Counterculture - Aculture withlifestyles andvalues opposed tothose of theestablishedculture.Iran Hostage Crisis - InNovember 1979,revolutionaries stormed theAmerican embassy inTehran and held 52Americans hostage. TheCarter administration triedunsuccessfully to negotiatefor the hostages release.On January 20, 1981, theday Cartgeneration gap -a culturalseparationbetween parentsand theirchildrenNixon visited China, 1972 -first president ever to visitChina; marked dramaticexample of improvedrelations during detente;recognized Chinesecommunist gov't instead ofTaiwan'sBay of Pigs Invasion- failed invasion ofCuba in 1961 when aforce of 1,200 Cubanexiles, backed by theUnited States, landedat the Bay of Pigs.Camp David Accords- A peace treatybetween Israel andEgypt where Egyptagreed to recognizethe nation state ofIsraelVietcong - theguerrilla soldiers ofthe Communistfaction in SouthVietnam, also knowas the NationalLiberation FrontBerlin Wall - A wallseparating East andWest Berlin built byEast Germany in1961 to keep citizensfrom escaping to theWestDomino Theory - Atheory that if onenation comes underCommunist control,then neighboringnations will alsocome underCommunist control.Pentagon Papers -secret governmentdocuments publishedIn 1971; revealed thatthe u.s. governmenthad misled americansabout the vietnam war.Ho Chi Minh - (1890-1969) leader of theCommunist Party inIndochina after WWII;led Vietnamese againstthe French, then NorthVietnamese againstthe United States inthe Vietnam Wardove - someonewho prefersnegotiations toarmed conflict inthe conduct offoreign relationsWisconsin v. Yoder - Amishpeople refused to sendtheir children to school pastthe 8th grade when thestate required publicschooling for all childrenuntil age16. Result: Thislaw is in conflict with theFree Exercise clause. Thestatute is inGuerrillas - Irregulartroops who wouldblend in with thecivilian population.They used hit-an-runand ambush tactics.Detente - A policy ofreducing Cold Wartensions that wasadopted by theUnited States duringthe presidency ofRichard Nixon.Stagflation - a periodof slow economicgrowth and highunemployment(stagnation) whileprices rise (inflation)domino theory - thepolitical theory that ifone nation comesunder Communistcontrol thenneighboring nationswill also come underCommunist controlPhyllis Schlafly - 1970s; anew right activist thatprotested the women'srights acts and movementsas defying tradition andnatural gender division oflabor; demonstratedconservative backlashagainst the 60sSilent Majority -Term used byPresident Nixon todescribeAmericans whoopposed thecountercultureThe Beatles - aBritish band thathad an enormousinfluence onpopular music inthe 1960sVietminh - anorganization whosegoal it was to winVietnam'sindependence fromJapan; originated1945.Tet Offensive - amassive surpriseattack by theVietcong on SouthVietnamese townsand cities in early1968.Equal RightsAmendment (ERA) -constitutionalamendment passed byCongress but neverratified that would havebanned discriminationon the basis of genderWar Powers Act -Notify Congress within48 hours of deployingtroops; had to gaincongress' approval tostay longer than 90days; designed tocurtail President'spowerGulf of TonkinResolution - 1964Congressionalresolution authorizingPresident Johnson totake military action inVietnamhawk - person whoadvocates immediatefirm action, includingthe use of force, toresolve internationalcrisesKent State University(1970) - the NationalGuard was called outto police a protest on4 May at the college→ nervous soldiersfired into the crowdand killed 4 studentsEnvironmentalProtection Agency(EPA) - The USfederal agency with amission to protecthuman health andthe environment.credibility gap - Thiswas the gap betweenthe people and thegovernment thatgrew as the peoplebecame disillusionedwith the VietnamWar.Agent Orange -a herbicideused in theVietnam War todefoliate forestareasSALT I - Treaty signed in1972 between the U.S. andthe USSR. This agreementlimited the number ofmissiles in each nation andled to the SALT IIdiscussions and aslowdown of the arms racebetween the two countries.Free!silent majority - thatgroup of quiet honesthard-working