ChristopherColumbusAn Italian sailor who in1492 sailed the Pinta,the Nina, and theSanta Maria fromSpain, across theAtlantic Ocean trying tofind a faster trade routebetween Europe andAsia.AztecsHernanCortes foughtin Mexicoagainst the_______silksandspicesThe rulers ofSpain wanted ashorter route tothe East Indiesin order to get________corn,potatoes,tomatoes,squash,peanutsAmerican Indianswere raising andgrowing these crops.They introducedthese foods to theExplorers, whobrought them back toEurope.conquistadorThe nameof aSpanishExplorer.MississippiWhichriver didLa Salleexplore?smallpox,measles,chickenpox, fluEuropeansbrought thesediseases tothe NewWorld.cows,pigs,horsesTheseanimals werebrought to theNew World byEuropeans.St.AugustineWhat was thefirst permanentEuropeansettlement in theUnited States?SpainWhich countrycolonized theSouthwestUnitedStates?chocolateMade using cacaoseeds. The Aztecsused it to make abitter drink, andsometimes paidsoldiers with theseseeds.rice, oats,wheat,sugar,onions,turnipsThese foods werebrought by theexplorers, andintroduced to theNative Americans.Fountainof YouthWhat wasJuan Poncede Leonlooking for ?1492What year didChristopherColumbusdiscover the"New World"?CoronadoWhich manexplored whatis now theSouthwesternUnited States?NewWorldThis is what Americawas first called whenChristopherColumbus sailed intoland that was new tothe Europeans.CompassA magneticnavigational toolthat helpedsailors find theirway moreaccurately.EnglandWhatCountryHelped toestablishNew York?ExposedMany AmericanIndians died fromcontagious diseasesbecause it was thefirst time they hadbeen _______ tosome kinds ofsicknesses.AsiaExplorers hoped tofind a NorthwestPassage thatwould lead thembetween Europeand _____ExplorersWhat were the mencalled that came tothe New World tofind a passage toAsia, to claim land,and to find gold?countryA colonyis ruled bya different________JuanPonceDe LeonThis explorerwas lookingfor theFountain ofYouthCaliforniaSpain colonizedthis area on theWest Coast ofthe UnitedStates.ChristopherColumbusAn Italian sailor who in1492 sailed the Pinta,the Nina, and theSanta Maria fromSpain, across theAtlantic Ocean trying tofind a faster trade routebetween Europe andAsia.AztecsHernanCortes foughtin Mexicoagainst the_______silksandspicesThe rulers ofSpain wanted ashorter route tothe East Indiesin order to get________corn,potatoes,tomatoes,squash,peanutsAmerican Indianswere raising andgrowing these crops.They introducedthese foods to theExplorers, whobrought them back toEurope.conquistadorThe nameof aSpanishExplorer.MississippiWhichriver didLa Salleexplore?smallpox,measles,chickenpox, fluEuropeansbrought thesediseases tothe NewWorld.cows,pigs,horsesTheseanimals werebrought to theNew World byEuropeans.St.AugustineWhat was thefirst permanentEuropeansettlement in theUnited States?SpainWhich countrycolonized theSouthwestUnitedStates?chocolateMade using cacaoseeds. The Aztecsused it to make abitter drink, andsometimes paidsoldiers with theseseeds.rice, oats,wheat,sugar,onions,turnipsThese foods werebrought by theexplorers, andintroduced to theNative Americans.Fountainof YouthWhat wasJuan Poncede Leonlooking for ?1492What year didChristopherColumbusdiscover the"New World"?CoronadoWhich manexplored whatis now theSouthwesternUnited States?NewWorldThis is what Americawas first called whenChristopherColumbus sailed intoland that was new tothe Europeans.CompassA magneticnavigational toolthat helpedsailors find theirway moreaccurately.EnglandWhatCountryHelped toestablishNew York?ExposedMany AmericanIndians died fromcontagious diseasesbecause it was thefirst time they hadbeen _______ tosome kinds ofsicknesses.AsiaExplorers hoped tofind a NorthwestPassage thatwould lead thembetween Europeand _____ExplorersWhat were the mencalled that came tothe New World tofind a passage toAsia, to claim land,and to find gold?countryA colonyis ruled bya different________JuanPonceDe LeonThis explorerwas lookingfor theFountain ofYouthCaliforniaSpain colonizedthis area on theWest Coast ofthe UnitedStates.

Explorers - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. An Italian sailor who in 1492 sailed the Pinta, the Nina, and the Santa Maria from Spain, across the Atlantic Ocean trying to find a faster trade route between Europe and Asia.
    Christopher Columbus
  2. Hernan Cortes fought in Mexico against the _______
  3. The rulers of Spain wanted a shorter route to the East Indies in order to get ________
    silks and spices
  4. American Indians were raising and growing these crops. They introduced these foods to the Explorers, who brought them back to Europe.
    corn, potatoes, tomatoes, squash, peanuts
  5. The name of a Spanish Explorer.
  6. Which river did La Salle explore?
  7. Europeans brought these diseases to the New World.
    smallpox, measles, chicken pox, flu
  8. These animals were brought to the New World by Europeans.
    cows, pigs, horses
  9. What was the first permanent European settlement in the United States?
    St. Augustine
  10. Which country colonized the Southwest United States?
  11. Made using cacao seeds. The Aztecs used it to make a bitter drink, and sometimes paid soldiers with these seeds.
  12. These foods were brought by the explorers, and introduced to the Native Americans.
    rice, oats, wheat, sugar, onions, turnips
  13. What was Juan Ponce de Leon looking for ?
    Fountain of Youth
  14. What year did Christopher Columbus discover the "New World"?
  15. Which man explored what is now the Southwestern United States?
  16. This is what America was first called when Christopher Columbus sailed into land that was new to the Europeans.
    New World
  17. A magnetic navigational tool that helped sailors find their way more accurately.
  18. What Country Helped to establish New York?
  19. Many American Indians died from contagious diseases because it was the first time they had been _______ to some kinds of sicknesses.
  20. Explorers hoped to find a Northwest Passage that would lead them between Europe and _____
  21. What were the men called that came to the New World to find a passage to Asia, to claim land, and to find gold?
  22. A colony is ruled by a different ________
  23. This explorer was looking for the Fountain of Youth
    Juan Ponce De Leon
  24. Spain colonized this area on the West Coast of the United States.