26.The Stretcher: Do this oneach        side for 30 - 60 seconds30.The Connector: Connectwith someone you haven'tspoken to in a while. Afamily member, co-worker,friend. Pick up the phone,write them a letter,Messenger them, videochats are fun. :)25.The Necker: Stand withyour arms down at yoursides. Roll your shouldersbackward in a circularmotion, completing 5rotations. Then complete 5rotations forward. Repeatthis sequence 2-3 times.45.What do youappreciate mostabout your bodyand why. Sharewith the group.31.Practice arandom actof kindness.Prac8.The FREE Space:Exercise of yourchoice. 12 reps, 3times or 10 minuteminimum.41. Finish this prompt in apositive way: Dear Younger Self,You deserve more creditthan I've given you attimes. Thank you for....33.Laugh out loud for 30seconds. Use any(legal) meansnecessary to makeyourself laugh. Use amirror if you havetoo! :)22.The Fab Abs Squeeze:Simply take a deep breathand tighten the abdominalmuscles, bringing them intowards the spine as youexhale. Stay squeezed for5-10 seconds and release.Repeat for 12-15 reps.19.The FREE Space:Exercise of yourchoice. 12 reps, 3times or 10 minuteminimum.39.Volunteer tohelp acommunitymember.37.Pick up trashalongsideroad or intown44.What is yourfavorite animaland why? Sharewith the group.21.The Dreya: Stand feet hipwidth apart, arms in front ofyou, palms up, fingersspread out & pointed to theground. With tension bringhands up toward chest &push down toward floor,bring hands back up,pretend to squeezesomething. Reve35.Try a newactivity or learnsomething newtoday.14.The Burp: Stand withfeet hip width apart.Do a deep squat,jump your feet out inhigh plank, jump yourfeet back in, jump up!Repeat for 10 reps.36.Identify/reviewa goal,problem, &solution. 18. The Plank: Get in a pushupposition.      Hold for 30-60 seconds.28.The Chest Opener:        Hold for 30- 60 seconds,repeat 4 times43.What is yourfavorite food/mealand what do youenjoy about it?Share with thegroup.20. The Frog:Do 20 reps1.The Twinkle Toe: Standin front of a smalltrashcan and lift upthose legs to tap thetoes on its edge,alternating feet, insoccer-drill fashion.Repeat 20 times.29.The Me: Take 15-20minutes and dosomething you enjoy!Read a book, draw,color, the choice isyours.9.The Thigh Crusher: Whileseated, place phone (orsimilar item) betweenknees, press legs inward,engaging inner thighs.Squeeze the item for 30-60seconds while sortingthrough the morning’semail.11.The AfterLunch: Walkfor 15-20minutes.40.Take 20-30minutes andlearn aboutyour ancestors.27.The Child:  Hold for 30 - 60seconds15.The Forearm: Place forearms on thefloor with elbows aligned belowshoulders and arms parallel to yourbody at about shoulder width.      Keep your body straight as a board.Hold for 60 seconds.32.No Electronics,News or SocialMedia for onehour before bed.38.Spend 20 -30 minutesbeautifyingyour space.12.The Crunch:Do as manycrunches asyou can!3. The Split Squat Jumps:Feet hip-width apart, stepleft leg back 2 ft, balanceon the ball of the foot. Next,lower into lunge, thenaccelerate upwards in anexplosion. While in the air,switch feet. Repeat 10-12times on eac4.The Wall Sit: Sit and hold for 30-60 seconds.      Rest, repeat 3 times. For someextra burn, try crossing the rightankle over the left knee.17.The Pushup: Do asmany pushups asyou can on hands,then go to knees. Doas many on knees asyou can.5.The Notebook:Jot down 6 thingsyou are gratefulfor.   42.Identify whichhousehold itemyou mostappreciate andwhy. Share withthe group.13.The FREE Space:Exercise of yourchoice. 12 reps, 3times or 10 minuteminimum.24.The Breath: Roll back fromdesk, sit up straight, foldhands in lap, close eyes &take a deep breath –inhaling through nose andexhaling through slightly-opened mouth. Feel lungsfill with each inhale. Repeat6 times.23.The Relaxer: Stand withyour feet hip width apart.Put your hands straight outin front of you,the backs of your handstogether push your handsaway from you and tuckyour pelvis under. Hold for30 seconds, repeat.6.The Virtual JumpRope:Grab the virtualjump rope. Jump100 times.10.Drink halfyour weightof water (oz)7.The Cross Jacks: Standwith feet hip width apartand arms straight out atyour sides. When you jumpinstead of your arms goingup, they cross in front ofyou and your feet cross atthe ankles.2. Slog, Then Jog: Take amini break for a stationaryjog. Pop up from your chairand jog in place. Pick upthose knees! Continue forone minute, return to yourspreadsheets, and repeat 3more times.16.The Dancer: Put yourfavorite music anddance like no one iswatching for 1 wholesong! Remember toturn on your camera!Just kidding! :)34.Don't eatsugartoday.26.The Stretcher: Do this oneach        side for 30 - 60 seconds30.The Connector: Connectwith someone you haven'tspoken to in a while. Afamily member, co-worker,friend. Pick up the phone,write them a letter,Messenger them, videochats are fun. :)25.The Necker: Stand withyour arms down at yoursides. Roll your shouldersbackward in a circularmotion, completing 5rotations. Then complete 5rotations forward. Repeatthis sequence 2-3 times.45.What do youappreciate mostabout your bodyand why. Sharewith the group.31.Practice arandom actof kindness.Prac8.The FREE Space:Exercise of yourchoice. 