middleclass Americans whodo their job, respecttheir country andsupport gov.; Nixonwants their votes in1968 and 1972Oil Embargo of 1973 - Araboil-producing nations haltedthe flow of oil to nationsthat supported Israel.Severely threatenedEuropean and worldeconomy, so dependent onMiddle East oil.Endangered SpeciesAct of 1973 - A lawrequiring the federalgovernment toprotect all specieslisted as endangered.Betty Friedan - wrotethe FeminineMystique aboutwomen who were nothappy with life ashousewivesRoy Benavidez -Awarded theMedal of Honorfor saving fellowsoldiers inVietnam Warfeminist - Asupporter ofwomen's claims tothe same rightsand treatment asmenAmerican IndianMovement (AIM) - acivil rights grouporganized topromote theinterests of NativeAmericansnapalm - Highlyflammable chemicaldropped from USplanes in firebombingattacks during theVietnam War andother conflicts.executive privilege -The power to keepexecutivecommunicationsconfidential,especially if theyrelate to nationalsecurity.Vietnamization - PresidentRichard Nixons strategy forending U.S involvement inthe vietnam war, involvinga gradual withdrawl ofAmerican troops andreplacement of them withSouth Vietnamese forcesChicano Movement - TheMexican-Americanmovement that soughtpolitical and social justice.The Chicano Movementaddressed negativestereotyping of Mexicans,this stereotyping wasaddressed through worksof literary and visual arts.Henry Kissinger -The main negotiatorof the peace treatywith the NorthVietnamese;secretary of stateduring Nixon'spresidency (1970s).Earth Day (1970) -International day ofcelebration andawareness of globalenvironmental issueslaunched byconservationists onApril 22, 1970Watergate - The eventsand scandal surrounding abreak-in at the DemocraticNational Committeeheadquarters in 1972 andthe subsequent cover-up ofWhite House involvement,leading to the eventualresignation of PresidentNixon under the threat ofCesar Chavez -Organized UnionFarm Workers(UFW); helpmigratory farmworkers gain betterpay & workingconditionsCuban MissileCrisis - The 1962confrontationbetween US andthe Soviet Unionover Soviet missilesin Cuba.Vietcong - A group ofCommunist guerrillaswho, with the help ofNorth Vietnam,fought against theSouth Vietnamesegovernment in theVietnam War.End of Vietnam War -1975. NorthVietnamese troopstake Saigon and thecountry is reunitedunder communism.Tinker v. DesMoines (1969) -Guaranteed astudent's right toprotest (wearingarmbands). 1stAmendmentTonkin GulfResolution - aresolution adopted byCongress in 1964,giving the presidentbroad powers towage war in VietnamNgo Dinh Diem - (3January 1901 - 2November 1963) was thefirst president of SouthVietnam (1955-1963). Anti-communist dictator whorepressed all opposition;backed by U.S. untilassassinated in a coup detat.Ayatollah Khomeini -Shiite religious leaderof Iran, led the 1979Islamic Revolution inIran and ordered theinvasion of the USEmbassy.SEATO (SoutheastAsia TreatyOrganization) -defensive allianceaimed at preventingcommunistaggression in AsiaCounterculture - Aculture withlifestyles andvalues opposed tothose of theestablishedculture.Iran Hostage Crisis - InNovember 1979,revolutionaries stormed theAmerican embassy inTehran and held 52Americans hostage. TheCarter administration triedunsuccessfully to negotiatefor the hostages release.On January 20, 1981, theday Cartgeneration gap -a culturalseparationbetween parentsand theirchildrenNixon visited China, 1972 -first president ever to visitChina; marked dramaticexample of improvedrelations during detente;recognized Chinesecommunist gov't instead ofTaiwan'sBay of Pigs Invasion- failed invasion ofCuba in 1961 when aforce of 1,200 Cubanexiles, backed by theUnited States, landedat the Bay of Pigs.Camp David Accords- A peace treatybetween Israel andEgypt where Egyptagreed to recognizethe nation state ofIsraelVietcong - theguerrilla soldiers ofthe Communistfaction in SouthVietnam, also knowas the NationalLiberation FrontBerlin Wall - A wallseparating East andWest Berlin built byEast Germany in1961 to keep citizensfrom escaping to theWestDomino Theory - Atheory that if onenation comes underCommunist control,then neighboringnations will