"give me1000kisses"~Catullusda mibasiamille"love is akind ofwar"~Ovidmilitiaespeciesamor est"no one inlove sees"~Propertiusnemo inamorevidet"loveconquersall"~Vergilomniavincitamor"I am faintwith love"~theVulgateamorelangueo"now I knowwhat love is"~Vergilnuncscio quidsit amor"I feel ithappen& I amdestroyed"~Catullusfierisentio etexcrucior!"whoselips willyou bite?"~Catulluscuilabellamordebis"your eyesare doves"~theVulgateoculi tuicolumbarum"whose willyou be saidto be?"~Catulluscuiusessediceris"love anddelight of thehuman race"~Seutoniusamor etdeliciaehumanigeneris"wickedlove!"~Vergilimprobeamor!"let love andfaithfulnessnever leaveyou"~the Vulgateamor etfidesnon tedeserant"let's liveand let'slove"~Catullusvivamusatque.amemus"they seemlike a godto me"~Catullusilli mi paresse deovidetur"your love ismoredelightfulthan wine"~the Vulgatemeliorest amortuus vino"love mustbe sincere"~theVulgatedilectiosinesimulatione"I hateand Ilove"~Catullusodi etamo"if you wantto be loved,love!"~Hecatosi visamari,ama!"whomwill youkiss?"~Catullusquembasiabis"howbeautiful youare, mydarling!"~the Vulgateecce tupulcherest dilectemi"...then100[kisses]"~Catullusdeindecentum"if you wantto beloved, belovable!"~Ovidut amerisamabilisesto"doeverything inlove"~the Vulgateomniavestra inamorefiant"who candeceive alover?"~Vergilquisfallerepossitamantem"the greatestof these islove"~the Vulgatemaiorautem hisest amor"my belovedis mine and Iam his"~the Vulgatedilectusmeus mihiet ego illi"Take meaway withyou,let's hurry"~the Vulgatetrahe mepost te,curremus"love is thesame foreveryone"~Vergilamoromnibusidem"give me1000kisses"~Catullusda mibasiamille"love is akind ofwar"~Ovidmilitiaespeciesamor est"no one inlove sees"~Propertiusnemo inamorevidet"loveconquersall"~Vergilomniavincitamor"I am faintwith love"~theVulgateamorelangueo"now I knowwhat love is"~Vergilnuncscio quidsit amor"I feel ithappen& I amdestroyed"~Catullusfierisentio etexcrucior!"whoselips willyou bite?"~Catulluscuilabellamordebis"your eyesare doves"~theVulgateoculi tuicolumbarum"whose willyou be saidto be?"~Catulluscuiusessediceris"love anddelight of thehuman race"~Seutoniusamor etdeliciaehumanigeneris"wickedlove!"~Vergilimprobeamor!"let love andfaithfulnessnever leaveyou"~the Vulgateamor etfidesnon tedeserant"let's liveand let'slove"~Catullusvivamusatque.amemus"they seemlike a godto me"~Catullusilli mi paresse deovidetur"your love ismoredelightfulthan wine"~the Vulgatemeliorest amortuus vino"love mustbe sincere"~theVulgatedilectiosinesimulatione"I hateand Ilove"~Catullusodi etamo"if you wantto be loved,love!"~Hecatosi visamari,ama!"whomwill youkiss?"~Catullusquembasiabis"howbeautiful youare, mydarling!"~the Vulgateecce tupulcherest dilectemi"...then100[kisses]"~Catullusdeindecentum"if you wantto beloved, belovable!"~Ovidut amerisamabilisesto"doeverything inlove"~the Vulgateomniavestra inamorefiant"who candeceive alover?"~Vergilquisfallerepossitamantem"the greatestof these islove"~the Vulgatemaiorautem hisest amor"my belovedis mine and Iam his"~the Vulgatedilectusmeus mihiet ego illi"Take meaway withyou,let's hurry"~the Vulgatetrahe mepost te,curremus"love is thesame foreveryone"~Vergilamoromnibusidem

Latin Love Poetry - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. da mi basia mille
    "give me 1000 kisses" ~Catullus
  2. militiae species amor est
    "love is a kind of war" ~Ovid
  3. nemo in amore videt
    "no one in love sees" ~Propertius
  4. omnia vincit amor
    "love conquers all" ~Vergil
  5. amore langueo
    "I am faint with love" ~the Vulgate
  6. nunc scio quid sit amor
    "now I know what love is" ~Vergil
  7. fieri sentio et excrucior!
    "I feel it happen & I am destroyed" ~Catullus
  8. cui labella mordebis
    "whose lips will you bite?" ~Catullus
  9. oculi tui columbarum
    "your eyes are doves" ~the Vulgate
  10. cuius esse diceris
    "whose will you be said to be?" ~Catullus
  11. amor et deliciae humani generis
    "love and delight of the human race" ~Seutonius
  12. improbe amor!
    "wicked love!" ~Vergil
  13. amor et fides non te deserant
    "let love and faithfulness never leave you" ~the Vulgate
  14. vivamus atque. amemus
    "let's live and let's love" ~Catullus
  15. illi mi par esse deo videtur
    "they seem like a god to me" ~Catullus
  16. melior est amor tuus vino
    "your love is more delightful than wine" ~the Vulgate
  17. dilectio sine simulatione
    "love must be sincere" ~the Vulgate
  18. odi et amo
    "I hate and I love" ~Catullus
  19. si vis amari, ama!
    "if you want to be loved, love!" ~Hecato
  20. quem basiabis
    "whom will you kiss?" ~Catullus
  21. ecce tu pulcher est dilecte mi
    "how beautiful you are, my darling!" ~the Vulgate
  22. deinde centum
    "...then 100 [kisses]" ~Catullus
  23. ut ameris amabilis esto
    "if you want to be loved, be lovable!" ~Ovid
  24. omnia vestra in amore fiant
    "do everything in love" ~the Vulgate
  25. quis fallere possit amantem
    "who can deceive a lover?" ~Vergil
  26. maior autem his est amor
    "the greatest of these is love" ~the Vulgate
  27. dilectus meus mihi et ego illi
    "my beloved is mine and I am his" ~the Vulgate
  28. trahe me post te, curremus
    "Take me away with you, let's hurry" ~the Vulgate
  29. amor omnibus idem
    "love is the same for everyone" ~Vergil