Exile toElbaAn exile Napoleonspent on a smallisland in theMediterranean,before his escape,when he returned toFrance and power in1815.TheHaitianRevolutionA slave revolt thatgrew into a full blownrevolution. A long andbrutal struggle, thatended in theindependence ofHaiti.MaximilienRobespierreA radical lawyer andstatesmen, leader of theJacobins and heavilyassociated with his hand inthe Reign of Terror. Pushedfor universal male suffrage,equality before the law, theabolition of slavery, themonarchy, and the clergy.MestizosThe majority of thepopulation of LatinAmerica. Mix raced,between European andIngenious ancestry. Manyroadblocks kept them fromhigher levels of prosperity,attained by thePeninsulares and Creoles.3rdEstateThe majority of theFrench population,including thebourgeoisie, thepeasants, smallfarmers, and theworking poor. The soleburden of taxation fellon their shoulders.TheDirectorateOversaw the final years ofthe French Revolution. Acommittee of 5 menchosen by the Council of500 and the Council ofAncients, the legislativehouses of the Republic atthe time. Overthrown byNapoleon in his rise topower.ModeratePhaseFrenchRevolutionThe first phase of therevolution, during thisperiod the NationalAssembly was dominatedby the bourgeois andreform minded nobles. Hadhopes of establishing aconstitutional monarchywhile addressing the needsof the people.AncienRegimeThe political and socialsystem of France untilthe French Revolution.Built upon thefoundations offeudalism, absolutemonarchy, and noblerights.Congressof ViennaA meeting of Europeanpowers. Meant toreestablish European orderin the wake of the FrenchRevolution and theNapoleonic Wars A peaceplan with the intention ofbalancing the GreatPowers of Europe.1stEstateComprised theCatholic Clergy ofFrance, that held alarge portion of thenation's land andwas tax exempt.TheNapoleonicCodeA civil code created by theEmperor of France. Whichhad wide reaching impactin France, across theEurope, and around theworld. It established anupfront rule of law, andcodified the role of malesupremacy in the familyunit.KlemensVonMetternichAn Austrian diplomatthat headed theCongress of Vienna.He played a role ingetting Austria to fightNapoleon, and soughtto maintain peace inEurope after his finaldefeat.MarieAntoinetteThe Austrian bornand raised queen ofKing Louis XVI.Erroneously creditedwith the phrase "Letthem eat cake."Executed by therevolutionaries.RadicalPhaseFrenchRevolutionRadicals seized control ofthe National Assembly. Inits place they created theNational Convention.Under this new governmenta Republic replaced thehope of a constitutionalmonarchy. The Monarchswere executed, andpolicies of dechristianizWaterlooMarked the end of theHundred Days War, theNapoleonic Wars andNapoleon's finaldefeat. A battlebetween the resurgentNapoleon, facing offagainst the forces ofthe Seventh Coalition.2ndEstateComprised theNobility of France.Held a monopoly onmost positions ofpolitical power. Wasexempt from taxation.BrazilianIndependenceA relatively bloodlessoverthrow of colonialpower in LatinAmerica, that sawDom Pedro I installedas Emperor.TheBastilleA state prison used bythe Kings of France.Became a symbol ofroyal abuse, and wasstormed and taken bya revolutionary crowd.Turning it into an iconicsymbol of therevolution.NapoleonicWarsA series of wars andconflicts betweenFrance and the GreatPowers of Europe,from the year 1803-1815. Ultimatelyending in the defeatof France.LouisXVIThe last king ofFrance before the fallof the monarchy tothe revolution. After afailed escape attemptwas executed by therevolutionaries.CreolesSpaniards and Portugueseborn in the colonies, thatwere often barred fromholding real political power.Owned many businessinterests, and were mostoften well educated andwealthy. Would form abackbone of manyRevolutionary movements.ThermidorianReactionThe period afterRobespierre fall frompower, named for themonth his reign ended inhis French RepublicanCalendar. Marked the endof the Reign of Terror, andsaw moderates take backcontrol of government fromthe Committee of PublicSafety.TheContinentalSystemThe