alsocome underCommunist control.Pentagon Papers -secret governmentdocuments publishedIn 1971; revealed thatthe u.s. governmenthad misled americansabout the vietnam war.Ho Chi Minh - (1890-1969) leader of theCommunist Party inIndochina after WWII;led Vietnamese againstthe French, then NorthVietnamese againstthe United States inthe Vietnam Wardove - someonewho prefersnegotiations toarmed conflict inthe conduct offoreign relationsWisconsin v. Yoder - Amishpeople refused to sendtheir children to school pastthe 8th grade when thestate required publicschooling for all childrenuntil age16. Result: Thislaw is in conflict with theFree Exercise clause. Thestatute is inGuerrillas - Irregulartroops who wouldblend in with thecivilian population.They used hit-an-runand ambush tactics.Detente - A policy ofreducing Cold Wartensions that wasadopted by theUnited States duringthe presidency ofRichard Nixon.Stagflation - a periodof slow economicgrowth and highunemployment(stagnation) whileprices rise (inflation)domino theory - thepolitical theory that ifone nation comesunder Communistcontrol thenneighboring nationswill also come underCommunist controlPhyllis Schlafly - 1970s; anew right activist thatprotested the women'srights acts and movementsas defying tradition andnatural gender division oflabor; demonstratedconservative backlashagainst the 60sSilent Majority -Term used byPresident Nixon todescribeAmericans whoopposed thecountercultureThe Beatles - aBritish band thathad an enormousinfluence onpopular music inthe 1960sVietminh - anorganization whosegoal it was to winVietnam'sindependence fromJapan; originated1945.Tet Offensive - amassive surpriseattack by theVietcong on SouthVietnamese townsand cities in early1968.Equal RightsAmendment (ERA) -constitutionalamendment passed byCongress but neverratified that would havebanned discriminationon the basis of genderWar Powers Act -Notify Congress within48 hours of deployingtroops; had to gaincongress' approval tostay longer than 90days; designed tocurtail President'spowerGulf of TonkinResolution - 1964Congressionalresolution authorizingPresident Johnson totake military action inVietnamhawk - person whoadvocates immediatefirm action, includingthe use of force, toresolve internationalcrisesKent State University(1970) - the NationalGuard was called outto police a protest on4 May at the college→ nervous soldiersfired into the crowdand killed 4 studentsEnvironmentalProtection Agency(EPA) - The USfederal agency with amission to protecthuman health andthe environment.credibility gap - Thiswas the gap betweenthe people and thegovernment thatgrew as the peoplebecame disillusionedwith the VietnamWar.Agent Orange -a herbicideused in theVietnam War todefoliate forestareasSALT I - Treaty signed in1972 between the U.S. andthe USSR. This agreementlimited the number ofmissiles in each nation andled to the SALT IIdiscussions and aslowdown of the arms racebetween the two countries.Free!silent majority - thatgroup of quiet honesthard-working middleclass Americans whodo their job, respecttheir country andsupport gov.; Nixonwants their votes in1968 and 1972Oil Embargo of 1973 - Araboil-producing nations haltedthe flow of oil to nationsthat supported Israel.Severely threatenedEuropean and worldeconomy, so dependent onMiddle East oil.Endangered SpeciesAct of 1973 - A lawrequiring the federalgovernment toprotect all specieslisted as endangered.Betty Friedan - wrotethe FeminineMystique aboutwomen who were nothappy with life ashousewivesRoy Benavidez -Awarded theMedal of Honorfor saving fellowsoldiers inVietnam Warfeminist - Asupporter ofwomen's claims tothe same rightsand treatment asmenAmerican IndianMovement (AIM) - acivil rights grouporganized topromote theinterests of NativeAmericansnapalm - Highlyflammable chemicaldropped from USplanes in firebombingattacks during theVietnam War andother conflicts.executive privilege -The power to keepexecutivecommunicationsconfidential,especially if theyrelate to nationalsecurity.Vietnamization - PresidentRichard Nixons strategy forending U.S involvement inthe vietnam war, involvinga gradual withdrawl ofAmerican troops andreplacement of them