System ofinterconnectedelectroniccomponents orcircuitsNetworkEquations used tocalculate values ina spreadsheet cellthat beings with anequal signFormulaGoogleWordProcessorGoogleDocsThe addressof a webpage on theworld widewebURLWrittenprogramsoperating ona computersystemSoftwareA collection of dataor computerinstructions thattell the computerhow to workSoftwareGooglePresentationProgramGoogleSlidesA commandthat allowsusers torepeat the lastcommandRedoTransferdata into adatabase ordocumentImportSmallestunit of adigitalimagePixelHorizontal areas ina worksheetidentified bynumbers on theleft side of theworksheet windowRowsA file that issent with anelectroniccommunication,such as emailAttachmentA type of unorderedlist that presentsinformation in noparticular orderusing markets toidentify each itemBulletedListThe physicalcomponentsof acomputersystemHardwareDevice thattakes signalsand displaysthemMonitorGoogleSpreadsheetProgramGoogleSheetsCause toload andstart theinitialprocessesRebootGoogleSurveySoftwareGoogleFormsStoreinformationfor use ata later timeStorageDeviceDynamicmovementsof objects inan electronicpresentationAnimationThe wordstyle thatyou usewhen typingwordsFontReadsinformationin the form ofvertical linesBarcodeScannerA small imagedisplayed onthe screen torepresent anobjectIconAnimation-likeeffects in anelectronicpresentation that isactivated whenmoving from oneslide to the nextTransitionsVertical areas in aworksheetidentified by lettersat the top of theworksheet windowColumnsNavigationalSysteminvolvingsatellitesGPSA commandthat allowsusers to cancelthe lastcommand oractionUndoA built-inspreadsheetfunction thatadds a rangeof valuesSumSystem ofinterconnectedelectroniccomponents orcircuitsNetworkEquations used tocalculate values ina spreadsheet cellthat beings with anequal signFormulaGoogleWordProcessorGoogleDocsThe addressof a webpage on theworld widewebURLWrittenprogramsoperating ona computersystemSoftwareA collection of dataor computerinstructions thattell the computerhow to workSoftwareGooglePresentationProgramGoogleSlidesA commandthat allowsusers torepeat the lastcommandRedoTransferdata into adatabase ordocumentImportSmallestunit of adigitalimagePixelHorizontal areas ina worksheetidentified bynumbers on theleft side of theworksheet windowRowsA file that issent with anelectroniccommunication,such as emailAttachmentA type of unorderedlist that presentsinformation in noparticular orderusing markets toidentify each itemBulletedListThe physicalcomponentsof acomputersystemHardwareDevice thattakes signalsand displaysthemMonitorGoogleSpreadsheetProgramGoogleSheetsCause toload andstart theinitialprocessesRebootGoogleSurveySoftwareGoogleFormsStoreinformationfor use ata later timeStorageDeviceDynamicmovementsof objects inan electronicpresentationAnimationThe wordstyle thatyou usewhen typingwordsFontReadsinformationin the form ofvertical linesBarcodeScannerA small imagedisplayed onthe screen torepresent anobjectIconAnimation-likeeffects in anelectronicpresentation that isactivated whenmoving from oneslide to the nextTransitionsVertical areas in aworksheetidentified by lettersat the top of theworksheet windowColumnsNavigationalSysteminvolvingsatellitesGPSA commandthat allowsusers to cancelthe lastcommand oractionUndoA built-inspreadsheetfunction thatadds a rangeof valuesSum

Technology Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Network
    System of interconnected electronic components or circuits
  2. Formula
    Equations used to calculate values in a spreadsheet cell that beings with an equal sign
  3. Google Docs
    Google Word Processor
  4. URL
    The address of a web page on the world wide web
  5. Software
    Written programs operating on a computer system
  6. Software
    A collection of data or computer instructions that tell the computer how to work
  7. Google Slides
    Google Presentation Program
  8. Redo
    A command that allows users to repeat the last command
  9. Import
    Transfer data into a database or document
  10. Pixel
    Smallest unit of a digital image
  11. Rows
    Horizontal areas in a worksheet identified by numbers on the left side of the worksheet window
  12. Attachment
    A file that is sent with an electronic communication, such as email
  13. Bulleted List
    A type of unordered list that presents information in no particular order using markets to identify each item
  14. Hardware
    The physical components of a computer system
  15. Monitor
    Device that takes signals and displays them
  16. Google Sheets
    Google Spreadsheet Program
  17. Reboot
    Cause to load and start the initial processes
  18. Google Forms
    Google Survey Software
  19. Storage Device
    Store information for use at a later time
  20. Animation
    Dynamic movements of objects in an electronic presentation
  21. Font
    The word style that you use when typing words
  22. Barcode Scanner
    Reads information in the form of vertical lines
  23. Icon
    A small image displayed on the screen to represent an object
  24. Transitions
    Animation-like effects in an electronic presentation that is activated when moving from one slide to the next
  25. Columns
    Vertical areas in a worksheet identified by letters at the top of the worksheet window
  26. GPS
    Navigational System involving satellites
  27. Undo
    A command that allows users to cancel the last command or action
  28. Sum
    A built-in spreadsheet function that adds a range of values