system Napoleon usedto try to weaken Britain, bycutting the British Isles offfrom trade with the majorityof the Europe. ThoughBritain was hurt by theblockade it ultimately failed,and attempts to enforce itled Napoleon into adisastrouNapoleonBonaparteA renowned political andmilitary leader of France,from the island of Corsica.Crowned himself Emperorof the French, whiledemolishing the Republic.Entrenched manyRevolutionary ideals, whileundermining others.Jean-JacquesRousseauA political philosopherfrom Geneva. Mostfamous for his work theSocial Contract, whichwas a keystone in theestablishment ofliberalism andEnlightenment ideals.TheConcordatAn agreement betweenNapoleon and Pope Piousthe VII. It was meant toreconcile French Catholicswith the revolutionaries.Recognizing Catholicismas the majority religion,without recognizing it asthe state religion. It did notreturn Church laExile toSaintHelenaNapoleon's secondexile, spent in aremote island in theAtlantic Ocean.Napoleon would diein exile this time.GeorgesDantonA leading figure in therevolution that called forthe establishment of theRepublic and elimination ofthe Monarchy, and memberof the Jacobin Club. Wasexecuted during the Terror,accused of corruptionleniency to the enemies ofthe revolution.FatherHidalgoA Catholic priest in whatwas the colony of NewSpain that rallied poorMestizos and indigenouspeoples in Mexico to riseup against the rulingPeninsulares and wealthyCreoles. Famous for the"Grito de Dolores", the callto Mexican Independence.TheDeclarationof the Rightsof ManA document declaring acommitment to basichuman civil rights,something that wasrevolutionary at the time. Itespoused a generalacceptance of liberalideals, that men are equaland hold certain universalrights.Causes ofthe FrenchRevolutionAn inept monarchy. Hugenational debts. Outrageousfood prices, leading tofamine. High taxes on thepeople, while noblesenjoyed special privileges.No representation for thebourgeoisie, who heldgrowing wealth.TheNationalAssemblyThe first revolutionarygovernment of France, onein a long list of legislativeassemblies that wouldcome about during theRevolution. The name wascoined during Louis XVI'sfailed attempt to underminethe Estates-General.SimonBolivarA Latin AmericanRevolution that foundedGran Columbia from theSpanish colony of NewGranada, A creoles thatliberated the modernnations of Venezuela,Ecuador, Bolivia, andColombia. One of whichbares his name.PeninsularesSpaniards andPortuguese born in theIberian Peninsula, thehome countries, butliving in the colonies.Held political andmilitary power in thecolonial structures.EnlightenmentIdealsReason is the highestvirtue. All humans areinherently equal. Stressedthe importance of progress.Religion is a personal, notpolitical matter. Economicwell-being is central tosocietal well-being. Thepeople can rulethemselves.The Reignof Terroror TheTerrorA period of brutalityinflicted upon thepeople of France bythe Jacobin leadership,marked by massexecutions of thosedeemed "enemies ofthe revolution."TennisCourtOathLocked out of theirchambers the 3rd estatecongregated in animpromptu location, andswore: "Never to separateourselves from the NationalAssembly, and toreassemble wherevercircumstances require untilthe constitution of therealm is drawn uCommitteeof PublicSafetyCreated by the NationalConvention as a sort ofprovisional government,charged with protecting thenew republic from its manyforeign and domesticenemies. By the end it heldsweeping powers to domost anything.JacobinFactionAn influential political clubduring the FrenchRevolution, defined by theirradical political beliefs andtheir ruthless approach topower. Sought radicalchanges, includingattempting to removeChristianity from France.TousaintL'OvertureA general and the mostprominent figure in theHaitian Revolution.Fought for Haitianliberation from France.Eventually imprisonedby the French, anddied in prison inFrance.EstatesGeneralThe representativeassembly of France,before the Revolution.Divided into threeseparate assemblies.Held no legislativepower, and served toadvice the