I got asurveycommentwith myname in it!A leaderconfirms I knowwhat to do withdented Pringlecans. (___)WWMy assignedbay isgraded a 4or higher!My ReflexisApp profilecontains mycurrent phonenumber!I have notardy’s orunscheduledabsences for1 monthWI greet everyguest asthey walk in!I am in fulluniformcompliance!A leadersays I amalwayspositive andhappy! (___)A leader says I amalways polite andhelpful tocustomers & workteam! (___)WWA leader says Iregularly fullycomplete mydaily tasksassigned to me!(____)I demonstrated toa manager (___) Iknow how to do apickup order startto finish withintime limit!Q- What do Iwear whencleaning theparking lot?A ________I amsigned upfor PSC!I use theTheatroHeadseteach day Iwork!Riddle: I am theperson whooften say’s “copythat” during myshift. I am the __ _I know how tofind myemployee perksonline! .ie- cellphonediscounts!I recommended animmunization to acustomer (needpaper slip fromcustomer!)A leadersays I workwith a senseof urgency!(___)I have alternatework locationsset up inReflexisScheduler AppI got asurveycommentwith myname in it!A leaderconfirms I knowwhat to do withdented Pringlecans. (___)WWMy assignedbay isgraded a 4or higher!My ReflexisApp profilecontains mycurrent phonenumber!I have notardy’s orunscheduledabsences for1 monthWI greet everyguest asthey walk in!I am in fulluniformcompliance!A leadersays I amalwayspositive andhappy! (___)A leader says I amalways polite andhelpful tocustomers & workteam! (___)WWA leader says Iregularly fullycomplete mydaily tasksassigned to me!(____)I demonstrated toa manager (___) Iknow how to do apickup order startto finish withintime limit!Q- What do Iwear whencleaning theparking lot?A ________I amsigned upfor PSC!I use theTheatroHeadseteach day Iwork!Riddle: I am theperson whooften say’s “copythat” during myshift. I am the __ _I know how tofind myemployee perksonline! .ie- cellphonediscounts!I recommended animmunization to acustomer (needpaper slip fromcustomer!)A leadersays I workwith a senseof urgency!(___)I have alternatework locationsset up inReflexisScheduler App

Walgreens Skill & Will - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. I got a survey comment with my name in it!
  2. A leader confirms I know what to do with dented Pringle cans. (___)
  3. W
  4. W
  5. My assigned bay is graded a 4 or higher!
  6. My Reflexis App profile contains my current phone number!
  7. I have no tardy’s or unscheduled absences for 1 month
  8. W
  9. I greet every guest as they walk in!
  10. I am in full uniform compliance!
  11. A leader says I am always positive and happy! (___)
  12. A leader says I am always polite and helpful to customers & work team! (___)
  13. W
  14. W
  15. A leader says I regularly fully complete my daily tasks assigned to me! (____)
  16. I demonstrated to a manager (___) I know how to do a pickup order start to finish within time limit!
  17. Q- What do I wear when cleaning the parking lot? A ________
  18. I am signed up for PSC!
  19. I use the Theatro Headset each day I work!
  20. Riddle: I am the person who often say’s “copy that” during my shift. I am the _ _ _
  21. I know how to find my employee perks online! .ie- cell phone discounts!
  22. I recommended an immunization to a customer (need paper slip from customer!)
  23. A leader says I work with a sense of urgency! (___)
  24. I have alternate work locations set up in Reflexis Scheduler App