I'm studying tobecome a tourguide atGettysburgNationalMilitary Park.My mompermed my hairand I looked likea poodle for anentire schoolyear..Discovered whatFunko Pop's areduring COVID andnow I'm obsessedwith them. Anyonehave Jon Bender.COVID allowedme to save alarge amount ofmoney to puttowards a downpaymentTried to jump over afence, pants gotcaught on the fenceand they flippedover and theinevitable happenedCOVID mademe appreciatethe things Itook forgrantedHas aprosthetic legthat that cameloose whileroller skatingWorked asa hospicevolunteerfor 3 yrs.As a kid, I won 1st,2nd & 3rd placemedals for multipleyears ion theJunior Olympicsfor Swimming.As a kid, she usedto help her friendclean her Dad'scar with beachbecause it alwayshad roaches in it.Loves furnitureflip projects andgivingsomething asecond life.Enjoys sewing,crocheting orusing her newcircuit machine.Need aNutritionist, lookno further, I'm yourperson, I amcertified inHormone and GutHealth.When I was inthe 8th grade,I made it tothe JuniorOlympics.When COVID hit Iwas able to buy ahome down theshore. Life isshort, buy a beachhouse!Former professionalwrestler who trainedwith the Big Show,DLo Brown, theHeadbangers, andGillberg.Is MarthaSteward meetsMetallica. Shecooks, decorate& plays thedrums.Purchased abrick tudorhome to fixup duringCOVID.DuringCOVID Ibought a bikeand learnedhow to ride it.During COVID Isold my housefor more thanwe expectedand closed in 22days.This personcan sing;paint anddraw verywell.In 2018 I becamea father, brought ahouse and gotaccepted into Lawschool!!Because ofCOVID I nowwork fromhome!:-)When I was5, I got arock stuckup my nose.I'm studying tobecome a tourguide atGettysburgNationalMilitary Park.My mompermed my hairand I looked likea poodle for anentire schoolyear..Discovered whatFunko Pop's areduring COVID andnow I'm obsessedwith them. Anyonehave Jon Bender.COVID allowedme to save alarge amount ofmoney to puttowards a downpaymentTried to jump over afence, pants gotcaught on the fenceand they flippedover and theinevitable happenedCOVID mademe appreciatethe things Itook forgrantedHas aprosthetic legthat that cameloose whileroller skatingWorked asa hospicevolunteerfor 3 yrs.As a kid, I won 1st,2nd & 3rd placemedals for multipleyears ion theJunior Olympicsfor Swimming.As a kid, she usedto help her friendclean her Dad'scar with beachbecause it alwayshad roaches in it.Loves furnitureflip projects andgivingsomething asecond life.Enjoys sewing,crocheting orusing her newcircuit machine.Need aNutritionist, lookno further, I'm yourperson, I amcertified inHormone and GutHealth.When I was inthe 8th grade,I made it tothe JuniorOlympics.When COVID hit Iwas able to buy ahome down theshore. Life isshort, buy a beachhouse!Former professionalwrestler who trainedwith the Big Show,DLo Brown, theHeadbangers, andGillberg.Is MarthaSteward meetsMetallica. Shecooks, decorate& plays thedrums.Purchased abrick tudorhome to fixup duringCOVID.DuringCOVID Ibought a bikeand learnedhow to ride it.During COVID Isold my housefor more thanwe expectedand closed in 22days.This personcan sing;paint anddraw verywell.In 2018 I becamea father, brought ahouse and gotaccepted into Lawschool!!Because ofCOVID I nowwork fromhome!:-)When I was5, I got arock stuckup my nose.

Untitled Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. I'm studying to become a tour guide at Gettysburg National Military Park.
  2. My mom permed my hair and I looked like a poodle for an entire school year..
  3. Discovered what Funko Pop's are during COVID and now I'm obsessed with them. Anyone have Jon Bender.
  4. COVID allowed me to save a large amount of money to put towards a down payment
  5. Tried to jump over a fence, pants got caught on the fence and they flipped over and the inevitable happened
  6. COVID made me appreciate the things I took for granted
  7. Has a prosthetic leg that that came loose while roller skating
  8. Worked as a hospice volunteer for 3 yrs.
  9. As a kid, I won 1st, 2nd & 3rd place medals for multiple years ion the Junior Olympics for Swimming.
  10. As a kid, she used to help her friend clean her Dad's car with beach because it always had roaches in it.
  11. Loves furniture flip projects and giving something a second life.
  12. Enjoys sewing, crocheting or using her new circuit machine.
  13. Need a Nutritionist, look no further, I'm your person, I am certified in Hormone and Gut Health.
  14. When I was in the 8th grade, I made it to the Junior Olympics.
  15. When COVID hit I was able to buy a home down the shore. Life is short, buy a beach house!
  16. Former professional wrestler who trained with the Big Show, DLo Brown, the Headbangers, and Gillberg.
  17. Is Martha Steward meets Metallica. She cooks, decorate & plays the drums.
  18. Purchased a brick tudor home to fix up during COVID.
  19. During COVID I bought a bike and learned how to ride it.
  20. During COVID I sold my house for more than we expected and closed in 22 days.
  21. This person can sing; paint and draw very well.
  22. In 2018 I became a father, brought a house and got accepted into Law school!!
  23. Because of COVID I now work from home! :-)
  24. When I was 5, I got a rock stuck up my nose.