King.Exile toElbaAn exile Napoleonspent on a smallisland in theMediterranean,before his escape,when he returned toFrance and power in1815.TheHaitianRevolutionA slave revolt thatgrew into a full blownrevolution. A long andbrutal struggle, thatended in theindependence ofHaiti.MaximilienRobespierreA radical lawyer andstatesmen, leader of theJacobins and heavilyassociated with his hand inthe Reign of Terror. Pushedfor universal male suffrage,equality before the law, theabolition of slavery, themonarchy, and the clergy.MestizosThe majority of thepopulation of LatinAmerica. Mix raced,between European andIngenious ancestry. Manyroadblocks kept them fromhigher levels of prosperity,attained by thePeninsulares and Creoles.3rdEstateThe majority of theFrench population,including thebourgeoisie, thepeasants, smallfarmers, and theworking poor. The soleburden of taxation fellon their shoulders.TheDirectorateOversaw the final years ofthe French Revolution. Acommittee of 5 menchosen by the Council of500 and the Council ofAncients, the legislativehouses of the Republic atthe time. Overthrown byNapoleon in his rise topower.ModeratePhaseFrenchRevolutionThe first phase of therevolution, during thisperiod the NationalAssembly was dominatedby the bourgeois andreform minded nobles. Hadhopes of establishing aconstitutional monarchywhile addressing the needsof the people.AncienRegimeThe political and socialsystem of France untilthe French Revolution.Built upon thefoundations offeudalism, absolutemonarchy, and noblerights.Congressof ViennaA meeting of Europeanpowers. Meant toreestablish European orderin the wake of the FrenchRevolution and theNapoleonic Wars A peaceplan with the intention ofbalancing the GreatPowers of Europe.1stEstateComprised theCatholic Clergy ofFrance, that held alarge portion of thenation's land andwas tax exempt.TheNapoleonicCodeA civil code created by theEmperor of France. Whichhad wide reaching impactin France, across theEurope, and around theworld. It established anupfront rule of law, andcodified the role of malesupremacy in the familyunit.KlemensVonMetternichAn Austrian diplomatthat headed theCongress of Vienna.He played a role ingetting Austria to fightNapoleon, and soughtto maintain peace inEurope after his finaldefeat.MarieAntoinetteThe Austrian bornand raised queen ofKing Louis XVI.Erroneously creditedwith the phrase "Letthem eat cake."Executed by therevolutionaries.RadicalPhaseFrenchRevolutionRadicals seized control ofthe National Assembly. Inits place they created theNational Convention.Under this new governmenta Republic replaced thehope of a constitutionalmonarchy. The Monarchswere executed, andpolicies of dechristianizWaterlooMarked the end of theHundred Days War, theNapoleonic Wars andNapoleon's finaldefeat. A battlebetween the resurgentNapoleon, facing offagainst the forces ofthe Seventh Coalition.2ndEstateComprised theNobility of France.Held a monopoly onmost positions ofpolitical power. Wasexempt from taxation.BrazilianIndependenceA relatively bloodlessoverthrow of colonialpower in LatinAmerica, that sawDom Pedro I installedas Emperor.TheBastilleA state prison used bythe Kings of France.Became a symbol ofroyal abuse, and wasstormed and taken bya revolutionary crowd.Turning it into an iconicsymbol of therevolution.NapoleonicWarsA series of wars andconflicts betweenFrance and the GreatPowers of Europe,from the year 1803-1815. Ultimatelyending in the defeatof France.LouisXVIThe last king ofFrance before the fallof the monarchy tothe revolution. After afailed escape attemptwas executed by therevolutionaries.CreolesSpaniards and Portugueseborn in the colonies, thatwere often barred fromholding real political power.Owned many businessinterests, and were mostoften well educated andwealthy. Would form abackbone of manyRevolutionary movements.ThermidorianReactionThe period afterRobespierre fall frompower, named for themonth his reign ended inhis French RepublicanCalendar. Marked the endof the Reign of Terror, andsaw moderates take backcontrol of government fromthe Committee of PublicSafety.TheContinentalSystemThe