The legalprocess of___________creates aparent/childrelationship.adoptionThe crime ofbeing marriedto more thanone person ata timebigamyMoney paid by aparent to provide adependent childwith appropriateeconomicmaintenance.ChildsupportChild supportpayments helppay for (a) food,(b) clothing, (c)housing, (d) allof the aboveD______________is the division ofthe physical andother care of achild betweenspouses.childcustodyA(n) ____________typically offers manyof the rights, duties,and benefits ofmarriage to thosewho elect to form it.civilunionAnothername fordivorcedissolutionThe law recognizes thata(n) _________ marriageoccurs when a singlewoman and a single manlive together, sharecommon property, and holdthemselves out as husbandand wife over a prolongedperiod of time.common-lawThe law that forces theparents of an illegitimatechild to marry is known asthe (a) Legitimate ChildLaw, (b) No Child LeftBehind Law, (c) IllegitimateChild Law, (d) there is nolaw that existsDA type of divorcewhere nogrievance isidentified is a(n) only restriction inthe choice of maritalpartners is (a) vast agedifference, (b) beingclosely related to eachother, (c) extremelydifferent nationalities,(d) none of theseBBy entering into a(n)______________marital partners-to-betypically give up anyfuture claim theymight have to part orall of the other’sproperty.prenuptialagreementTypically, theminimum age formarriage withoutpermission is (a)14, (b) 16, (c) 18,(d) 21CDamage suits cannot bebrought against a thirdparty who tries to prevent acouple from marrying if thethird party is (a) thebeneficiary of their lifeinsurance, (b) the attorneywho drew up the prenuptialagreement, (c) the parentsof either tCA(n) __________creates no rights orduties for eitherparty and isconsidered invalidfrom the beginning.voidmarriageWhen a couple hasbeen living togetherand sharing commonproperty for some time,it is called (a) a maritalconsortium, (b) bigamy,(c) common lawmarriage, (d) aprenuptial agreementCUnder the Marriage andDivorce Act, in awardingcustody a court mustconsider all of the followingfactors except (a) whostands to benefit morefinancially, (b) the child’swishes as to custody, (c)the child’s adjustment tohome, school, and cAWhich of the followingis not a practical andlegally recognizedpurpose for marriage?(a) raising children, (b)to obtain citizenship,(c) economic needs,(d) companionshipneedsBThe law prescribing thatany property brought intoor earned, inherited, orreceived as a gift during amarriage by a spouse,remains the property of thatspouse, is based on (a)prenuptial law, (b)community property law, (c)English common law,C______________ isthe monetarypayment by a parentto provide adependent child withappropriate economicmaintenance.childsupportA problem leading to avoidable marriagemight be (a) husbandnot earning enoughmoney, (b) refusal tohave children, (c)husband gained toomuch weight, (d) wifeis not a good cookBA legalreason fora no faultdivorceirreconcilabledifferencesThe lawrecognizesthese purposesas mutualduties ofmaritalconsortium___________is the methodusually usedto end amarriage.divorceThe legalprocess of___________creates aparent/childrelationship.adoptionThe crime ofbeing marriedto more thanone person ata timebigamyMoney paid by aparent to provide adependent childwith appropriateeconomicmaintenance.ChildsupportChild supportpayments helppay for (a) food,(b) clothing, (c)housing, (d) allof the aboveD______________is the division ofthe physical andother care of achild betweenspouses.childcustodyA(n) ____________typically offers manyof the rights, duties,and benefits ofmarriage to thosewho elect to form it.civilunionAnothername fordivorcedissolutionThe law recognizes thata(n) _________ marriageoccurs when a singlewoman and a single manlive together, sharecommon property, and holdthemselves out as husbandand wife over a prolongedperiod of time.common-lawThe law that forces theparents of an illegitimatechild to marry is known asthe (a) Legitimate ChildLaw, (b) No Child LeftBehind Law, (c) IllegitimateChild Law, (d) there is nolaw that existsDA type of divorcewhere nogrievance isidentified is a(n) only restriction inthe choice of maritalpartners is (a) vast agedifference, (b) beingclosely related to eachother, (c) extremelydifferent nationalities,(d) none of theseBBy entering into a(n)______________marital partners-to-betypically give up anyfuture claim theymight have to part orall of the other’sproperty.prenuptialagreementTypically, theminimum age formarriage withoutpermission is (a)14, (b) 16, (c) 18,(d) 21CDamage suits cannot bebrought against a thirdparty who tries to prevent acouple from marrying if thethird party is (a) thebeneficiary of their lifeinsurance, (b) the attorneywho drew up the prenuptialagreement, (c) the parentsof either tCA(n) __________creates no rights orduties for eitherparty and isconsidered invalidfrom the beginning.voidmarriageWhen a couple hasbeen living togetherand sharing commonproperty for some time,it is called (a) a maritalconsortium, (b) bigamy,(c) common lawmarriage, (d) aprenuptial agreementCUnder the Marriage andDivorce Act, in awardingcustody a court mustconsider all of the followingfactors except (a) whostands to benefit morefinancially, (b) the child’swishes as to custody, (c)the child’s adjustment tohome, school, and cAWhich of the followingis not a practical andlegally recognizedpurpose for marriage?