Presenteruses atransition fromone slide tothe nextPresenterconcludeswith a statisticor numericalfactPresenteruses handgesturesPresenterexplainsgraphics onhis/her slidesPresenterconcludeswith aquotePresenterintroduces hisor her mainargument tothe audiencePresentedemphasizes a pointby saying "mostimportant..., moreimportantly..., etc."Presentertakes adramaticpausePresenter usessignal phrasessuch as "forexample..." or"first,...second,..."Presenteruses apersonalstory to get apoint acrossPresenterstands in morethan one placeduring his/herpresentationPresenterinteractswith theaudiencePresentervaries his/hertone to conveythe seriousnessof an issuePresentersays morethan what ison his/herslidePresenterconcludeswith a callto actionPresentermakes eyecontact withthe audiencePresenterspeaksclearlyPresenteruses atransition fromone slide tothe nextPresenterconcludeswith a statisticor numericalfactPresenteruses handgesturesPresenterexplainsgraphics onhis/her slidesPresenterconcludeswith aquotePresenterintroduces hisor her mainargument tothe audiencePresentedemphasizes a pointby saying "mostimportant..., moreimportantly..., etc."Presentertakes adramaticpausePresenter usessignal phrasessuch as "forexample..." or"first,...second,..."Presenteruses apersonalstory to get apoint acrossPresenterstands in morethan one placeduring his/herpresentationPresenterinteractswith theaudiencePresentervaries his/hertone to conveythe seriousnessof an issuePresentersays morethan what ison his/herslidePresenterconcludeswith a callto actionPresentermakes eyecontact withthe audiencePresenterspeaksclearly

Presentation Skills Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Presenter uses a transition from one slide to the next
  2. Presenter concludes with a statistic or numerical fact
  3. Presenter uses hand gestures
  4. Presenter explains graphics on his/her slides
  5. Presenter concludes with a quote
  6. Presenter introduces his or her main argument to the audience
  7. Presented emphasizes a point by saying "most important..., more importantly..., etc."
  8. Presenter takes a dramatic pause
  9. Presenter uses signal phrases such as "for example..." or "first,...second,..."
  10. Presenter uses a personal story to get a point across
  11. Presenter stands in more than one place during his/her presentation
  12. Presenter interacts with the audience
  13. Presenter varies his/her tone to convey the seriousness of an issue
  14. Presenter says more than what is on his/her slide
  15. Presenter concludes with a call to action
  16. Presenter makes eye contact with the audience
  17. Presenter speaks clearly