system Napoleon usedto try to weaken Britain, bycutting the British Isles offfrom trade with the majorityof the Europe. ThoughBritain was hurt by theblockade it ultimately failed,and attempts to enforce itled Napoleon into adisastrouNapoleonBonaparteA renowned political andmilitary leader of France,from the island of Corsica.Crowned himself Emperorof the French, whiledemolishing the Republic.Entrenched manyRevolutionary ideals, whileundermining others.Jean-JacquesRousseauA political philosopherfrom Geneva. Mostfamous for his work theSocial Contract, whichwas a keystone in theestablishment ofliberalism andEnlightenment ideals.TheConcordatAn agreement betweenNapoleon and Pope Piousthe VII. It was meant toreconcile French Catholicswith the revolutionaries.Recognizing Catholicismas the majority religion,without recognizing it asthe state religion. It did notreturn Church laExile toSaintHelenaNapoleon's secondexile, spent in aremote island in theAtlantic Ocean.Napoleon would diein exile this time.GeorgesDantonA leading figure in therevolution that called forthe establishment of theRepublic and elimination ofthe Monarchy, and memberof the Jacobin Club. Wasexecuted during the Terror,accused of corruptionleniency to the enemies ofthe revolution.FatherHidalgoA Catholic priest in whatwas the colony of NewSpain that rallied poorMestizos and indigenouspeoples in Mexico to riseup against the rulingPeninsulares and wealthyCreoles. Famous for the"Grito de Dolores", the callto Mexican Independence.TheDeclarationof the Rightsof ManA document declaring acommitment to basichuman civil rights,something that wasrevolutionary at the time. Itespoused a generalacceptance of liberalideals, that men are equaland hold certain universalrights.Causes ofthe FrenchRevolutionAn inept monarchy. Hugenational debts. Outrageousfood prices, leading tofamine. High taxes on thepeople, while noblesenjoyed special privileges.No representation for thebourgeoisie, who heldgrowing wealth.TheNationalAssemblyThe first revolutionarygovernment of France, onein a long list of legislativeassemblies that wouldcome about during theRevolution. The name wascoined during Louis XVI'sfailed attempt to underminethe Estates-General.SimonBolivarA Latin AmericanRevolution that foundedGran Columbia from theSpanish colony of NewGranada, A creoles thatliberated the modernnations of Venezuela,Ecuador, Bolivia, andColombia. One of whichbares his name.PeninsularesSpaniards andPortuguese born in theIberian Peninsula, thehome countries, butliving in the colonies.Held political andmilitary power in thecolonial structures.EnlightenmentIdealsReason is the highestvirtue. All humans areinherently equal. Stressedthe importance of progress.Religion is a personal, notpolitical matter. Economicwell-being is central tosocietal well-being. Thepeople can rulethemselves.The Reignof Terroror TheTerrorA period of brutalityinflicted upon thepeople of France bythe Jacobin leadership,marked by massexecutions of thosedeemed "enemies ofthe revolution."TennisCourtOathLocked out of theirchambers the 3rd estatecongregated in animpromptu location, andswore: "Never to separateourselves from the NationalAssembly, and toreassemble wherevercircumstances require untilthe constitution of therealm is drawn uCommitteeof PublicSafetyCreated by the NationalConvention as a sort ofprovisional government,charged with protecting thenew republic from its manyforeign and domesticenemies. By the end it heldsweeping powers to domost anything.JacobinFactionAn influential political clubduring the FrenchRevolution, defined by theirradical political beliefs andtheir ruthless approach topower. Sought radicalchanges, includingattempting to removeChristianity from France.TousaintL'OvertureA general and the mostprominent figure in theHaitian Revolution.Fought for Haitianliberation from France.Eventually imprisonedby the French, anddied in prison inFrance.EstatesGeneralThe representativeassembly of France,before the Revolution.Divided into threeseparate assemblies.Held no legislativepower, and served toadvice the King.

