(adj)noticeable orimportant;standing out(adj) matter-of-fact;without spirit,style, orimagination(adj) honestandunconcealed;forthrighta literary devicein which thesound of theword echoes thesound itrepresents(adj)active andhappy; fullof energy(n) alertness;unbreakingattention to aduty(v) to discover themeaning of acipher orencryption; tounderstand acoded or hiddenmeaninga figure ofspeech in whichan object oranimal is givenhuman feelingsa figure ofspeechinvolvinggreatexaggerationa statementwhich lessensor minimizesthe importanceof what ismeantFree!(adj) sorryfor pastactions;desiringforgiveness(n) correctnessor uprightness;unerring infollowingprinciplesa false name oralias used by awriter desiringnot to use hisor her realname.(adj)inauthentic;not bonafide(adj)secretiveor covert(adj)noticeable orimportant;standing out(adj) matter-of-fact;without spirit,style, orimagination(adj) honestandunconcealed;forthrighta literary devicein which thesound of theword echoes thesound itrepresents(adj)active andhappy; fullof energy(n) alertness;unbreakingattention to aduty(v) to discover themeaning of acipher orencryption; tounderstand acoded or hiddenmeaninga figure ofspeech in whichan object oranimal is givenhuman feelingsa figure ofspeechinvolvinggreatexaggerationa statementwhich lessensor minimizesthe importanceof what ismeantFree!(adj) sorryfor pastactions;desiringforgiveness(n) correctnessor uprightness;unerring infollowingprinciplesa false name oralias used by awriter desiringnot to use hisor her realname.(adj)inauthentic;not bonafide(adj)secretiveor covert

Week 7 Vocab - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. (adj) noticeable or important; standing out
  2. (adj) matter-of-fact; without spirit, style, or imagination
  3. (adj) honest and unconcealed; forthright
  4. a literary device in which the sound of the word echoes the sound it represents
  5. (adj) active and happy; full of energy
  6. (n) alertness; unbreaking attention to a duty
  7. (v) to discover the meaning of a cipher or encryption; to understand a coded or hidden meaning
  8. a figure of speech in which an object or animal is given human feelings
  9. a figure of speech involving great exaggeration
  10. a statement which lessens or minimizes the importance of what is meant
  11. Free!
  12. (adj) sorry for past actions; desiring forgiveness
  13. (n) correctness or uprightness; unerring in following principles
  14. a false name or alias used by a writer desiring not to use his or her real name.
  15. (adj) inauthentic; not bona fide
  16. (adj) secretive or covert