withSouth Vietnamese forcesChicano Movement - TheMexican-Americanmovement that soughtpolitical and social justice.The Chicano Movementaddressed negativestereotyping of Mexicans,this stereotyping wasaddressed through worksof literary and visual arts.Henry Kissinger -The main negotiatorof the peace treatywith the NorthVietnamese;secretary of stateduring Nixon'spresidency (1970s).Earth Day (1970) -International day ofcelebration andawareness of globalenvironmental issueslaunched byconservationists onApril 22, 1970Watergate - The eventsand scandal surrounding abreak-in at the DemocraticNational Committeeheadquarters in 1972 andthe subsequent cover-up ofWhite House involvement,leading to the eventualresignation of PresidentNixon under the threat ofCesar Chavez -Organized UnionFarm Workers(UFW); helpmigratory farmworkers gain betterpay & workingconditionsCuban MissileCrisis - The 1962confrontationbetween US andthe Soviet Unionover Soviet missilesin Cuba.Vietcong - A group ofCommunist guerrillaswho, with the help ofNorth Vietnam,fought against theSouth Vietnamesegovernment in theVietnam War.End of Vietnam War -1975. NorthVietnamese troopstake Saigon and thecountry is reunitedunder communism.Tinker v. DesMoines (1969) -Guaranteed astudent's right toprotest (wearingarmbands). 1stAmendmentTonkin GulfResolution - aresolution adopted byCongress in 1964,giving the presidentbroad powers towage war in VietnamNgo Dinh Diem - (3January 1901 - 2November 1963) was thefirst president of SouthVietnam (1955-1963). Anti-communist dictator whorepressed all opposition;backed by U.S. untilassassinated in a coup detat.Ayatollah Khomeini -Shiite religious leaderof Iran, led the 1979Islamic Revolution inIran and ordered theinvasion of the USEmbassy.SEATO (SoutheastAsia TreatyOrganization) -defensive allianceaimed at preventingcommunistaggression in Asia

Nixon - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Counterculture - A culture with lifestyles and values opposed to those of the established culture.
  2. Iran Hostage Crisis - In November 1979, revolutionaries stormed the American embassy in Tehran and held 52 Americans hostage. The Carter administration tried unsuccessfully to negotiate for the hostages release. On January 20, 1981, the day Cart
  3. generation gap - a cultural separation between parents and their children
  4. Nixon visited China, 1972 - first president ever to visit China; marked dramatic example of improved relations during detente; recognized Chinese communist gov't instead of Taiwan's
  5. Bay of Pigs Invasion - failed invasion of Cuba in 1961 when a force of 1,200 Cuban exiles, backed by the United States, landed at the Bay of Pigs.
  6. Camp David Accords - A peace treaty between Israel and Egypt where Egypt agreed to recognize the nation state of Israel
  7. Vietcong - the guerrilla soldiers of the Communist faction in South Vietnam, also know as the National Liberation Front
  8. Berlin Wall - A wall separating East and West Berlin built by East Germany in 1961 to keep citizens from escaping to the West
  9. Domino Theory - A theory that if one nation comes under Communist control, then neighboring nations will also come under Communist control.
  10. Pentagon Papers - secret government documents published In 1971; revealed that the u.s. government had misled americans about the vietnam war.
  11. Ho Chi Minh - (1890-1969) leader of the Communist Party in Indochina after WWII; led Vietnamese against the French, then North Vietnamese against the United States in the Vietnam War
  12. dove - someone who prefers negotiations to armed conflict in the conduct of foreign relations
  13. Wisconsin v. Yoder - Amish people refused to send their children to school past the 8th grade when the state required public schooling for all children until age16. Result: This law is in conflict with the Free Exercise clause. The statute is in
  14. Guerrillas - Irregular troops who would blend in with the civilian population. They used hit-an-run and ambush tactics.
  15. Detente - A policy of reducing Cold War tensions that was adopted by the United States during the presidency of Richard Nixon.
