Kelly is thankfulCOVID-19 hasn'taffected her and herfamily like it has somany people that areon the eveningnews.... and forchocolate! Thebeautifulstate ofVermont.More timewith friendsand family!Sue Millerwishes thatpeople love thegood lessonsthis past yearhas brought.A long seasonof fluffy, deepsnow — andtime to play init!Melissawishes that2021 isnothing like2020. Angelo wishes thatfact prevails overfiction, that lies areseen for the harmthey cause.Owls atnight anda giantfluffy dog!The love andsupport offamily andfriends. Bridget'sthankful forthankful forolder childrenthrough thepandemic.John Flowers isgrateful for a job, goodhealth (knock wood), aloving family and a littlegoldendoodle whokeeps me companywhile working fromhome. Christopher is thankfulhis family is healthyand together--and that being in thesame house almost24/7 for eight monthshasn't driven us crazy!Andy wishesfor sanity inpolitics, andvaccines andhugs for all!John McCrightwishes we alljust get alongand for moreaction, less talk.Sophie's thankfulfor her dog, family,FaceTime, DisneyPlus, and my mom'sexcellent cooking!Sarah hopes for aworld where sanity,compassion andfacts prevail andhugs will return to ourdaily repertoire in2021Jan wishesfor fasterinternets andservers!Sue Leggett isthankful for herfaith and wine!She wishes formore kindnessin 2021!Megan is thankful foregg nog, over-the-topholiday lightsdisplays, family, thevaccine, in-personschool and snow.Vicki wishes Iwish forcontinued goodhealth for all myfamily, friendsand coworkers. Elsie's thankfulfor babysnuggles andtoddler danceparties! Christy wishes forthe completion oftheir homeimprovementproject, 7+ yearsin the making!A healthy dose ofempathy andkindness, deliveredto stockings (andother vessels)around the globe!Yabadabado! Kelly is thankfulCOVID-19 hasn'taffected her and herfamily like it has somany people that areon the eveningnews.... and forchocolate! Thebeautifulstate ofVermont.More timewith friendsand family!Sue Millerwishes thatpeople love thegood lessonsthis past yearhas brought.A long seasonof fluffy, deepsnow — andtime to play init!Melissawishes that2021 isnothing like2020. Angelo wishes thatfact prevails overfiction, that lies areseen for the harmthey cause.Owls atnight anda giantfluffy dog!The love andsupport offamily andfriends. Bridget'sthankful forthankful forolder childrenthrough thepandemic.John Flowers isgrateful for a job, goodhealth (knock wood), aloving family and a littlegoldendoodle whokeeps me companywhile working fromhome. Christopher is thankfulhis family is healthyand together--and that being in thesame house almost24/7 for eight monthshasn't driven us crazy!Andy wishesfor sanity inpolitics, andvaccines andhugs for all!John McCrightwishes we alljust get alongand for moreaction, less talk.Sophie's thankfulfor her dog, family,FaceTime, DisneyPlus, and my mom'sexcellent cooking!Sarah hopes for aworld where sanity,compassion andfacts prevail andhugs will return to ourdaily repertoire in2021Jan wishesfor fasterinternets andservers!Sue Leggett isthankful for herfaith and wine!She wishes formore kindnessin 2021!Megan is thankful foregg nog, over-the-topholiday lightsdisplays, family, thevaccine, in-personschool and snow.Vicki wishes Iwish forcontinued goodhealth for all myfamily, friendsand coworkers. Elsie's thankfulfor babysnuggles andtoddler danceparties! Christy wishes forthe completion oftheir homeimprovementproject, 7+ yearsin the making!A healthy dose ofempathy andkindness, deliveredto stockings (andother vessels)around the globe!Yabadabado! 

Addy Indy Holiday Party - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Kelly is thankful COVID-19 hasn't affected her and her family like it has so many people that are on the evening news.... and for chocolate!
  2. The beautiful state of Vermont.
  3. More time with friends and family!
  4. Sue Miller wishes that people love the good lessons this past year has brought.
  5. A long season of fluffy, deep snow — and time to play in it!
  6. Melissa wishes that 2021 is nothing like 2020. 
  7. Angelo wishes that fact prevails over fiction, that lies are seen for the harm they cause.
  8. Owls at night and a giant fluffy dog!
  9. The love and support of family and friends. 
  10. Bridget's thankful for thankful for older children through the pandemic.
  11. John Flowers is grateful for a job, good health (knock wood), a loving family and a little goldendoodle who keeps me company while working from home.
  12. Christopher is thankful his family is healthy and together-- and that being in the same house almost 24/7 for eight months hasn't driven us crazy!
  13. Andy wishes for sanity in politics, and vaccines and hugs for all!
  14. John McCright wishes we all just get along and for more action, less talk.
  15. Sophie's thankful for her dog, family, FaceTime, Disney Plus, and my mom's excellent cooking!
  16. Sarah hopes for a world where sanity, compassion and facts prevail and hugs will return to our daily repertoire in 2021
  17. Jan wishes for faster internets and servers!
  18. Sue Leggett is thankful for her faith and wine! She wishes for more kindness in 2021!
  19. Megan is thankful for egg nog, over-the-top holiday lights displays, family, the vaccine, in-person school and snow.
  20. Vicki wishes I wish for continued good health for all my family, friends and coworkers.
  21. Elsie's thankful for baby snuggles and toddler dance parties!
  22. Christy wishes for the completion of their home improvement project, 7+ years in the making!
  23. A healthy dose of empathy and kindness, delivered to stockings (and other vessels) around the globe!
  24. Yaba daba do!