You familyhas said thatthe PH has"always beencorrupt."You were toldthat your familymoved to theU.S. b/c the PHis a badcountry.Your family saidthat you will bekilled / shamedfor being anactivist.You barelyhear aboutPhilippineNews in theU.S.You are peerpressured tohave a goodcareer and tostart a family.You haveTrump /Dutertesupporters inyour family.You familydoes notbelieve inactivism.You believe thePH is poor andthe U.S. is aneconomicblessing.You'veexperiencedcasual colorismwithin your ownfamily.You'reembarrassedby your familywhen you werewith yourfriends.Your familysendsmoney tothe PH.Your familyinstilledsuperstitionsor Catholicguilt in you.You havetried to hidethe fact thatyou areFilipino.You did notgrow uplearningabout FilipinoHistory.You have beenmade of fun ofby your friendsfor eatingFilipino food.Your parentsdid not teachyou aFilipinoLanguage.You've neverheard ofAndresBonifacio.Your family hasinstilled prejudicedbeliefs re:appearance,relationships, etc.Somebody inyour familylived throughthe MarcosEra.Someone inyour family leftthe PH to workin a foreigncountry.You oncewished youwere adifferentrace.You have afamily memberwho isundocumentedin the U.S.You'vebeen backto thePhilippines.Your familyis seperateddue tomigration outof the PH.You familyhas said thatthe PH has"always beencorrupt."You were toldthat your familymoved to theU.S. b/c the PHis a badcountry.Your family saidthat you will bekilled / shamedfor being anactivist.You barelyhear aboutPhilippineNews in theU.S.You are peerpressured tohave a goodcareer and tostart a family.You haveTrump /Dutertesupporters inyour family.You familydoes notbelieve inactivism.You believe thePH is poor andthe U.S. is aneconomicblessing.You'veexperiencedcasual colorismwithin your ownfamily.You'reembarrassedby your familywhen you werewith yourfriends.Your familysendsmoney tothe PH.Your familyinstilledsuperstitionsor Catholicguilt in you.You havetried to hidethe fact thatyou areFilipino.You did notgrow uplearningabout FilipinoHistory.You have beenmade of fun ofby your friendsfor eatingFilipino food.Your parentsdid not teachyou aFilipinoLanguage.You've neverheard ofAndresBonifacio.Your family hasinstilled prejudicedbeliefs re:appearance,relationships, etc.Somebody inyour familylived throughthe MarcosEra.Someone inyour family leftthe PH to workin a foreigncountry.You oncewished youwere adifferentrace.You have afamily memberwho isundocumentedin the U.S.You'vebeen backto thePhilippines.Your familyis seperateddue tomigration outof the PH.


(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. You family has said that the PH has "always been corrupt."
  2. You were told that your family moved to the U.S. b/c the PH is a bad country.
  3. Your family said that you will be killed / shamed for being an activist.
  4. You barely hear about Philippine News in the U.S.
  5. You are peer pressured to have a good career and to start a family.
  6. You have Trump / Duterte supporters in your family.
  7. You family does not believe in activism.
  8. You believe the PH is poor and the U.S. is an economic blessing.
  9. You've experienced casual colorism within your own family.
  10. You're embarrassed by your family when you were with your friends.
  11. Your family sends money to the PH.
  12. Your family instilled superstitions or Catholic guilt in you.
  13. You have tried to hide the fact that you are Filipino.
  14. You did not grow up learning about Filipino History.
  15. You have been made of fun of by your friends for eating Filipino food.
  16. Your parents did not teach you a Filipino Language.
  17. You've never heard of Andres Bonifacio.
  18. Your family has instilled prejudiced beliefs re: appearance, relationships, etc.
  19. Somebody in your family lived through the Marcos Era.
  20. Someone in your family left the PH to work in a foreign country.
  21. You once wished you were a different race.
  22. You have a family member who is undocumented in the U.S.
  23. You've been back to the Philippines.
  24. Your family is seperated due to migration out of the PH.