12 reps, 3times or 10 minuteminimum.41. Finish this prompt in apositive way: Dear Younger Self,You deserve more creditthan I've given you attimes. Thank you for....33.Laugh out loud for 30seconds. Use any(legal) meansnecessary to makeyourself laugh. Use amirror if you havetoo! :)22.The Fab Abs Squeeze:Simply take a deep breathand tighten the abdominalmuscles, bringing them intowards the spine as youexhale. Stay squeezed for5-10 seconds and release.Repeat for 12-15 reps.19.The FREE Space:Exercise of yourchoice. 12 reps, 3times or 10 minuteminimum.39.Volunteer tohelp acommunitymember.37.Pick up trashalongsideroad or intown44.What is yourfavorite animaland why? Sharewith the group.21.The Dreya: Stand feet hipwidth apart, arms in front ofyou, palms up, fingersspread out & pointed to theground. With tension bringhands up toward chest &push down toward floor,bring hands back up,pretend to squeezesomething. Reve35.Try a newactivity or learnsomething newtoday.14.The Burp: Stand withfeet hip width apart.Do a deep squat,jump your feet out inhigh plank, jump yourfeet back in, jump up!Repeat for 10 reps.36.Identify/reviewa goal,problem, &solution.18. The Plank: Get in a pushupposition.      Hold for 30-60 seconds.28.The Chest Opener:        Hold for 30- 60 seconds,repeat 4 times43.What is yourfavorite food/mealand what do youenjoy about it?Share with thegroup.20. The Frog:Do 20 reps1.The Twinkle Toe: Standin front of a smalltrashcan and lift upthose legs to tap thetoes on its edge,alternating feet, insoccer-drill fashion.Repeat 20 times.29.The Me: Take 15-20minutes and dosomething you enjoy!Read a book, draw,color, the choice isyours.9.The Thigh Crusher: Whileseated, place phone (orsimilar item) betweenknees, press legs inward,engaging inner thighs.Squeeze the item for 30-60seconds while sortingthrough the morning’semail.11.The AfterLunch: Walkfor 15-20minutes.40.Take 20-30minutes andlearn aboutyour ancestors.27.The Child:  Hold for 30 - 60seconds15.The Forearm: Place forearms on thefloor with elbows aligned belowshoulders and arms parallel to yourbody at about shoulder width.      Keep your body straight as a board.Hold for 60 seconds.32.No Electronics,News or SocialMedia for onehour before bed.38.Spend 20 -30 minutesbeautifyingyour space.12.The Crunch:Do as manycrunches asyou can!3. The Split Squat Jumps:Feet hip-width apart, stepleft leg back 2 ft, balanceon the ball of the foot. Next,lower into lunge, thenaccelerate upwards in anexplosion. While in the air,switch feet. Repeat 10-12times on eac4.The Wall Sit: Sit and hold for 30-60 seconds.      Rest, repeat 3 times. For someextra burn, try crossing the rightankle over the left knee.17.The Pushup: Do asmany pushups asyou can on hands,then go to knees. Doas many on knees asyou can.5.The Notebook:Jot down 6 thingsyou are gratefulfor.   42.Identify whichhousehold itemyou mostappreciate andwhy. Share withthe group.13.The FREE Space:Exercise of yourchoice. 12 reps, 3times or 10 minuteminimum.24.The Breath: Roll back fromdesk, sit up straight, foldhands in lap, close eyes &take a deep breath –inhaling through nose andexhaling through slightly-opened mouth. Feel lungsfill with each inhale. Repeat6 times.23.The Relaxer: Stand withyour feet hip width apart.Put your hands straight outin front of you,the backs of your handstogether push your handsaway from you and tuckyour pelvis under. Hold for30 seconds, repeat.6.The Virtual JumpRope:Grab the virtualjump rope. Jump100 times.10.Drink halfyour weightof water (oz)7.The Cross Jacks: Standwith feet hip width apartand arms straight out atyour sides. When you jumpinstead of your arms goingup, they cross in front ofyou and your feet cross atthe ankles.2. Slog, Then Jog: Take amini break for a stationaryjog. Pop up from your chairand jog in place. Pick upthose knees! Continue forone minute, return to yourspreadsheets, and repeat 3more times.16.The Dancer: Put yourfavorite music anddance like no one iswatching for 1 wholesong! Remember toturn on your camera!Just kidding! :)34.Don't eatsugartoday.