(a) raising children, (b)to obtain citizenship,(c) economic needs,(d) companionshipneedsBThe law prescribing thatany property brought intoor earned, inherited, orreceived as a gift during amarriage by a spouse,remains the property of thatspouse, is based on (a)prenuptial law, (b)community property law, (c)English common law,C______________ isthe monetarypayment by a parentto provide adependent child withappropriate economicmaintenance.childsupportA problem leading to avoidable marriagemight be (a) husbandnot earning enoughmoney, (b) refusal tohave children, (c)husband gained toomuch weight, (d) wifeis not a good cookBA legalreason fora no faultdivorceirreconcilabledifferencesThe lawrecognizesthese purposesas mutualduties ofmaritalconsortium___________is the methodusually usedto end amarriage.divorce

Chapter 12 Review - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. adoption
    The legal process of ___________ creates a parent/child relationship.
  2. bigamy
    The crime of being married to more than one person at a time
  3. Child support
    Money paid by a parent to provide a dependent child with appropriate economic maintenance.
  4. D
    Child support payments help pay for (a) food, (b) clothing, (c) housing, (d) all of the above
  5. child custody
    ______________ is the division of the physical and other care of a child between spouses.
  6. civil union
    A(n) ____________ typically offers many of the rights, duties, and benefits of marriage to those who elect to form it.
  7. dissolution
    Another name for divorce
  8. common-law
    The law recognizes that a(n) _________ marriage occurs when a single woman and a single man live together, share common property, and hold themselves out as husband and wife over a prolonged period of time.
  9. D
    The law that forces the parents of an illegitimate child to marry is known as the (a) Legitimate Child Law, (b) No Child Left Behind Law, (c) Illegitimate Child Law, (d) there is no law that exists
  10. no-fault
    A type of divorce where no grievance is identified is a(n) _____________ divorce.
  11. B
    The only restriction in the choice of marital partners is (a) vast age difference, (b) being closely related to each other, (c) extremely different nationalities, (d) none of these
  12. prenuptial agreement
    By entering into a(n) ______________ marital partners-to-be typically give up any future claim they might have to part or all of the other’s property.
  13. C
    Typically, the minimum age for marriage without permission is (a) 14, (b) 16, (c) 18, (d) 21
  14. C
    Damage suits cannot be brought against a third party who tries to prevent a couple from marrying if the third party is (a) the beneficiary of their life insurance, (b) the attorney who drew up the prenuptial agreement, (c) the parents of either t
  15. void marriage
    A(n) __________ creates no rights or duties for either party and is considered invalid from the beginning.
  16. C
    When a couple has been living together and sharing common property for some time, it is called (a) a marital consortium, (b) bigamy, (c) common law marriage, (d) a prenuptial agreement
  17. A
    Under the Marriage and Divorce Act, in awarding custody a court must consider all of the following factors except (a) who stands to benefit more financially, (b) the child’s wishes as to custody, (c) the child’s adjustment to home, school, and c
  18. B
    Which of the following is not a practical and legally recognized purpose for marriage? (a) raising children, (b) to obtain citizenship, (c) economic needs, (d) companionship needs
  19. C
    The law prescribing that any property brought into or earned, inherited, or received as a gift during a marriage by a spouse, remains the property of that spouse, is based on (a) prenuptial law, (b) community property law, (c) English common law,
  20. child support
    ______________ is the monetary payment by a parent to provide a dependent child with appropriate economic maintenance.
  21. B
    A problem leading to a voidable marriage might be (a) husband not earning enough money, (b) refusal to have children, (c) husband gained too much weight, (d) wife is not a good cook
  22. irreconcilable differences
    A legal reason for a no fault divorce
  23. marital consortium
    The law recognizes these purposes as mutual duties of
  24. divorce
    ___________ is the method usually used to end a marriage.