appreciation of beauty& Excellence[Awe, wonder,elevation]: Noticingawesomeness in allthings, from nature, toart,to math, to science, toeveryday life.GratitudeBeing aware ofand thankful forthe good thingsthat happen. Youtake time to saythank you.LoveValuing close relationswith others, especiallywhen your feelings arereturned. You’re goodatbeing close to people.bravery[Valor]: Not backing downfrom a threat,challenge, or difficulty. Youdo what is right evenif others disagree, and stickto your beliefs evenif it makes you unpopular.Curiosity[Interest, novelty-seeking,openness toexperience]: Trying newthings just to try them.Finding new subjects andtopics fascinating.This includes exploring anddiscovering.Spirituality[Faith, purpose]:Having beliefs aboutthe higherpurpose and meaningof life. You know whereyou fit in the world, andyou have beliefs thatshape what you do.Teamwork[Citizenship, socialresponsibility, loyalty]:Working well as a memberof a group or team.You’re loyal to the groupand you always do yourfair share.Perseverance[Persistence,industriousness]:Finishing whatyou start, even if thereare obstacles. You getthings done, and itmakes you feel good.Perspective[Wisdom]: Giving goodadvice to others. Youhave ways of lookingat the world that makesense to yourself andto other people. Youunderstand the bigpicture.FairnessTreating all peoplethe same no matterwho theyare or where theycome from. You giveeveryonean equal chance.ForgivenessForgiving those who havedone wrong. Youaccept the shortcomings ofothers, and you’rewilling to give peoplesecond (maybe even third)chances. Revenge is not inyour vocabulary.ForgivenessForgiving those who havedone wrong. Youaccept the shortcomings ofothers, and you’rewilling to give peoplesecond (maybe even third)chances. Revenge is not inyour vocabulary.Honesty[Authenticity, integrity]:Speaking the truth,always. You talk and actlike you, and you don’ttry to be anything else. Youtake responsibilityfor your feelings andactions.Humor[Playfulness]: Liking tolaugh and make otherslaugh. Your gift is bringingsmiles to otherpeople. You see the lightside of things, youmake jokes, and generallycause happiness.Zest[Vitality, enthusiasm,vigor, energy]:Approaching life withexcitement and energy.Nothing is half heartedfor you. Life is anadventure, and itmakes you feel alive.Judgment[Critical thinking]: Thinkingthings throughfrom all sides. You’re veryfair and don’t jumpto conclusions. Plus you’reable to change yourmind if you get newinformation.Social Intelligence[Emotional intelligence,personal intelligence]:Being aware of the motivesand feelings of otherpeople, and yourself. Youknow how to fit intodifferent social situations.Kindness[Generosity, nurturance,care, compassion,altruistic love, “niceness”]:Doing favors andgood deeds for others. Youlike helping peopleand taking care of them.HumilityLetting youraccomplishments speak forthemselves. You don’t needto talk aboutyourself, or think aboutyourself, in exaggeratedways.Creativity[Originality, ingenuity]:Having new ideas.Thinking of new ways to dothings. Sure, thesecould be artistic creations,but they don’t needto be.Self-Regulation[Self-control]:Controlling what youfeel and do.You have greatdiscipline and controlover yourappetite and emotions.Hope[Optimism, future-mindedness]:Expecting thebest in the future andworking to get there.Believing that a goodfuture is something youcan make happen.Love of LearningGetting as muchinformation as you canabouttopics you love. This canalso involve masteringas many skills as you can.You keep adding, andadding, and adding to whatyou know.PrudenceBeing careful aboutyour choices. nottakingunnecessary risks.You don’t say or dothingsthat you’ll regret.LeadershipEncouraging a groupyou’re a part of to getthings done. You try tokeep good relationshipswith everyone in the group.You’re good atorganizing efforts andseeing them through.appreciation of beauty& Excellence[Awe, wonder,elevation]: Noticingawesomeness in allthings, from nature, toart,to math, to science, toeveryday life.GratitudeBeing aware ofand thankful forthe good thingsthat happen. Youtake time to saythank you.LoveValuing close relationswith others, especiallywhen your feelings arereturned. You’re goodatbeing close to people.bravery[Valor]: Not backing downfrom a threat,challenge, or difficulty. Youdo what is right evenif others disagree, and stickto your beliefs evenif it makes you unpopular.Curiosity[Interest, novelty-seeking,openness toexperience]: Trying newthings just to try them.Finding new subjects andtopics fascinating.This includes exploring anddiscovering.Spirituality[Faith, purpose]:Having beliefs aboutthe higherpurpose and meaningof life. You know whereyou fit in the world, andyou have beliefs thatshape what you do.Teamwork[Citizenship, socialresponsibility, loyalty]:Working well as a memberof a group or team.You’re loyal to the groupand you always do yourfair share.Perseverance[Persistence,industriousness]:Finishing whatyou start, even if thereare obstacles. You getthings done, and itmakes you feel good.Perspective[Wisdom]: Giving goodadvice to others. Youhave ways of lookingat the world that makesense to yourself andto other people. Youunderstand the bigpicture.FairnessTreating all peoplethe same no matterwho theyare or where theycome from. You giveeveryonean equal chance.ForgivenessForgiving those who havedone wrong. Youaccept the shortcomings ofothers, and you’rewilling to give peoplesecond (maybe even third)chances. Revenge is not inyour vocabulary.ForgivenessForgiving those who havedone wrong. Youaccept the shortcomings ofothers, and you’rewilling to give peoplesecond (maybe even third)chances. Revenge is not inyour vocabulary.Honesty[Authenticity, integrity]:Speaking the truth,always. You talk and actlike you, and you don’ttry to be anything else. Youtake responsibilityfor your feelings andactions.Humor[Playfulness]: Liking tolaugh and make otherslaugh. Your gift is bringingsmiles to otherpeople. You see the lightside of things, youmake jokes, and generallycause