Review for Unit 6 World History II - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. An exile Napoleon spent on a small island in the Mediterranean, before his escape, when he returned to France and power in 1815.
    Exile to Elba
  2. A slave revolt that grew into a full blown revolution. A long and brutal struggle, that ended in the independence of Haiti.
    The Haitian Revolution
  3. A radical lawyer and statesmen, leader of the Jacobins and heavily associated with his hand in the Reign of Terror. Pushed for universal male suffrage, equality before the law, the abolition of slavery, the monarchy, and the clergy.
    Maximilien Robespierre
  4. The majority of the population of Latin America. Mix raced, between European and Ingenious ancestry. Many roadblocks kept them from higher levels of prosperity, attained by the Peninsulares and Creoles.
  5. The majority of the French population, including the bourgeoisie, the peasants, small farmers, and the working poor. The sole burden of taxation fell on their shoulders.
    3rd Estate
  6. Oversaw the final years of the French Revolution. A committee of 5 men chosen by the Council of 500 and the Council of Ancients, the legislative houses of the Republic at the time. Overthrown by Napoleon in his rise to power.
    The Directorate
  7. The first phase of the revolution, during this period the National Assembly was dominated by the bourgeois and reform minded nobles. Had hopes of establishing a constitutional monarchy while addressing the needs of the people.
    Moderate Phase French Revolution
  8. The political and social system of France until the French Revolution. Built upon the foundations of feudalism, absolute monarchy, and noble rights.
    Ancien Regime
  9. A meeting of European powers. Meant to reestablish European order in the wake of the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars A peace plan with the intention of balancing the Great Powers of Europe.
    Congress of Vienna
  10. Comprised the Catholic Clergy of France, that held a large portion of the nation's land and was tax exempt.
    1st Estate
  11. A civil code created by the Emperor of France. Which had wide reaching impact in France, across the Europe, and around the world. It established an upfront rule of law, and codified the role of male supremacy in the family unit.
    The Napoleonic Code
  12. An Austrian diplomat that headed the Congress of Vienna. He played a role in getting Austria to fight Napoleon, and sought to maintain peace in Europe after his final defeat.
    Klemens Von Metternich
  13. The Austrian born and raised queen of King Louis XVI. Erroneously credited with the phrase "Let them eat cake." Executed by the revolutionaries.
    Marie Antoinette
  14. Radicals seized control of the National Assembly. In its place they created the National Convention. Under this new government a Republic replaced the hope of a constitutional monarchy. The Monarchs were executed, and policies of dechristianiz
    Radical Phase French Revolution
  15. Marked the end of the Hundred Days War, the Napoleonic Wars and Napoleon's final defeat. A battle between the resurgent Napoleon, facing off against the forces of the Seventh Coalition.
  16. Comprised the Nobility of France. Held a monopoly on most positions of political power. Was exempt from taxation.
    2nd Estate
  17. A relatively bloodless overthrow of colonial power in Latin America, that saw Dom Pedro I installed as Emperor.
    Brazilian Independence
  18. A state prison used by the Kings of France. Became a symbol of royal abuse, and was stormed and taken by a revolutionary crowd. Turning it into an iconic symbol of the revolution.
    The Bastille
  19. A series of wars and conflicts between France and the Great Powers of Europe, from the year 1803-1815. Ultimately ending in the defeat of France.
    Napoleonic Wars
  20. The last king of France before the fall of the monarchy to the revolution. After a failed escape attempt was executed by the revolutionaries.
    Louis XVI
  21. Spaniards and Portuguese born in the colonies, that were often barred from holding real political power. Owned many business interests, and were most often well educated and wealthy. Would form a backbone of many Revolutionary movements.
