bias:an unfair beliefabout a personor group basedon a stereotypean image orcharacter thatrepresents aperson onlinemedia:all of the ways thatlarge groups ofpeople get and shareinformation (TV,books, internet,newspapers, phones,etc.)all of the parts arein the correct --though notnecessarily equal -- proportionsCuriosity Gap:the desirepeople have tofigure outmissinginformationbiasmedia balance:using media in a waythat feels healthy andin balance with otherlife activities (family,friends, school,hobbies, etc.)VocabularyanddefinitionDefinitionbalancethe title of anarticle, usuallyprinted in big,bold letters atthe topmediaheadline:the title of anarticle, usuallyprinted in big,bold letters atthe topoversimplifiedideas abouthow womenand men areor should beclickbaitmessages orphotos that aremade to persuadesomeone to buy acertain productan unfair beliefabout a personor group basedon a stereotypeadvertisingbalance:all of the parts arein the correct --though notnecessarily equal -- proportionsavataradvertising:messages orphotos that aremade to persuadesomeone to buy acertain productheadlinethe desirepeople haveto figure outmissinginformationusing media in a waythat feels healthy andin balance with otherlife activities (family,friends, school,hobbies, etc.)all of the ways thatlarge groups ofpeople get and shareinformation (TV,books, internet,newspapers, phones,etc.)CuriosityGapgenderstereotypes:oversimplifiedideas about howwomen and menare or should beavatar:an image orcharacter thatrepresents aperson onlineVocabularyWordgenderstereotypesan image orheadline that triesto get you to clickon it, usually foradvertisingpurposesmediabalanceclickbait:an image orheadline that triesto get you to clickon it, usually foradvertisingpurposesbias:an unfair beliefabout a personor group basedon a stereotypean image orcharacter thatrepresents aperson onlinemedia:all of the ways thatlarge groups ofpeople get and shareinformation (TV,books, internet,newspapers, phones,etc.)all of the parts arein the correct --though notnecessarily equal -- proportionsCuriosity Gap:the desirepeople have tofigure outmissinginformationbiasmedia balance:using media in a waythat feels healthy andin balance with otherlife activities (family,friends, school,hobbies, etc.)VocabularyanddefinitionDefinitionbalancethe title of anarticle, usuallyprinted in big,bold letters atthe topmediaheadline:the title of anarticle, usuallyprinted in big,bold letters atthe topoversimplifiedideas abouthow womenand men areor should beclickbaitmessages orphotos that aremade to persuadesomeone to buy acertain productan unfair beliefabout a personor group basedon a stereotypeadvertisingbalance:all of the parts arein the correct --though notnecessarily equal -- proportionsavataradvertising:messages orphotos that aremade to persuadesomeone to buy acertain productheadlinethe desirepeople haveto figure outmissinginformationusing media in a waythat feels healthy andin balance with otherlife activities (family,friends, school,hobbies, etc.)all of the ways thatlarge groups ofpeople get and shareinformation (TV,books, internet,newspapers, phones,etc.)CuriosityGapgenderstereotypes:oversimplifiedideas about howwomen and menare or should beavatar:an image orcharacter thatrepresents aperson onlineVocabularyWordgenderstereotypesan image orheadline that triesto get you to clickon it, usually foradvertisingpurposesmediabalanceclickbait:an image orheadline that triesto get you to clickon it, usually foradvertisingpurposes

Digital Citizenship Curriculum - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. bias: an unfair belief about a person or group based on a stereotype
  2. an image or character that represents a person online
  3. media: all of the ways that large groups of people get and share information (TV, books, internet, newspapers, phones, etc.)
  4. all of the parts are in the correct -- though not necessarily equal -- proportions
  5. Curiosity Gap: the desire people have to figure out missing information
  6. bias
  7. media balance: using media in a way that feels healthy and in balance with other life activities (family, friends, school, hobbies, etc.)
  8. Vocabulary and definition
  9. Definition
  10. balance
  11. the title of an article, usually printed in big, bold letters at the top
  12. media
  13. headline: the title of an article, usually printed in big, bold letters at the top
  14. oversimplified ideas about how women and men are or should be
  15. clickbait
  16. messages or photos that are made to persuade someone to buy a certain product
  17. an unfair belief about a person or group based on a stereotype
  18. advertising
  19. balance: all of the parts are in the correct -- though not necessarily equal -- proportions
  20. avatar
  21. advertising: messages or photos that are made to persuade someone to buy a certain product
  22. headline
  23. the desire people have to figure out missing information
  24. using media in a way that feels healthy and in balance with other life activities (family, friends, school, hobbies, etc.)
  25. all of the ways that large groups of people get and share information (TV, books, internet, newspapers, phones, etc.)
  26. Curiosity Gap
  27. gender stereotypes: oversimplified ideas about how women and men are or should be
  28. avatar: an image or character that represents a person online
  29. Vocabulary Word
  30. gender stereotypes
  31. an image or headline that tries to get you to click on it, usually for advertising purposes
  32. media balance
  33. clickbait: an image or headline that tries to get you to click on it, usually for advertising purposes