CopyrightDateThe year thatthe author an/orillustrator firstcompleted theirwork on thatbook.RenewIf your library book isdue soon, and youneed just a little moretime to finish it, youcan ask the librarianto do this for you. Itallows you to keep itfor another week.SpineThe center of abook's cover -- ithas the title on it,and we should seeit if it was put onthe shelf correctly.HoldIf a book you want isalready checked out,you can ask thelibrarian to do this foryou -- it puts yourname on a list ofpeople waiting to getthe book when itreturns.OverdueWhen a librarybook has beenkept past thedate that it wassupposed to bereturned.DatabaseAn online resourcethat our librarysubscribes to thatgives you a collectionof high-qualityarticles for you to usewhen researching.PublisherThecompanythat edits,designs, andprints books.TitlePageFound near the frontof the book and usedwhen you need tocite your sources,this page shows youthe title, author,illustrator, andpublisher.DictionaryA reference bookthat, when youlook up a word, itshows you how topronounce it andwhat it means.IllustratorThe personwho did thepictures for abookTable ofContentsFound in the front ofa book, this is a listof chapters, givingyou the pagenumbers where thechapters start.IndexUsed for research, thissection is in the backof a book. It's analphabetical list of thetopics in the book andwhat pages you wouldfind information aboutthem.CoverThe outsideof a bookthat protectsits pages.GlossaryA "mini-dictionary" inthe back of anonfiction book,helping youunderstand themeaning of difficultvocabulary words inthe book.TitleThename ofa bookThesaurusA reference bookthat, when you lookup a word, listssynonyms for thatword -- other wordsyou could use tomake your writingmore interesting.NonfictionBooks thatgive realinformationFictionBooksthat aremade-upstoriesAuthorThe personwho WROTEa bookCopyrightDateThe year thatthe author an/orillustrator firstcompleted theirwork on thatbook.RenewIf your library book isdue soon, and youneed just a little moretime to finish it, youcan ask the librarianto do this for you. Itallows you to keep itfor another week.SpineThe center of abook's cover -- ithas the title on it,and we should seeit if it was put onthe shelf correctly.HoldIf a book you want isalready checked out,you can ask thelibrarian to do this foryou -- it puts yourname on a list ofpeople waiting to getthe book when itreturns.OverdueWhen a librarybook has beenkept past thedate that it wassupposed to bereturned.DatabaseAn online resourcethat our librarysubscribes to thatgives you a collectionof high-qualityarticles for you to usewhen researching.PublisherThecompanythat edits,designs, andprints books.TitlePageFound near the frontof the book and usedwhen you need tocite your sources,this page shows youthe title, author,illustrator, andpublisher.DictionaryA reference bookthat, when youlook up a word, itshows you how topronounce it andwhat it means.IllustratorThe personwho did thepictures for abookTable ofContentsFound in the front ofa book, this is a listof chapters, givingyou the pagenumbers where thechapters start.IndexUsed for research, thissection is in the backof a book. It's analphabetical list of thetopics in the book andwhat pages you wouldfind information aboutthem.CoverThe outsideof a bookthat protectsits pages.GlossaryA "mini-dictionary" inthe back of anonfiction book,helping youunderstand themeaning of difficultvocabulary words inthe book.TitleThename ofa bookThesaurusA reference bookthat, when you lookup a word, listssynonyms for thatword -- other wordsyou could use tomake your writingmore interesting.NonfictionBooks thatgive realinformationFictionBooksthat aremade-upstoriesAuthorThe personwho WROTEa book

Library -- Parts of a Book and Library Procedures - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. The year that the author an/or illustrator first completed their work on that book.
    Copyright Date
  2. If your library book is due soon, and you need just a little more time to finish it, you can ask the librarian to do this for you. It allows you to keep it for another week.
  3. The center of a book's cover -- it has the title on it, and we should see it if it was put on the shelf correctly.
  4. If a book you want is already checked out, you can ask the librarian to do this for you -- it puts your name on a list of people waiting to get the book when it returns.
  5. When a library book has been kept past the date that it was supposed to be returned.
  6. An online resource that our library subscribes to that gives you a collection of high-quality articles for you to use when researching.
  7. The company that edits, designs, and prints books.
  8. Found near the front of the book and used when you need to cite your sources, this page shows you the title, author, illustrator, and publisher.
    Title Page
  9. A reference book that, when you look up a word, it shows you how to pronounce it and what it means.
  10. The person who did the pictures for a book
  11. Found in the front of a book, this is a list of chapters, giving you the page numbers where the chapters start.
    Table of Contents
  12. Used for research, this section is in the back of a book. It's an alphabetical list of the topics in the book and what pages you would find information about them.
  13. The outside of a book that protects its pages.
  14. A "mini-dictionary" in the back of a nonfiction book, helping you understand the meaning of difficult vocabulary words in the book.
  15. The name of a book
  16. A reference book that, when you look up a word, lists synonyms for that word -- other words you could use to make your writing more interesting.
  17. Books that give real information
  18. Books that are made-up stories
  19. The person who WROTE a book