find a biographyof a famousAfricanAmerican(and bring tofront desk)He became thefirst AfricanAmericanSupreme CourtJusticeFind a CorettaScott King AwardNominee or winner(and bring to frontdesk)Became thefirst AfricanAmericanelected into theUS CongressHe was the mostfinanciallysuccessfulAfricanAmerican artistin historyFirstAfricanAmericanPresidentShe was thefirst AfricanAmericanwoman to holda pilot's licenceShe helpedcalculate theorbit for theApollo 11 flightto the moonWon thegold in the1960Olympics forboxingHe won the caseof brown v. Boardof Education,which led to thedesegregation ofschools We honor thisactivist on the3rd Monday ofJanuary everyyearShe was thefirst AfricanAmericanwomanastronauthe led to march onWashington in1963 where hegave his famous ‘IHave a DreamSpeechHis work onblood banksand bloodstorage savedmillions duringWW2As a conductor of theunderground railroad,she made over 19trips to bring slavesto freedom and neverlost a passenger She was thefirst AfricanAmericanwomanbillionairefind a biographyof a famousAfricanAmerican(and bring tofront desk)He became thefirst AfricanAmericanSupreme CourtJusticeFind a CorettaScott King AwardNominee or winner(and bring to frontdesk)Became thefirst AfricanAmericanelected into theUS CongressHe was the mostfinanciallysuccessfulAfricanAmerican artistin historyFirstAfricanAmericanPresidentShe was thefirst AfricanAmericanwoman to holda pilot's licenceShe helpedcalculate theorbit for theApollo 11 flightto the moonWon thegold in the1960Olympics forboxingHe won the caseof brown v. Boardof Education,which led to thedesegregation ofschools We honor thisactivist on the3rd Monday ofJanuary everyyearShe was thefirst AfricanAmericanwomanastronauthe led to march onWashington in1963 where hegave his famous ‘IHave a DreamSpeechHis work onblood banksand bloodstorage savedmillions duringWW2As a conductor of theunderground railroad,she made over 19trips to bring slavesto freedom and neverlost a passenger She was thefirst AfricanAmericanwomanbillionaire

Black History Month Trivia Challenge - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. find a biography of a famous African American (and bring to front desk)
  2. He became the first African American Supreme Court Justice
  3. Find a Coretta Scott King Award Nominee or winner (and bring to front desk)
  4. Became the first African American elected into the US Congress
  5. He was the most financially successful African American artist in history
  6. First African American President
  7. She was the first African American woman to hold a pilot's licence
  8. She helped calculate the orbit for the Apollo 11 flight to the moon
  9. Won the gold in the 1960 Olympics for boxing
  10. He won the case of brown v. Board of Education, which led to the desegregation of schools
  11. We honor this activist on the 3rd Monday of January every year
  12. She was the first African American woman astronaut
  13. he led to march on Washington in 1963 where he gave his famous ‘I Have a Dream Speech
  14. His work on blood banks and blood storage saved millions during WW2
  15. As a conductor of the underground railroad, she made over 19 trips to bring slaves to freedom and never lost a passenger
  16. She was the first African American woman billionaire