containerLiquids takethe shape ofthe ____they are in.decreaseYou have to_______ thetemperature ofwater in orderto get it to turnto ice.chemicalchangeA type of change thatis similar to anirreversible changebecause you can notget back yourmaterial in the samway that it started.solidpaper clip, cup,cell phone, MissPilla, Mr.Rodgers are allexamples of______.translucentA word thatmeans alittle bit seethroughflexibilityWhen amaterial is ableto bend and bepulled onwithoutbreaking.gasair is anexampleof a ____.increaseYou have to_______ thetemperature ofchocolate inorder to get it tomelt.physicalchangeA type of change thatis similar to areversible change,because usually thestate of matterchanges, but we canput it back to how itstarted.hard,smooth,solidPropertiesthat marblesand woodenblocks havein commonstatesofmattersolid, liquidand gas arethe three______.reversiblechangeJesse had three icecubes in his cup.They melted in thehot sun. If he puts hiscup back in thefreezer, this is anexample of a _____askquestionsThe secondstep in thescientificprocess.AbsorbencyHow muchliquid amaterial cansoak upliquidwater, juice, lava,dish detergent,fabric softener,corn starch are allexamples of ____.opaqueThis wordmeans thatthe color isnot seethrough.Liquid,gooeyTwo propertiesthat anuncooked eggand slime havein commonexperimentThe thirdstep in thescientificprocessviscousVocab wordthat meansreally thickliquidPhysicalproperties(they are thesamematerial)Melted butter anda stick of butterare the samebecause they bothhave the same______.observeThe firststep in thescientificprocess.StrengthHow muchweight anobject canhold before itbreaks.irreversiblechangeIf an eggcooks it is anexample ofan ____transparentA wordthat meansseethroughcontainerLiquids takethe shape ofthe ____they are in.decreaseYou have to_______ thetemperature ofwater in orderto get it to turnto ice.chemicalchangeA type of change thatis similar to anirreversible changebecause you can notget back yourmaterial in the samway that it started.solidpaper clip, cup,cell phone, MissPilla, Mr.Rodgers are allexamples of______.translucentA word thatmeans alittle bit seethroughflexibilityWhen amaterial is ableto bend and bepulled onwithoutbreaking.gasair is anexampleof a ____.increaseYou have to_______ thetemperature ofchocolate inorder to get it tomelt.physicalchangeA type of change thatis similar to areversible change,because usually thestate of matterchanges, but we canput it back to how itstarted.hard,smooth,solidPropertiesthat marblesand woodenblocks havein commonstatesofmattersolid, liquidand gas arethe three______.reversiblechangeJesse had three icecubes in his cup.They melted in thehot sun. If he puts hiscup back in thefreezer, this is anexample of a _____askquestionsThe secondstep in thescientificprocess.AbsorbencyHow muchliquid amaterial cansoak upliquidwater, juice, lava,dish detergent,fabric softener,corn starch are allexamples of ____.opaqueThis wordmeans thatthe color isnot seethrough.Liquid,gooeyTwo propertiesthat anuncooked eggand slime havein commonexperimentThe thirdstep in thescientificprocessviscousVocab wordthat meansreally thickliquidPhysicalproperties(they are thesamematerial)Melted butter anda stick of butterare the samebecause they bothhave the same______.observeThe firststep in thescientificprocess.StrengthHow muchweight anobject canhold before itbreaks.irreversiblechangeIf an eggcooks it is anexample ofan ____transparentA wordthat meansseethrough

2nd Grade Unit 1 Review - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Liquids take the shape of the ____ they are in.
  2. You have to _______ the temperature of water in order to get it to turn to ice.
  3. A type of change that is similar to an irreversible change because you can not get back your material in the sam way that it started.
    chemical change
  4. paper clip, cup, cell phone, Miss Pilla, Mr. Rodgers are all examples of ______.
  5. A word that means a little bit see through
  6. When a material is able to bend and be pulled on without breaking.
  7. air is an example of a ____.
  8. You have to _______ the temperature of chocolate in order to get it to melt.
  9. A type of change that is similar to a reversible change, because usually the state of matter changes, but we can put it back to how it started.
    physical change
  10. Properties that marbles and wooden blocks have in common
    hard, smooth, solid
  11. solid, liquid and gas are the three ______.
    states of matter
  12. Jesse had three ice cubes in his cup. They melted in the hot sun. If he puts his cup back in the freezer, this is an example of a _____
    reversible change
  13. The second step in the scientific process.
    ask questions
  14. How much liquid a material can soak up
  15. water, juice, lava, dish detergent, fabric softener, corn starch are all examples of ____.
  16. This word means that the color is not see through.
  17. Two properties that an uncooked egg and slime have in common
    Liquid, gooey
  18. The third step in the scientific process
  19. Vocab word that means really thick liquid
  20. Melted butter and a stick of butter are the same because they both have the same ______.
    Physical properties (they are the same material)
  21. The first step in the scientific process.
  22. How much weight an object can hold before it breaks.
  23. If an egg cooks it is an example of an ____
    irreversible change
  24. A word that means see through