Women’srights werehumanrightsThe United Nationsrecognized ________in 1995 in terms ofgender equality (Hint:has to do with rights)BlackHistoryMonthThe month ofFebruaryhas ______ tocelebrate African-Americancultures and pasts.Free!Incorporategender equalityand girlsempowermentworldwideThe UnitedNations plans todo ______by 2030 (Hint: thiswill be aninternationalchange)World Dayof SocialJusticeAccording to theUNICEF calendar,the date February 20 is____ which is intendedto promote andtackle issues such aspoverty, exclusion, andgender equality.60____% ofchronicallyhungry peopleare womenand girlsvoteWomen wereallowed to______ in 1920after the 19thAmendment waspassedgirlsWorldwide, nearly 1in 4 _____ betweenthe ages 15-19are neither employednor in education ortraininggenderequalityThe state in whichaccess to rights oropportunities areunaffected bygender (Hint: this isa definition) Women arerunning forpositions ofpowerWomen areovercoming genderstereotypesand gaining equalityby _____ (Hint: hasto do with politics)InternationalDay ofWomen andGirls inScienceAccording to theUNICEF calendar,the date February 11is _____ whichcelebrates females inthe STEM field.Education______ is the mosteffective andhealthy thing thatcan be given to girlsthat would helpimprove their future.Societies inwhich womenand men arevalued equallyare safer andhealthierGender equality isimportantbecause _____(Hint: has to dowith improvingsociety)Childmarriage,female genitalmutilation,and rapeSome maingender-basedviolence andharmful practicesinclude ______(Hint: it’s a list!)GloriaSteinem______ is referredto as the “Motherof Feminism”(Hing: Only nameon your board ;))InternationalWomen’sDayThe date ofMarch 8th is_____ whichcelebrateswomen aroundthe world.Women’srights werehumanrightsThe United Nationsrecognized ________in 1995 in terms ofgender equality (Hint:has to do with rights)BlackHistoryMonthThe month ofFebruaryhas ______ tocelebrate African-Americancultures and pasts.Free!Incorporategender equalityand girlsempowermentworldwideThe UnitedNations plans todo ______by 2030 (Hint: thiswill be aninternationalchange)World Dayof SocialJusticeAccording to theUNICEF calendar,the date February 20 is____ which is intendedto promote andtackle issues such aspoverty, exclusion, andgender equality.60____% ofchronicallyhungry peopleare womenand girlsvoteWomen wereallowed to______ in 1920after the 19thAmendment waspassedgirlsWorldwide, nearly 1in 4 _____ betweenthe ages 15-19are neither employednor in education ortraininggenderequalityThe state in whichaccess to rights oropportunities areunaffected bygender (Hint: this isa definition) Women arerunning forpositions ofpowerWomen areovercoming genderstereotypesand gaining equalityby _____ (Hint: hasto do with politics)InternationalDay ofWomen andGirls inScienceAccording to theUNICEF calendar,the date February 11is _____ whichcelebrates females inthe STEM field.Education______ is the mosteffective andhealthy thing thatcan be given to girlsthat would helpimprove their future.Societies inwhich womenand men arevalued equallyare safer andhealthierGender equality isimportantbecause _____(Hint: has to dowith improvingsociety)Childmarriage,female genitalmutilation,and rapeSome maingender-basedviolence andharmful practicesinclude ______(Hint: it’s a list!)GloriaSteinem______ is referredto as the “Motherof Feminism”(Hing: Only nameon your board ;))InternationalWomen’sDayThe date ofMarch 8th is_____ whichcelebrateswomen aroundthe world.

2/24 UNICEF Bingo Game - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. The United Nations recognized ________ in 1995 in terms of gender equality (Hint: has to do with rights)
    Women’s rights were human rights
  2. The month of February has ______ to celebrate African-American cultures and pasts.
    Black History Month
  3. Free!
  4. The United Nations plans to do ______ by 2030 (Hint: this will be an international change)
    Incorporate gender equality and girls empowerment worldwide
  5. According to the UNICEF calendar, the date February 20 is ____ which is intended to promote and tackle issues such as poverty, exclusion, and gender equality.
    World Day of Social Justice
  6. ____% of chronically hungry people are women and girls
  7. Women were allowed to ______ in 1920 after the 19th Amendment was passed
  8. Worldwide, nearly 1 in 4 _____ between the ages 15-19 are neither employed nor in education or training
  9. The state in which access to rights or opportunities are unaffected by gender (Hint: this is a definition)
    gender equality
  10. Women are overcoming gender stereotypes and gaining equality by _____ (Hint: has to do with politics)
    Women are running for positions of power
  11. According to the UNICEF calendar, the date February 11 is _____ which celebrates females in the STEM field.
    International Day of Women and Girls in Science
  12. ______ is the most effective and healthy thing that can be given to girls that would help improve their future.
  13. Gender equality is important because _____ (Hint: has to do with improving society)
    Societies in which women and men are valued equally are safer and healthier
  14. Some main gender-based violence and harmful practices include ______ (Hint: it’s a list!)
    Child marriage, female genital mutilation, and rape
  15. ______ is referred to as the “Mother of Feminism” (Hing: Only name on your board ;))
    Gloria Steinem
  16. The date of March 8th is _____ which celebrates women around the world.
    International Women’s Day