happiness.Zest[Vitality, enthusiasm,vigor, energy]:Approaching life withexcitement and energy.Nothing is half heartedfor you. Life is anadventure, and itmakes you feel alive.Judgment[Critical thinking]: Thinkingthings throughfrom all sides. You’re veryfair and don’t jumpto conclusions. Plus you’reable to change yourmind if you get newinformation.Social Intelligence[Emotional intelligence,personal intelligence]:Being aware of the motivesand feelings of otherpeople, and yourself. Youknow how to fit intodifferent social situations.Kindness[Generosity, nurturance,care, compassion,altruistic love, “niceness”]:Doing favors andgood deeds for others. Youlike helping peopleand taking care of them.HumilityLetting youraccomplishments speak forthemselves. You don’t needto talk aboutyourself, or think aboutyourself, in exaggeratedways.Creativity[Originality, ingenuity]:Having new ideas.Thinking of new ways to dothings. Sure, thesecould be artistic creations,but they don’t needto be.Self-Regulation[Self-control]:Controlling what youfeel and do.You have greatdiscipline and controlover yourappetite and emotions.Hope[Optimism, future-mindedness]:Expecting thebest in the future andworking to get there.Believing that a goodfuture is something youcan make happen.Love of LearningGetting as muchinformation as you canabouttopics you love. This canalso involve masteringas many skills as you can.You keep adding, andadding, and adding to whatyou know.PrudenceBeing careful aboutyour choices. nottakingunnecessary risks.You don’t say or dothingsthat you’ll regret.LeadershipEncouraging a groupyou’re a part of to getthings done. You try tokeep good relationshipswith everyone in the group.You’re good atorganizing efforts andseeing them through.

Strengths Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. appreciation of beauty & Excellence [Awe, wonder, elevation]: Noticing awesomeness in all things, from nature, to art, to math, to science, to everyday life.
  2. Gratitude Being aware of and thankful for the good things that happen. You take time to say thank you.
  3. Love Valuing close relations with others, especially when your feelings are returned. You’re good at being close to people.
  4. bravery [Valor]: Not backing down from a threat, challenge, or difficulty. You do what is right even if others disagree, and stick to your beliefs even if it makes you unpopular.
  5. Curiosity [Interest, novelty-seeking, openness to experience]: Trying new things just to try them. Finding new subjects and topics fascinating. This includes exploring and discovering.
  6. Spirituality [Faith, purpose]: Having beliefs about the higher purpose and meaning of life. You know where you fit in the world, and you have beliefs that shape what you do.
  7. Teamwork [Citizenship, social responsibility, loyalty]: Working well as a member of a group or team. You’re loyal to the group and you always do your fair share.
  8. Perseverance [Persistence, industriousness]: Finishing what you start, even if there are obstacles. You get things done, and it makes you feel good.
  9. Perspective [Wisdom]: Giving good advice to others. You have ways of looking at the world that make sense to yourself and to other people. You understand the big picture.
  10. Fairness Treating all people the same no matter who they are or where they come from. You give everyone an equal chance.
  11. Forgiveness Forgiving those who have done wrong. You accept the shortcomings of others, and you’re willing to give people second (maybe even third) chances. Revenge is not in your vocabulary.
    Forgiveness Forgiving those who have done wrong. You accept the shortcomings of others, and you’re willing to give people second (maybe even third) chances. Revenge is not in your vocabulary.
  12. Honesty [Authenticity, integrity]: Speaking the truth, always. You talk and act like you, and you don’t try to be anything else. You take responsibility for your feelings and actions.
  13. Humor [Playfulness]: Liking to laugh and make others laugh. Your gift is bringing smiles to other people. You see the light side of things, you make jokes, and generally cause happiness.
  14. Zest [Vitality, enthusiasm, vigor, energy]: Approaching life with excitement and energy. Nothing is half hearted for you. Life is an adventure, and it makes you feel alive.
  15. Judgment [Critical thinking]: Thinking things through from all sides. You’re very fair and don’t jump to conclusions. Plus you’re able to change your mind if you get new information.
  16. Social Intelligence [Emotional intelligence, personal intelligence]: Being aware of the motives and feelings of other people, and yourself. You know how to fit into different social situations.
  17. Kindness [Generosity, nurturance, care, compassion, altruistic love, “niceness”]: Doing favors and good deeds for others. You like helping people and taking care of them.
  18. Humility Letting your accomplishments speak for themselves. You don’t need to talk about yourself, or think about yourself, in exaggerated ways.
  19. Creativity [Originality, ingenuity]: Having new ideas. Thinking of new ways to do things. Sure, these could be artistic creations, but they don’t need to be.
  20. Self-Regulation [Self-control]: Controlling what you feel and do. You have great discipline and control over your appetite and emotions.
  21. Hope [Optimism, future-mindedness]: Expecting the best in the future and working to get there. Believing that a good future is something you can make happen.
  22. Love of Learning Getting as much information as you can about topics you love. This can also involve mastering as many skills as you can. You keep adding, and adding, and adding to what you know.
  23. Prudence Being careful about your choices. not taking unnecessary risks. You don’t say or do things that you’ll regret.
  24. Leadership Encouraging a group you’re a part of to get things done. You try to keep good relationships with everyone in the group. You’re good at organizing efforts and seeing them through.