  22. The period after Robespierre fall from power, named for the month his reign ended in his French Republican Calendar. Marked the end of the Reign of Terror, and saw moderates take back control of government from the Committee of Public Safety.
    Thermidorian Reaction
  23. The system Napoleon used to try to weaken Britain, by cutting the British Isles off from trade with the majority of the Europe. Though Britain was hurt by the blockade it ultimately failed, and attempts to enforce it led Napoleon into a disastrou
    The Continental System
  24. A renowned political and military leader of France, from the island of Corsica. Crowned himself Emperor of the French, while demolishing the Republic. Entrenched many Revolutionary ideals, while undermining others.
    Napoleon Bonaparte
  25. A political philosopher from Geneva. Most famous for his work the Social Contract, which was a keystone in the establishment of liberalism and Enlightenment ideals.
    Jean-Jacques Rousseau
  26. An agreement between Napoleon and Pope Pious the VII. It was meant to reconcile French Catholics with the revolutionaries. Recognizing Catholicism as the majority religion, without recognizing it as the state religion. It did not return Church la
    The Concordat
  27. Napoleon's second exile, spent in a remote island in the Atlantic Ocean. Napoleon would die in exile this time.
    Exile to Saint Helena
  28. A leading figure in the revolution that called for the establishment of the Republic and elimination of the Monarchy, and member of the Jacobin Club. Was executed during the Terror, accused of corruption leniency to the enemies of the revolution.
    Georges Danton
  29. A Catholic priest in what was the colony of New Spain that rallied poor Mestizos and indigenous peoples in Mexico to rise up against the ruling Peninsulares and wealthy Creoles. Famous for the "Grito de Dolores", the call to Mexican Independence.
    Father Hidalgo
  30. A document declaring a commitment to basic human civil rights, something that was revolutionary at the time. It espoused a general acceptance of liberal ideals, that men are equal and hold certain universal rights.
    The Declaration of the Rights of Man
  31. An inept monarchy. Huge national debts. Outrageous food prices, leading to famine. High taxes on the people, while nobles enjoyed special privileges. No representation for the bourgeoisie, who held growing wealth.
    Causes of the French Revolution
  32. The first revolutionary government of France, one in a long list of legislative assemblies that would come about during the Revolution. The name was coined during Louis XVI's failed attempt to undermine the Estates-General.
    The National Assembly
  33. A Latin American Revolution that founded Gran Columbia from the Spanish colony of New Granada, A creoles that liberated the modern nations of Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, and Colombia. One of which bares his name.
    Simon Bolivar
  34. Spaniards and Portuguese born in the Iberian Peninsula, the home countries, but living in the colonies. Held political and military power in the colonial structures.
  35. Reason is the highest virtue. All humans are inherently equal. Stressed the importance of progress. Religion is a personal, not political matter. Economic well-being is central to societal well-being. The people can rule themselves.
    Enlightenment Ideals
  36. A period of brutality inflicted upon the people of France by the Jacobin leadership, marked by mass executions of those deemed "enemies of the revolution."
    The Reign of Terror or The Terror
  37. Locked out of their chambers the 3rd estate congregated in an impromptu location, and swore: "Never to separate ourselves from the National Assembly, and to reassemble wherever circumstances require until the constitution of the realm is drawn u
    Tennis Court Oath
  38. Created by the National Convention as a sort of provisional government, charged with protecting the new republic from its many foreign and domestic enemies. By the end it held sweeping powers to do most anything.
    Committee of Public Safety
  39. An influential political club during the French Revolution, defined by their radical political beliefs and their ruthless approach to power. Sought radical changes, including attempting to remove Christianity from France.
    Jacobin Faction
  40. A general and the most prominent figure in the Haitian Revolution. Fought for Haitian liberation from France. Eventually imprisoned by the French, and died in prison in France.
    Tousaint L'Overture
  41. The representative assembly of France, before the Revolution. Divided into three separate assemblies. Held no legislative power, and served to advice the King.
    Estates General