(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. 26. The Stretcher: Do this on each side for 30 - 60 seconds
  2. 30. The Connector: Connect with someone you haven't spoken to in a while. A family member, co-worker, friend. Pick up the phone, write them a letter, Messenger them, video chats are fun. :)
  3. 25. The Necker: Stand with your arms down at your sides. Roll your shoulders backward in a circular motion, completing 5 rotations. Then complete 5 rotations forward. Repeat this sequence 2-3 times.
  4. 45. What do you appreciate most about your body and why. Share with the group.
  5. Prac
    31. Practice a random act of kindness.
  6. 8. The FREE Space: Exercise of your choice. 12 reps, 3 times or 10 minute minimum.
  7. 41. Finish this prompt in a positive way: Dear Younger Self, You deserve more credit than I've given you at times. Thank you for....
  8. 33. Laugh out loud for 30 seconds. Use any (legal) means necessary to make yourself laugh. Use a mirror if you have too! :)
  9. 22. The Fab Abs Squeeze: Simply take a deep breath and tighten the abdominal muscles, bringing them in towards the spine as you exhale. Stay squeezed for 5-10 seconds and release. Repeat for 12-15 reps.
  10. 19. The FREE Space: Exercise of your choice. 12 reps, 3 times or 10 minute minimum.
  11. 39. Volunteer to help a community member.
  12. 37. Pick up trash alongside road or in town
  13. 44. What is your favorite animal and why? Share with the group.
  14. 21. The Dreya: Stand feet hip width apart, arms in front of you, palms up, fingers spread out & pointed to the ground. With tension bring hands up toward chest & push down toward floor, bring hands back up, pretend to squeeze something. Reve
  15. 35. Try a new activity or learn something new today.
  16. 14. The Burp: Stand with feet hip width apart. Do a deep squat, jump your feet out in high plank, jump your feet back in, jump up! Repeat for 10 reps.
  17. 36. Identify/review a goal, problem, & solution.
  18. 18. The Plank: Get in a pushup position. Hold for 30-60 seconds.
  19. 28. The Chest Opener: Hold for 30- 60 seconds, repeat 4 times
  20. 43. What is your favorite food/meal and what do you enjoy about it? Share with the group.
  21. 20. The Frog: Do 20 reps
  22. 1. The Twinkle Toe: Stand in front of a small trashcan and lift up those legs to tap the toes on its edge, alternating feet, in soccer-drill fashion. Repeat 20 times.
  23. 29. The Me: Take 15-20 minutes and do something you enjoy! Read a book, draw, color, the choice is yours.
  24. 9. The Thigh Crusher: While seated, place phone (or similar item) between knees, press legs inward, engaging inner thighs. Squeeze the item for 30-60 seconds while sorting through the morning’s email.
  25. 11. The After Lunch: Walk for 15-20 minutes.
  26. 40. Take 20-30 minutes and learn about your ancestors.
  27. 27. The Child: Hold for 30 - 60 seconds
  28. 15. The Forearm: Place forearms on the floor with elbows aligned below shoulders and arms parallel to your body at about shoulder width. Keep your body straight as a board. Hold for 60 seconds.
  29. 32. No Electronics, News or Social Media for one hour before bed.
  30. 38. Spend 20 - 30 minutes beautifying your space.
  31. 12. The Crunch: Do as many crunches as you can!
  32. 3. The Split Squat Jumps: Feet hip-width apart, step left leg back 2 ft, balance on the ball of the foot. Next, lower into lunge, then accelerate upwards in an explosion. While in the air, switch feet. Repeat 10-12 times on eac
  33. 4. The Wall Sit: Sit and hold for 30-60 seconds. Rest, repeat 3 times. For some extra burn, try crossing the right ankle over the left knee.
  34. 17. The Pushup: Do as many pushups as you can on hands, then go to knees. Do as many on knees as you can.
  35. 5. The Notebook: Jot down 6 things you are grateful for.
  36. 42. Identify which household item you most appreciate and why. Share with the group.
  37. 13. The FREE Space: Exercise of your choice. 12 reps, 3 times or 10 minute minimum.
  38. 24. The Breath: Roll back from desk, sit up straight, fold hands in lap, close eyes & take a deep breath – inhaling through nose and exhaling through slightly-opened mouth. Feel lungs fill with each inhale. Repeat 6 times.
  39. 23. The Relaxer: Stand with your feet hip width apart. Put your hands straight out in front of you, the backs of your hands together push your hands away from you and tuck your pelvis under. Hold for 30 seconds, repeat.
  40. 6. The Virtual Jump Rope: Grab the virtual jump rope. Jump 100 times.
  41. 10. Drink half your weight of water (oz)
  42. 7. The Cross Jacks: Stand with feet hip width apart and arms straight out at your sides. When you jump instead of your arms going up, they cross in front of you and your feet cross at the ankles.
  43. 2. Slog, Then Jog: Take a mini break for a stationary jog. Pop up from your chair and jog in place. Pick up those knees! Continue for one minute, return to your spreadsheets, and repeat 3 more times.
  44. 16. The Dancer: Put your favorite music and dance like no one is watching for 1 whole song! Remember to turn on your camera! Just kidding! :)
  45. 34. Don't eat sugar today.