שַׁבָּתShabbatOn whatholiday dowe celebratetrees?TuB'shevatAdreidelName oneplace whereyou feelclose to G-dWhat is anact of G'milutChasadimthat you cando?There are manyacts of lovingkindness thatyou can do onyour ownName onething thatyou can askG-d for helpwithThere aremany thingsthat you canask G-d forhelp withOn Sukkot, webuild and spendtime in a 3-sidedtemporary dwellingcalled a SukkahLatkesWhatHebrewletter makesa"sh"sound?ShinWhat Jewishvaluesmeans "actsof lovingkindness"?G'milutChasadimMoses led theJewish peopleout of Egypt andacross the Seaof Reeds tofreedomWhat isHakaratHatov?Being gratefuland showingthat we aregrateful for thethings that wehaveWhat sounddoes theHebrewletter mem(מ) make?It makesthe sound"M"What sounddoes theHebrewletter dalet(ד) make?It makesthe sound"D"G-d spoke toMosesthrough aburning bushWhatHebrewletters makeno sound atall?AlephandAyinWhat do wegive friendsand familyon Purim?Shalachmanot: bagsof food anddrinkName oneof the TenPlaguesWhat doesTikkunOlammean?Healing orrepairingthe worldWhich of the 10Commandmentsis easiest foryou toremember tofollow?TheTorahName onething thatyou learnedabout IsraelThere aremany wayswe could helpthings grow inIsrael's desertWhat wasMoses'sproblem?All theJewishpeople onlycame to himfor helpName onething thatyou canthank G-d forThere aremany thingsyou canthank G-d forWhat twoHebrewletters makethe T sound?Tavand TetהHayThese arethings thatwe use tocelebrateShabbatName anorganizationthat doesG'milutChasadim.Donating to afood bank isG'milutChasadimthrough anorganizationשַׁבָּתShabbatOn whatholiday dowe celebratetrees?TuB'shevatAdreidelName oneplace whereyou feelclose to G-dWhat is anact of G'milutChasadimthat you cando?There are manyacts of lovingkindness thatyou can do onyour ownName onething thatyou can askG-d for helpwithThere aremany thingsthat you canask G-d forhelp withOn Sukkot, webuild and spendtime in a 3-sidedtemporary dwellingcalled a SukkahLatkesWhatHebrewletter makesa"sh"sound?ShinWhat Jewishvaluesmeans "actsof lovingkindness"?G'milutChasadimMoses led theJewish peopleout of Egypt andacross the Seaof Reeds tofreedomWhat isHakaratHatov?Being gratefuland showingthat we aregrateful for thethings that wehaveWhat sounddoes theHebrewletter mem(מ) make?It makesthe sound"M"What sounddoes theHebrewletter dalet(ד) make?It makesthe sound"D"G-d spoke toMosesthrough aburning bushWhatHebrewletters makeno sound atall?AlephandAyinWhat do wegive friendsand familyon Purim?Shalachmanot: bagsof food anddrinkName oneof the TenPlaguesWhat doesTikkunOlammean?Healing orrepairingthe worldWhich of the 10Commandmentsis easiest foryou toremember tofollow?TheTorahName onething thatyou learnedabout IsraelThere aremany wayswe could helpthings grow inIsrael's desertWhat wasMoses'sproblem?All theJewishpeople onlycame to himfor helpName onething thatyou canthank G-d forThere aremany thingsyou canthank G-d forWhat twoHebrewletters makethe T sound?Tavand TetהHayThese arethings thatwe use tocelebrateShabbatName anorganizationthat doesG'milutChasadim.Donating to afood bank isG'milutChasadimthrough anorganization

2nd Grade Review Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Shabbat
  2. Tu B'shevat
    On what holiday do we celebrate trees?
  3. A dreidel

  4. Name one place where you feel close to G-d
  5. There are many acts of loving kindness that you can do on your own
    What is an act of G'milut Chasadim that you can do?
  6. There are many things that you can ask G-d for help with
    Name one thing that you can ask G-d for help with
  7. On Sukkot, we build and spend time in a 3-sided temporary dwelling called a Sukkah
  8. Latkes
  9. Shin
    What Hebrew letter makes a"sh" sound?
  10. G'milut Chasadim
    What Jewish values means "acts of loving kindness"?
  11. Moses led the Jewish people out of Egypt and across the Sea of Reeds to freedom
  12. Being grateful and showing that we are grateful for the things that we have
    What is Hakarat Hatov?
  13. It makes the sound "M"
    What sound does the Hebrew letter mem (מ) make?
  14. It makes the sound "D"
    What sound does the Hebrew letter dalet (ד) make?
  15. G-d spoke to Moses through a burning bush
  16. Aleph and Ayin
    What Hebrew letters make no sound at all?
  17. Shalach manot: bags of food and drink
    What do we give friends and family on Purim?

  18. Name one of the Ten Plagues
  19. Healing or repairing the world
    What does Tikkun Olam mean?

  20. Which of the 10 Commandments is easiest for you to remember to follow?
  21. The Torah
  22. There are many ways we could help things grow in Israel's desert
    Name one thing that you learned about Israel
  23. All the Jewish people only came to him for help
    What was Moses's problem?
  24. There are many things you can thank G-d for
    Name one thing that you can thank G-d for
  25. Tav and Tet
    What two Hebrew letters make the T sound?
  26. Hay
  27. These are things that we use to celebrate Shabbat
  28. Donating to a food bank is G'milut Chasadim through an organization
    Name an organization that does G'milut Chasadim.