"I canhear youbut I can'tsee you"A student'sdog isbarking inyour googlemeet"Thank you MsSmith, but let'slet Johnnyanswer thequestion""Where isthe classgoogle meetlink, younever sent it"You accidentallytype aninappropriate wordcause you know,autocorrectMorningMeetingturns into"Wanna seemy dog?!""Sorry Iforgot tosubmitattendance"A studentforgets you canseethem and startslicking thecameraYour facefreezesin the meetbut you don'trealize"Sorry Iforgot Iwas onmute"A student justscored 100%on their i-ready...but they'refailing class...."Caneveryonesee myscreen?"All of thestudentsunmute theirmics at onceAll of thePD linksdon't workYou find outjust how manypairs ofpajamas Janehas at homeYou boughtbluelightblockingglassesYourbitmoji isnow yourco-teacherYour studentdiscoversvirtualbackgrounds"I can seeyou but Ican't hearyou"You getkicked out ofyourown googlemeetYou finishexplaining thetask and astudent asks,'Wait..what arewe doing?'You give a studentsanitizer and theyimmediatelytouch theirfaceYourstudent'smask fellbelow theirnoseThe wifi isglitchingagain"I canhear youbut I can'tsee you"A student'sdog isbarking inyour googlemeet"Thank you MsSmith, but let'slet Johnnyanswer thequestion""Where isthe classgoogle meetlink, younever sent it"You accidentallytype aninappropriate wordcause you know,autocorrectMorningMeetingturns into"Wanna seemy dog?!""Sorry Iforgot tosubmitattendance"A studentforgets you canseethem and startslicking thecameraYour facefreezesin the meetbut you don'trealize"Sorry Iforgot Iwas onmute"A student justscored 100%on their i-ready...but they'refailing class...."Caneveryonesee myscreen?"All of thestudentsunmute theirmics at onceAll of thePD linksdon't workYou find outjust how manypairs ofpajamas Janehas at homeYou boughtbluelightblockingglassesYourbitmoji isnow yourco-teacherYour studentdiscoversvirtualbackgrounds"I can seeyou but Ican't hearyou"You getkicked out ofyourown googlemeetYou finishexplaining thetask and astudent asks,'Wait..what arewe doing?'You give a studentsanitizer and theyimmediatelytouch theirfaceYourstudent'smask fellbelow theirnoseThe wifi isglitchingagain

Distance Learning Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. "I can hear you but I can't see you"
  2. A student's dog is barking in your google meet
  3. "Thank you Ms Smith, but let's let Johnny answer the question"
  4. "Where is the class google meet link, you never sent it"
  5. You accidentally type an inappropriate word cause you know, autocorrect
  6. Morning Meeting turns into "Wanna see my dog?!"
  7. "Sorry I forgot to submit attendance"
  8. A student forgets you can see them and starts licking the camera
  9. Your face freezes in the meet but you don't realize
  10. "Sorry I forgot I was on mute"
  11. A student just scored 100% on their i-ready... but they're failing class....
  12. "Can everyone see my screen?"
  13. All of the students unmute their mics at once
  14. All of the PD links don't work
  15. You find out just how many pairs of pajamas Jane has at home
  16. You bought bluelight blocking glasses
  17. Your bitmoji is now your co-teacher
  18. Your student discovers virtual backgrounds
  19. "I can see you but I can't hear you"
  20. You get kicked out of your own google meet
  21. You finish explaining the task and a student asks, 'Wait..what are we doing?'
  22. You give a student sanitizer and they immediately touch their face
  23. Your student's mask fell below their nose
  24. The wifi is glitching again