Currently in theprocess of gettingmy official USSoccer coachingbadgesI worked inNewZealand fora TelehealthProviderI can juggleand ride abike (but notat the sametime).I was mayorof myhometown inhigh schoolMy bestinvestmentunder $100is my KindleReallygood atfolding t-shirtsI have playedcompetitivewater polo forthe past 10yearsI am ameterologistnerdI went toelementaryschool inTaiwan for 1stand 2nd grade!I was avegetablefarmer in NewEngland for anumber ofyears.I’m an IVFbaby andone of thefirst inCaliforniaMy firstresearch jobwas trackingturtles.I was onJapanesetelevision whileon a whiskeytasting tourI was co-founderof a danceteam incollegeI don't likechocolate.I enjoy travelingaround the UKand Europe to arange of musicfestivals.I bikedacrossIowaI am anEliteDodgeballplayerI loveminimalistphotographyI am intoZenBuddhismMy first jobwas makingliquidnitrogen icecreamMy love forllamas andalpacasgoes beyondmeasureI have ablack beltin KarateMy favouritetabletop game isSherlockHolmesConsultingDetectiveCurrently in theprocess of gettingmy official USSoccer coachingbadgesI worked inNewZealand fora TelehealthProviderI can juggleand ride abike (but notat the sametime).I was mayorof myhometown inhigh schoolMy bestinvestmentunder $100is my KindleReallygood atfolding t-shirtsI have playedcompetitivewater polo forthe past 10yearsI am ameterologistnerdI went toelementaryschool inTaiwan for 1stand 2nd grade!I was avegetablefarmer in NewEngland for anumber ofyears.I’m an IVFbaby andone of thefirst inCaliforniaMy firstresearch jobwas trackingturtles.I was onJapanesetelevision whileon a whiskeytasting tourI was co-founderof a danceteam incollegeI don't likechocolate.I enjoy travelingaround the UKand Europe to arange of musicfestivals.I bikedacrossIowaI am anEliteDodgeballplayerI loveminimalistphotographyI am intoZenBuddhismMy first jobwas makingliquidnitrogen icecreamMy love forllamas andalpacasgoes beyondmeasureI have ablack beltin KarateMy favouritetabletop game isSherlockHolmesConsultingDetective

Do you know your teammates? - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Currently in the process of getting my official US Soccer coaching badges
  2. I worked in New Zealand for a Telehealth Provider
  3. I can juggle and ride a bike (but not at the same time).
  4. I was mayor of my hometown in high school
  5. My best investment under $100 is my Kindle
  6. Really good at folding t-shirts
  7. I have played competitive water polo for the past 10 years
  8. I am a meterologist nerd
  9. I went to elementary school in Taiwan for 1st and 2nd grade!
  10. I was a vegetable farmer in New England for a number of years.
  11. I’m an IVF baby and one of the first in California
  12. My first research job was tracking turtles.
  13. I was on Japanese television while on a whiskey tasting tour
  14. I was co-founder of a dance team in college
  15. I don't like chocolate.
  16. I enjoy traveling around the UK and Europe to a range of music festivals.
  17. I biked across Iowa
  18. I am an Elite Dodgeball player
  19. I love minimalist photography
  20. I am into Zen Buddhism
  21. My first job was making liquid nitrogen ice cream
  22. My love for llamas and alpacas goes beyond measure
  23. I have a black belt in Karate
  24. My favourite tabletop game is Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective