Joining the armedforces is somethingyou are interested in,and you learn thatthe government willhelp pay for collegeclasses if you enlistand serve.ROADBLOCK:Why mightvolunteering beimportant whenthinking aboutgoing to college?At your part-timejob, you arepromoted to shiftmanager, givingyou greatleadershipexperience.You are eligible for awork-studyexperience and get ajob at the campuslibrary to earn moneytowards youreducation.You get aninternshipworking in ascience labdoing researchat your college.One of your classesrequires a service-learningcomponent, and yousuggest developing aworkshop to teachelementary school studentsabout healthy behaviors(like exercising and eatingfruits/vegetables).Your familyoffers to buy youa new laptop foryour continuededucation.One of yourfriends offers tohelp you studyfor a big exam ina class that’shard for you.ROADBLOCK: Youapply for a position asa phlebotomist(someone who drawsblood) to gainexperience, but are nothired. How else canyou gain health careexperience?You want to join theHealth OccupationStudents of Americaclub at your school, butit meets during one ofyour classes. Do NOT earn anypointsYou want to volunteerat your local healthclinic, but otherresponsibilities meanyou don’t have time.  Do NOT earn anypointsROADBLOCK: Your sister’s16th birthday party is onthe same day and at thesame time as your finalexam for the semester.How do you take the testand help her celebratewhen you won’t be home?ROADBLOCK: Youare getting ready togo to college, andneed to find money topay for it. NameTWO ways you couldget money for youreducation.You learn how tobudget you monthfinances by keepingtrack of yourexpenses. As aresult, you are able toput money into yoursavings account.ROADBLOCK: Youwant a part-time jobto gain experience,but you are not surehow to find a job. Listtwo ways you cansearch/find a job.You find out thatseveral people youknow are in the samebiology class, andyou decide to studyfor exams together.You take a businessclass elective anddiscover that openingyour own health careclinic might be agood fit for you.Your familynurse offers tolet you shadowhim to learnmore aboutnursing.It’s the night before abig exam and youneed to keep studying.However, your frienddown the hall asks youto come out to dinnerto celebrate herbirthday. You decide togo instead of studying.You volunteer at ahospital for twoyears to learnmore aboutdifferent healthcare careers.You learn about Doctorswithout Borders, a group ofhealth care providers thatgo to other countries toprovide medical services.You are able to go on amedical mission where youassist in providing healthcare services.ROADBLOCK: You have alot of opportunitiesavailable to you on yourcampus and decide to joinmany clubs. This makes itdifficult to keep track ofeverything and your gradesslip. Tell us one way thatyou can manage your timewhile you are so busYou do a lot ofresearch, and findscholarshipsspecific to yourareas of interest.When you get your firstbill for college, it is a lotmore than youexpected and you don’tknow how to pay it. Do NOT earn anypointsOne of the ways to pay forcollege is to fill out aFAFSA (Free Applicationfor Federal Student Aid).However, this year, youforgot to fill out your FAFSAand don’t have enoughmoney for college. Do NOT earn any pointsCollege isexpensive! Beforeyou apply, youdecide to work part-time to save moneyfor expenses.You want to volunteer atyour local nursing home,but you forgot to turn in youvolunteer papers. You haveto wait to start volunteering. Do NOT earn any pointsYou are a member ofan athletic team, butyour grades slip, andyou lose your spot. Do NOT earn anypointsROADBLOCK: Youreally want to join aclub related to PhysicalTherapy, but yourschool doesn’t haveone. What can you doto continue to learnabout PhysicalTherapy?When your brothergets his wisdom teethout, you help him ashe recovers, anddecide a dentalcareer would be agood fit.Your grandmabecomes ill, and youhave to drop a classto help care for her. Do NOT earn anypointsYou donate blood atyour high school’sblood drive and learnmore about howblood donations canhelp your community.The local communitycollege is presentinga workshop onhealthy behaviorsand needsvolunteers, so youdecide to help out.Finding a job that givesyou relevant healthcare experience istough, so you decide togive up. Do NOT earn anypointsYou are reallygood atathletics, andearn an athleticscholarship. You volunteer tobabysit forcommunity functions,and realize that youwant to combine yourlove of kids andhealth care into acareer.Your sister needs acast for her brokenleg, and you get towatch as the doctorputs it on her. Youthink that being adoctor might be agood career.Working at a part-time jobgives you extra money topay for school, but youhave trouble keeping upwith classes because yourmanager keeps addingextra shifts. Do NOT earn any pointsYou run afundraiser todonate money tofund cancerresearch at yourlocal hospital.You learn about a nationalorganization, HealthOccupation Students ofAmerica (HOSA), thathelps students developskills and interests in healthcare occupations, at yourhigh school and decide tojoin.You join a studygroup for yourchemistry classin order to get agood grade.ROADBLOCK: Youwant to volunteer at aplace that requires allvolunteers to beeighteen years old.Name another way thatyou can get involved inyour community.You find out that yourcousin took thephysics class you aretaking next semester,and he offers to loanyou the textbook.You are trained as a dentaltech, but when you arehired by the local dentist,he wants you to be thereceptionist, which doesn’tuse your technical skills. Do NOT earn any pointsYou are trained as a dentaltech, but when you arehired by the local dentist,he wants you to be thereceptionist, which doesn’tuse your technical skills. Do NOT earn any points One of the ways to payfor college is to fill outa FAFSA (FreeApplication for FederalStudent Aid). You fillout the FAFSA andreceive enough to payfor the school year.Joining the armedforces is somethingyou are interested in,and you learn thatthe government willhelp pay for collegeclasses if you enlistand serve.ROADBLOCK:Why mightvolunteering beimportant whenthinking aboutgoing to college?At your part-timejob, you arepromoted to shiftmanager, givingyou greatleadershipexperience.You are eligible for awork-studyexperience and get ajob at the campuslibrary to earn moneytowards youreducation.You get aninternshipworking in ascience labdoing researchat your college.One of your classesrequires a service-learningcomponent, and yousuggest developing aworkshop to teachelementary school studentsabout healthy behaviors(like exercising and eatingfruits/vegetables).Your familyoffers to buy youa new laptop foryour continuededucation.One of yourfriends offers tohelp you studyfor a big exam ina class that’shard for you.ROADBLOCK: Youapply for a position asa phlebotomist(someone who drawsblood) to gainexperience, but are nothired. How else canyou gain health careexperience?You want to join theHealth OccupationStudents of Americaclub at your school, butit meets during one ofyour classes. Do NOT earn anypointsYou want to volunteerat your local healthclinic, but otherresponsibilities meanyou don’t have time.  Do NOT earn anypointsROADBLOCK: Your sister’s16th birthday party is onthe same day and at thesame time as your finalexam for the semester.How do you take the testand help her celebratewhen you won’t be home?ROADBLOCK: Youare getting ready togo to college, andneed to find money topay for it. NameTWO ways you couldget money for youreducation.You learn how tobudget you monthfinances by keepingtrack of yourexpenses. As aresult, you are able toput money into yoursavings account.ROADBLOCK: Youwant a part-time jobto gain experience,but you are not surehow to find a job. Listtwo ways you cansearch/find a job.You find out thatseveral people youknow are in the samebiology class, andyou decide to studyfor exams together.You take a businessclass elective anddiscover that openingyour own health careclinic might be agood fit for you.Your familynurse offers tolet you shadowhim to learnmore aboutnursing.It’s the night before abig exam and youneed to keep studying.However, your frienddown the hall asks youto come out to dinnerto celebrate herbirthday. You decide togo instead of studying.You volunteer at ahospital for twoyears to learnmore aboutdifferent healthcare careers.You learn about Doctorswithout Borders, a group ofhealth care providers thatgo to other countries toprovide medical services.You are able to go on amedical mission where youassist in providing healthcare services.ROADBLOCK: You have alot of opportunitiesavailable to you on yourcampus and decide to joinmany clubs. This makes itdifficult to keep track ofeverything and your gradesslip. Tell us one way thatyou can manage your timewhile you are so busYou do a lot ofresearch, and findscholarshipsspecific to yourareas of interest.When you get your firstbill for college, it is a lotmore than youexpected and you don’tknow how to pay it. Do NOT earn anypointsOne of the ways to pay forcollege is to fill out aFAFSA (Free Applicationfor Federal Student Aid).However, this year, youforgot to fill out your FAFSAand don’t have enoughmoney for college. Do NOT earn any pointsCollege isexpensive! Beforeyou apply, youdecide to work part-time to save moneyfor expenses.You want to volunteer atyour local nursing home,but you forgot to turn in youvolunteer papers. You haveto wait to start volunteering. Do NOT earn any pointsYou are a member ofan athletic team, butyour grades slip, andyou lose your spot. Do NOT earn anypointsROADBLOCK: Youreally want to join aclub related to PhysicalTherapy, but yourschool doesn’t haveone. What can you doto continue to learnabout PhysicalTherapy?When your brothergets his wisdom teethout, you help him ashe recovers, anddecide a dentalcareer would be agood fit.Your grandmabecomes ill, and youhave to drop a classto help care for her. Do NOT earn anypointsYou donate blood atyour high school’sblood drive and learnmore about howblood donations canhelp your community.The local communitycollege is presentinga workshop onhealthy behaviorsand needsvolunteers, so youdecide to help out.Finding a job that givesyou relevant healthcare experience istough, so you decide togive up. Do NOT earn anypointsYou are reallygood atathletics, andearn an athleticscholarship. You volunteer tobabysit forcommunity functions,and realize that youwant to combine yourlove of kids andhealth care into acareer.Your sister needs acast for her brokenleg, and you get towatch as the doctorputs it on her. Youthink that being adoctor might be agood career.Working at a part-time jobgives you extra money topay for school, but youhave trouble keeping upwith classes because yourmanager keeps addingextra shifts. Do NOT earn any pointsYou run afundraiser todonate money tofund cancerresearch at yourlocal hospital.You learn about a nationalorganization, HealthOccupation Students ofAmerica (HOSA), thathelps students developskills and interests in healthcare occupations, at yourhigh school and decide tojoin.You join a studygroup for yourchemistry classin order to get agood grade.ROADBLOCK: Youwant to volunteer at aplace that requires allvolunteers to beeighteen years old.Name another way thatyou can get involved inyour community.You find out that yourcousin took thephysics class you aretaking next semester,and he offers to loanyou the textbook.You are trained as a dentaltech, but when you arehired by the local dentist,he wants you to be thereceptionist, which doesn’tuse your technical skills. Do NOT earn any pointsYou are trained as a dentaltech, but when you arehired by the local dentist,he wants you to be thereceptionist, which doesn’tuse your technical skills. Do NOT earn any points One of the ways to payfor college is to fill outa FAFSA (FreeApplication for FederalStudent Aid). You fillout the FAFSA andreceive enough to payfor the school year.

Project HOPE Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. G-Joining the armed forces is something you are interested in, and you learn that the government will help pay for college classes if you enlist and serve.
  2. O-ROADBLOCK: Why might volunteering be important when thinking about going to college?
  3. B-At your part-time job, you are promoted to shift manager, giving you great leadership experience.
  4. G-You are eligible for a work-study experience and get a job at the campus library to earn money towards your education.
  5. B-You get an internship working in a science lab doing research at your college.
  6. I-One of your classes requires a service-learning component, and you suggest developing a workshop to teach elementary school students about healthy behaviors (like exercising and eating fruits/vegetables).
  7. N-Your family offers to buy you a new laptop for your continued education.
  8. N-One of your friends offers to help you study for a big exam in a class that’s hard for you.
  9. B-ROADBLOCK: You apply for a position as a phlebotomist (someone who draws blood) to gain experience, but are not hired. How else can you gain health care experience?
  10. I-You want to join the Health Occupation Students of America club at your school, but it meets during one of your classes. Do NOT earn any points
  11. O-You want to volunteer at your local health clinic, but other responsibilities mean you don’t have time. Do NOT earn any points
  12. N-ROADBLOCK: Your sister’s 16th birthday party is on the same day and at the same time as your final exam for the semester. How do you take the test and help her celebrate when you won’t be home?
  13. G-ROADBLOCK: You are getting ready to go to college, and need to find money to pay for it. Name TWO ways you could get money for your education.
  14. G-You learn how to budget you month finances by keeping track of your expenses. As a result, you are able to put money into your savings account.
  15. B-ROADBLOCK: You want a part-time job to gain experience, but you are not sure how to find a job. List two ways you can search/find a job.
  16. N-You find out that several people you know are in the same biology class, and you decide to study for exams together.
  17. B-You take a business class elective and discover that opening your own health care clinic might be a good fit for you.
  18. B-Your family nurse offers to let you shadow him to learn more about nursing.
  19. N-It’s the night before a big exam and you need to keep studying. However, your friend down the hall asks you to come out to dinner to celebrate her birthday. You decide to go instead of studying.
  20. O-You volunteer at a hospital for two years to learn more about different health care careers.
  21. I-You learn about Doctors without Borders, a group of health care providers that go to other countries to provide medical services. You are able to go on a medical mission where you assist in providing health care services.
  22. I-ROADBLOCK: You have a lot of opportunities available to you on your campus and decide to join many clubs. This makes it difficult to keep track of everything and your grades slip. Tell us one way that you can manage your time while you are so bus
  23. G-You do a lot of research, and find scholarships specific to your areas of interest.
  24. G-When you get your first bill for college, it is a lot more than you expected and you don’t know how to pay it. Do NOT earn any points
  25. G-One of the ways to pay for college is to fill out a FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid). However, this year, you forgot to fill out your FAFSA and don’t have enough money for college. Do NOT earn any points
  26. G-College is expensive! Before you apply, you decide to work part-time to save money for expenses.
  27. O-You want to volunteer at your local nursing home, but you forgot to turn in you volunteer papers. You have to wait to start volunteering. Do NOT earn any points
  28. I-You are a member of an athletic team, but your grades slip, and you lose your spot. Do NOT earn any points
  29. I-ROADBLOCK: You really want to join a club related to Physical Therapy, but your school doesn’t have one. What can you do to continue to learn about Physical Therapy?
  30. N-When your brother gets his wisdom teeth out, you help him as he recovers, and decide a dental career would be a good fit.
  31. N-Your grandma becomes ill, and you have to drop a class to help care for her. Do NOT earn any points
  32. O-You donate blood at your high school’s blood drive and learn more about how blood donations can help your community.
  33. O-The local community college is presenting a workshop on healthy behaviors and needs volunteers, so you decide to help out.
  34. B-Finding a job that gives you relevant health care experience is tough, so you decide to give up. Do NOT earn any points
  35. I-You are really good at athletics, and earn an athletic scholarship.
  36. O-You volunteer to babysit for community functions, and realize that you want to combine your love of kids and health care into a career.
  37. N-Your sister needs a cast for her broken leg, and you get to watch as the doctor puts it on her. You think that being a doctor might be a good career.
  38. B-Working at a part-time job gives you extra money to pay for school, but you have trouble keeping up with classes because your manager keeps adding extra shifts. Do NOT earn any points
  39. O-You run a fundraiser to donate money to fund cancer research at your local hospital.
  40. I-You learn about a national organization, Health Occupation Students of America (HOSA), that helps students develop skills and interests in health care occupations, at your high school and decide to join.
  41. I-You join a study group for your chemistry class in order to get a good grade.
  42. O-ROADBLOCK: You want to volunteer at a place that requires all volunteers to be eighteen years old. Name another way that you can get involved in your community.
  43. N-You find out that your cousin took the physics class you are taking next semester, and he offers to loan you the textbook.
  44. B-You are trained as a dental tech, but when you are hired by the local dentist, he wants you to be the receptionist, which doesn’t use your technical skills. Do NOT earn any points
    B-You are trained as a dental tech, but when you are hired by the local dentist, he wants you to be the receptionist, which doesn’t use your technical skills. Do NOT earn any points
  45. G-One of the ways to pay for college is to fill out a FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid). You fill out the FAFSA and receive enough to pay for the school year.