  16. Stagflation - a period of slow economic growth and high unemployment (stagnation) while prices rise (inflation)
  17. domino theory - the political theory that if one nation comes under Communist control then neighboring nations will also come under Communist control
  18. Phyllis Schlafly - 1970s; a new right activist that protested the women's rights acts and movements as defying tradition and natural gender division of labor; demonstrated conservative backlash against the 60s
  19. Silent Majority - Term used by President Nixon to describe Americans who opposed the counterculture
  20. The Beatles - a British band that had an enormous influence on popular music in the 1960s
  21. Vietminh - an organization whose goal it was to win Vietnam's independence from Japan; originated 1945.
  22. Tet Offensive - a massive surprise attack by the Vietcong on South Vietnamese towns and cities in early 1968.
  23. Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) - constitutional amendment passed by Congress but never ratified that would have banned discrimination on the basis of gender
  24. War Powers Act - Notify Congress within 48 hours of deploying troops; had to gain congress' approval to stay longer than 90 days; designed to curtail President's power
  25. Gulf of Tonkin Resolution - 1964 Congressional resolution authorizing President Johnson to take military action in Vietnam
  26. hawk - person who advocates immediate firm action, including the use of force, to resolve international crises
  27. Kent State University (1970) - the National Guard was called out to police a protest on 4 May at the college → nervous soldiers fired into the crowd and killed 4 students
  28. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) - The US federal agency with a mission to protect human health and the environment.
  29. credibility gap - This was the gap between the people and the government that grew as the people became disillusioned with the Vietnam War.
  30. Agent Orange - a herbicide used in the Vietnam War to defoliate forest areas
  31. SALT I - Treaty signed in 1972 between the U.S. and the USSR. This agreement limited the number of missiles in each nation and led to the SALT II discussions and a slowdown of the arms race between the two countries.
  32. Free!
  33. silent majority - that group of quiet honest hard-working middle class Americans who do their job, respect their country and support gov.; Nixon wants their votes in 1968 and 1972
  34. Oil Embargo of 1973 - Arab oil-producing nations halted the flow of oil to nations that supported Israel. Severely threatened European and world economy, so dependent on Middle East oil.
  35. Endangered Species Act of 1973 - A law requiring the federal government to protect all species listed as endangered.
  36. Betty Friedan - wrote the Feminine Mystique about women who were not happy with life as housewives
  37. Roy Benavidez - Awarded the Medal of Honor for saving fellow soldiers in Vietnam War
  38. feminist - A supporter of women's claims to the same rights and treatment as men
  39. American Indian Movement (AIM) - a civil rights group organized to promote the interests of Native Americans
  40. napalm - Highly flammable chemical dropped from US planes in firebombing attacks during the Vietnam War and other conflicts.
  41. executive privilege - The power to keep executive communications confidential, especially if they relate to national security.
  42. Vietnamization - President Richard Nixons strategy for ending U.S involvement in the vietnam war, involving a gradual withdrawl of American troops and replacement of them with South Vietnamese forces
  43. Chicano Movement - The Mexican-American movement that sought political and social justice. The Chicano Movement addressed negative stereotyping of Mexicans, this stereotyping was addressed through works of literary and visual arts.
  44. Henry Kissinger - The main negotiator of the peace treaty with the North Vietnamese; secretary of state during Nixon's presidency (1970s).
  45. Earth Day (1970) - International day of celebration and awareness of global environmental issues launched by conservationists on April 22, 1970
  46. Watergate - The events and scandal surrounding a break-in at the Democratic National Committee headquarters in 1972 and the subsequent cover-up of White House involvement, leading to the eventual resignation of President Nixon under the threat of
  47. Cesar Chavez - Organized Union Farm Workers (UFW); help migratory farm workers gain better pay & working conditions
  48. Cuban Missile Crisis - The 1962 confrontation between US and the Soviet Union over Soviet missiles in Cuba.
  49. Vietcong - A group of Communist guerrillas who, with the help of North Vietnam, fought against the South Vietnamese government in the Vietnam War.
  50. End of Vietnam War - 1975. North Vietnamese troops take Saigon and the country is reunited under communism.
  51. Tinker v. Des Moines (1969) - Guaranteed a student's right to protest (wearing armbands). 1st Amendment
  52. Tonkin Gulf Resolution - a resolution adopted by Congress in 1964, giving the president broad powers to wage war in Vietnam
  53. Ngo Dinh Diem - (3 January 1901 - 2 November 1963) was the first president of South Vietnam (1955-1963). Anti-communist dictator who repressed all opposition; backed by U.S. until assassinated in a coup de tat.
  54. Ayatollah Khomeini - Shiite religious leader of Iran, led the 1979 Islamic Revolution in Iran and ordered the invasion of the US Embassy.
  55. SEATO (Southeast Asia Treaty Organization) - defensive alliance aimed at preventing communist aggression in Asia