upour Christmastree untilChristmas Eve I have beento everycontinentexceptAntarcticaWe maketamales forChristmasdinner I majoredinGeographyin collegeMy dreamjob: work ina See’sCandiesstoreI don't likemeltedcheeseI learned tomacrame frommy grandmotherandmade curtains!I have vividdreams -there's a storylike I'mwatching amovie!We celebratetheLithuaniantraditioncalled Kūčios

Holiday Traditions Bingo! - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. I enjoy eating breakfast foods for lunch!
  2. On December 24th, my family and I go to church (this year is a Zoom year!)
  3. I speak Portuguese 
  4. I have been to all continents, except Antarctica
  5. Santa delivered gifts on Christmas Eve while an adult would drive kids around!
  6. Every year I make my “Chocobark” recipe. I have made at least 2 batches every season for the last 18 years
  7. I've traveled to 13 different countries for RH over 15 years
  8. I was 1 of 5 people to launch the Sao Paolo, Brazil office
  9. We eat homemade chicken soup on Christmas Eve after church and pictures
  10. I don’t like spicy food!
  11. I only use Christmas themed cups at home from Thanksgiving through Christmas
  12. We gather with friends and family for a picnic on my grandfather’s farm on Christmas Day
  13. We don’t put up our Christmas tree until Christmas Eve
  14. I have been to every continent except Antarctica
  15. We make tamales for Christmas dinner
  16. I majored in Geography in college
  17. My dream job: work in a See’s Candies store
  18. I don't like melted cheese
  19. I learned to macrame from my grandmother and made curtains!
  20. I have vivid dreams - there's a story like I'm watching a movie!
  21. We celebrate the Lithuanian tradition called Kūčios