No newsaboutBOTW2 Some popularfake leak getsdebunked anpeople get madat Nintendo for itnot being real Somekind ofremake ofsomething Me not caringbeyond like 2announcements3 second teaser forone of the only thingspeople actually caredabout at the endfollowed by 3 monthsof silence Not a lot aboutPokemonbecause theyhave their owndirect in a weekWe just get likea calendar orsomethinginstead of a fullZelda gameIncreasedprice forNintendoSwitchOnline DonkeyKong 40thanniversaryNintendo: Isleep 👨‍🦯Another popularcharacter getsdeconfirmed asa mii costume Have weheard fromFire Emblemlately? Event inPocket Campfor 1 yearanniversaryof ACNH Geno stillisn't inSmashPeople getfaked out bysome Personanews but it's justPersona Strikers Somethingfrom one ofthe mobilegames More than halfthe Direct isjust Sakuraigoing overmovesets No newsaboutMetroid 4People saltyregardless ofwhat'sannounced Nothing forZeldaanniversary tillthe Mario oneis done in AprilSomethingfor the 1 yearanniversaryof NewHorizons Too long tutorialon pressing theB button to takepictures inPokemon Snap Randomvirtual consolegames that noone's heard of A populargamegetsported.ProbablysomethingaboutMonsterHunter idk?No newsaboutBOTW2 Some popularfake leak getsdebunked anpeople get madat Nintendo for itnot being real Somekind ofremake ofsomething Me not caringbeyond like 2announcements3 second teaser forone of the only thingspeople actually caredabout at the endfollowed by 3 monthsof silence Not a lot aboutPokemonbecause theyhave their owndirect in a weekWe just get likea calendar orsomethinginstead of a fullZelda gameIncreasedprice forNintendoSwitchOnline DonkeyKong 40thanniversaryNintendo: Isleep 👨‍🦯Another popularcharacter getsdeconfirmed asa mii costume Have weheard fromFire Emblemlately? Event inPocket Campfor 1 yearanniversaryof ACNH Geno stillisn't inSmashPeople getfaked out bysome Personanews but it's justPersona Strikers Somethingfrom one ofthe mobilegames More than halfthe Direct isjust Sakuraigoing overmovesets No newsaboutMetroid 4People saltyregardless ofwhat'sannounced Nothing forZeldaanniversary tillthe Mario oneis done in AprilSomethingfor the 1 yearanniversaryof NewHorizons Too long tutorialon pressing theB button to takepictures inPokemon Snap Randomvirtual consolegames that noone's heard of A populargamegetsported.ProbablysomethingaboutMonsterHunter idk?

I eat fanboy tears - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. No news about BOTW2
  2. Some popular fake leak gets debunked an people get mad at Nintendo for it not being real
  3. Some kind of remake of something
  4. Me not caring beyond like 2 announcements
  5. 3 second teaser for one of the only things people actually cared about at the end followed by 3 months of silence
  6. Not a lot about Pokemon because they have their own direct in a week
  7. We just get like a calendar or something instead of a full Zelda game
  8. Increased price for Nintendo Switch Online
  9. Donkey Kong 40th anniversary Nintendo: I sleep 👨‍🦯
  10. Another popular character gets deconfirmed as a mii costume
  11. Have we heard from Fire Emblem lately?
  12. Event in Pocket Camp for 1 year anniversary of ACNH
  13. Geno still isn't in Smash
  14. People get faked out by some Persona news but it's just Persona Strikers
  15. Something from one of the mobile games
  16. More than half the Direct is just Sakurai going over movesets
  17. No news about Metroid 4
  18. People salty regardless of what's announced
  19. Nothing for Zelda anniversary till the Mario one is done in April
  20. Something for the 1 year anniversary of New Horizons
  21. Too long tutorial on pressing the B button to take pictures in Pokemon Snap
  22. Random virtual console games that no one's heard of
  23. A popular game gets ported.
  24. Probably something about Monster Hunter idk?