ThailandThailand -Thailand isthe world'slargest orchidexporter MoroccoMorocco - The mostpopular beverage inMorocco is greentea with mint and isoften served withmost meals PanamaPanama is the onlyplace in the worldwhere you can seethe sun rise on thePacific Ocean andthe sun set on theAtlantic ocean GhanaGhana boastsof having thelargest openair market inWest AfricaNorwayNorway - While otherNobel prizes inChemistry, Literature,Physics, andPhysiology areawarded in Sweden…the Nobel Peace Prizeis awarded in Oslo,Norway PolandPoland - In additionto birthdays, Polesalso celebrate theirname day, which isthe daycommemorating theSaint they are namedafter ArgentinaArgentina - Theofficial nationalsport of Argentina isPato, and it's acombination of poloand basketball OmanOman - OmanconsidersThursday andFriday theweekendIndiaIndia recentlycelebrated a nationalholiday called RepublicDay which honors thedate that theConstitution of Indiacame into effect - theholiday is on January26 each year CapeVerdeCape Verde -Cape Verde hasonly one nativeanimal on thewhole island, thegrey long earedbat.LuxembourgLuxembourg - one ofthe smallestcountries in theworld, and its cuisineis a mix of Frenchand GermanItalyItaly -Italians haveeaten pastasince 4thcentury BCAustraliaAustralia - Thereare three timesas many sheepthan peopleliving in Australia UnitedStatesUSA - Theliberty bellwas actuallymade inLondon IcelandIceland - Iceland wasthe last place onearth to be settled byhumans after beingaccidentallydiscovered byVikings from Norway NewZealandNew Zealand ishome to theclearest water inthe world. TheBlue Lake has avisibility range of80 meters BrazilBrazil - Thename Brazilcomes froma tree calledbrazilwoodSouthAfricaSouth Africa -South Africa has11 officiallanguagesincluding isiZulu,Afrikaans, andEnglishJapanJapan -Japan ismade up of6,852islands KenyaKenya - Kenya hasseen lots ofsuccess at thesummer Olympicsand have won over100 Olympicmedals CambodiaCambodia is one offew countries with flagsthat feature a building -The flag showcasesAngkor Wat - which isa world heritage sitedating back to the early12th century RussiaRussia - Russiais the world'slargest countryand spans 11time zones, andtwo continentsSingaporeSingapore - Oneof the world'sgreenest citieswith nearly half ofits land area areunder green cover UnitedKingdomUK - The firstpostage stampwas created inthe UK and wasdesigned in1840 HungaryHungary - TheRubik's cubewas inventedin Hungary byErno Rubik ThailandThailand -Thailand isthe world'slargest orchidexporter MoroccoMorocco - The mostpopular beverage inMorocco is greentea with mint and isoften served withmost meals PanamaPanama is the onlyplace in the worldwhere you can seethe sun rise on thePacific Ocean andthe sun set on theAtlantic ocean GhanaGhana boastsof having thelargest openair market inWest AfricaNorwayNorway - While otherNobel prizes inChemistry, Literature,Physics, andPhysiology areawarded in Sweden…the Nobel Peace Prizeis awarded in Oslo,Norway PolandPoland - In additionto birthdays, Polesalso celebrate theirname day, which isthe daycommemorating theSaint they are namedafter ArgentinaArgentina - Theofficial nationalsport of Argentina isPato, and it's acombination of poloand basketball OmanOman - OmanconsidersThursday andFriday theweekendIndiaIndia recentlycelebrated a nationalholiday called RepublicDay which honors thedate that theConstitution of Indiacame into effect - theholiday is on January26 each year CapeVerdeCape Verde -Cape Verde hasonly one nativeanimal on thewhole island, thegrey long earedbat.LuxembourgLuxembourg - one ofthe smallestcountries in theworld, and its cuisineis a mix of Frenchand GermanItalyItaly -Italians haveeaten pastasince 4thcentury BCAustraliaAustralia - Thereare three timesas many sheepthan peopleliving in Australia UnitedStatesUSA - Theliberty bellwas actuallymade inLondon IcelandIceland - Iceland wasthe last place onearth to be settled byhumans after beingaccidentallydiscovered byVikings from Norway NewZealandNew Zealand ishome to theclearest water inthe world. TheBlue Lake has avisibility range of80 meters BrazilBrazil - Thename Brazilcomes froma tree calledbrazilwoodSouthAfricaSouth Africa -South Africa has11 officiallanguagesincluding isiZulu,Afrikaans, andEnglishJapanJapan -Japan ismade up of6,852islands KenyaKenya - Kenya hasseen lots ofsuccess at thesummer Olympicsand have won over100 Olympicmedals CambodiaCambodia is one offew countries with flagsthat feature a building -The flag showcasesAngkor Wat - which isa world heritage sitedating back to the early12th century RussiaRussia - Russiais the world'slargest countryand spans 11time zones, andtwo continentsSingaporeSingapore - Oneof the world'sgreenest citieswith nearly half ofits land area areunder green cover UnitedKingdomUK - The firstpostage stampwas created inthe UK and wasdesigned in1840 HungaryHungary - TheRubik's cubewas inventedin Hungary byErno Rubik 

Around the World Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Thailand - Thailand is the world's largest orchid exporter
  2. Morocco - The most popular beverage in Morocco is green tea with mint and is often served with most meals
  3. Panama is the only place in the world where you can see the sun rise on the Pacific Ocean and the sun set on the Atlantic ocean
  4. Ghana boasts of having the largest open air market in West Africa
  5. Norway - While other Nobel prizes in Chemistry, Literature, Physics, and Physiology are awarded in Sweden…the Nobel Peace Prize is awarded in Oslo, Norway
  6. Poland - In addition to birthdays, Poles also celebrate their name day, which is the day commemorating the Saint they are named after
  7. Argentina - The official national sport of Argentina is Pato, and it's a combination of polo and basketball
  8. Oman - Oman considers Thursday and Friday the weekend
  9. India recently celebrated a national holiday called Republic Day which honors the date that the Constitution of India came into effect - the holiday is on January 26 each year
  10. Cape Verde - Cape Verde has only one native animal on the whole island, the grey long eared bat.
    Cape Verde
  11. Luxembourg - one of the smallest countries in the world, and its cuisine is a mix of French and German
  12. Italy - Italians have eaten pasta since 4th century BC
  13. Australia - There are three times as many sheep than people living in Australia
  14. USA - The liberty bell was actually made in London
    United States
  15. Iceland - Iceland was the last place on earth to be settled by humans after being accidentally discovered by Vikings from Norway
  16. New Zealand is home to the clearest water in the world. The Blue Lake has a visibility range of 80 meters
    New Zealand
  17. Brazil - The name Brazil comes from a tree called brazilwood
  18. South Africa - South Africa has 11 official languages including isiZulu, Afrikaans, and English
    South Africa
  19. Japan - Japan is made up of 6,852 islands
  20. Kenya - Kenya has seen lots of success at the summer Olympics and have won over 100 Olympic medals
  21. Cambodia is one of few countries with flags that feature a building - The flag showcases Angkor Wat - which is a world heritage site dating back to the early 12th century
  22. Russia - Russia is the world's largest country and spans 11 time zones, and two continents
  23. Singapore - One of the world's greenest cities with nearly half of its land area are under green cover
  24. UK - The first postage stamp was created in the UK and was designed in 1840
    United Kingdom
  25. Hungary - The Rubik's cube was invented in Hungary by Erno Rubik