NicotineWhat chemical foundin e-cigarettes cancause mooddiscorders, increasedimpulsivity andrewiring ofconnections?21If caught drivingunder the influence ofdrugs or alcoholunder the age of_______, the drivercould lose theirlicense.1 in 80millionThe odds that youwill be bitten by apoisonous snake thisyear are 1 i 40,000.What are the odds ofwinning the powerballlottery?hereditaryAddictivetendencies can be___, so it isimportant to knowyour family'shistory withaddiction.50%If someone tossed afair coin in the airthree times and itcame up heads allthree times, what isthe likelihood that itwill come up headson the fourth try?IntenseurgesSome symtoms ofdrug addiction are:spending a lot of timegetting, using , andrecovering from thedrug, feeling tht youhave to use the drugregularly, and...20 +How many daysa month does anaverage middleschooler vape?41How manycigarettes worthof nicotine arein one JUULpod?25At what ageis a person'sbrainfinisheddeveloping?E-cigaretteuseAmong teens, Bingedrinking, smokingcigarettes and usingcocaine have alldeclined in the last 5years. What riskyhebavior continues toincrease however?Usingflavorede-cigarettesWhat can makesomeone morelikely to become aregular user oftobacco orcigarettes?GamblingwebsitesProblem gamblingnot only includesplay at casinosand the lottery, itcan also include...Continuesbetting tocoverlossesSigns that someonemay have a gamblingproblem include:seem irritable orrestless when notgambling, borrowsmoney to pay forgambling, and .....PopcornlungSomw flavoringsusedin E-cigarettes cancause scaring in thelungs. This issue iscommonly called...6%Whatpercentage ofcollegestudents have agamblingproblem?IncorrectCorrect or incorrect:It's harder forteenagers tobecome addicted toa drug than anadult.CorrectCorrect or Incorrect:New Mexico has astatewide self-banprogram that allowspeople to banthemselves fromcasinos in NM.TrueUsing a fake ID tobuy alcohol is acriminal act. It isalso a crime tolend, transfer, orsell a fake ID.4thdegreefelonyAn adult whoserves alcoholto minors in hishome can becharged with....R9SBHCWhere canstudents go toget help if theythink they mighthave anaddiction?10How manyseconds doesit take nicotineto reach yourbrain?TherapyTreatment formost addictionscan incluesupport groups,medications,and ...AlcoholAccording tothe YRRS, themost abuseddrug amongteens is...FalseE-cigarette cannotexplode causeingburns anddisfigurement ofthe face and body.NicotineWhat chemical foundin e-cigarettes cancause mooddiscorders, increasedimpulsivity andrewiring ofconnections?21If caught drivingunder the influence ofdrugs or alcoholunder the age of_______, the drivercould lose theirlicense.1 in 80millionThe odds that youwill be bitten by apoisonous snake thisyear are 1 i 40,000.What are the odds ofwinning the powerballlottery?hereditaryAddictivetendencies can be___, so it isimportant to knowyour family'shistory withaddiction.50%If someone tossed afair coin in the airthree times and itcame up heads allthree times, what isthe likelihood that itwill come up headson the fourth try?IntenseurgesSome symtoms ofdrug addiction are:spending a lot of timegetting, using , andrecovering from thedrug, feeling tht youhave to use the drugregularly, and...20 +How many daysa month does anaverage middleschooler vape?41How manycigarettes worthof nicotine arein one JUULpod?25At what ageis a person'sbrainfinisheddeveloping?E-cigaretteuseAmong teens, Bingedrinking, smokingcigarettes and usingcocaine have alldeclined in the last 5years. What riskyhebavior continues toincrease however?Usingflavorede-cigarettesWhat can makesomeone morelikely to become aregular user oftobacco orcigarettes?GamblingwebsitesProblem gamblingnot only includesplay at casinosand the lottery, itcan also include...Continuesbetting tocoverlossesSigns that someonemay have a gamblingproblem include:seem irritable orrestless when notgambling, borrowsmoney to pay forgambling, and .....PopcornlungSomw flavoringsusedin E-cigarettes cancause scaring in thelungs. This issue iscommonly called...6%Whatpercentage ofcollegestudents have agamblingproblem?IncorrectCorrect or incorrect:It's harder forteenagers tobecome addicted toa drug than anadult.CorrectCorrect or Incorrect:New Mexico has astatewide self-banprogram that allowspeople to banthemselves fromcasinos in NM.TrueUsing a fake ID tobuy alcohol is acriminal act. It isalso a crime tolend, transfer, orsell a fake ID.4thdegreefelonyAn adult whoserves alcoholto minors in hishome can becharged with....R9SBHCWhere canstudents go toget help if theythink they mighthave anaddiction?10How manyseconds doesit take nicotineto reach yourbrain?TherapyTreatment formost addictionscan incluesupport groups,medications,and ...AlcoholAccording tothe YRRS, themost abuseddrug amongteens is...FalseE-cigarette cannotexplode causeingburns anddisfigurement ofthe face and body.

Addictive Behaviors - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. What chemical found in e-cigarettes can cause mood discorders, increased impulsivity and rewiring of connections?
  2. If caught driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol under the age of _______, the driver could lose their license.
  3. The odds that you will be bitten by a poisonous snake this year are 1 i 40,000. What are the odds of winning the powerball lottery?
    1 in 80 million
  4. Addictive tendencies can be ___, so it is important to know your family's history with addiction.
  5. If someone tossed a fair coin in the air three times and it came up heads all three times, what is the likelihood that it will come up heads on the fourth try?
  6. Some symtoms of drug addiction are: spending a lot of time getting, using , and recovering from the drug, feeling tht you have to use the drug regularly, and...
    Intense urges
  7. How many days a month does an average middle schooler vape?
    20 +
  8. How many cigarettes worth of nicotine are in one JUUL pod?
  9. At what age is a person's brain finished developing?
  10. Among teens, Binge drinking, smoking cigarettes and using cocaine have all declined in the last 5 years. What risky hebavior continues to increase however?
    E-cigarette use
  11. What can make someone more likely to become a regular user of tobacco or cigarettes?
    Using flavored e-cigarettes
  12. Problem gambling not only includes play at casinos and the lottery, it can also include...
    Gambling websites
  13. Signs that someone may have a gambling problem include: seem irritable or restless when not gambling, borrows money to pay for gambling, and .....
    Continues betting to cover losses
  14. Somw flavorings used in E-cigarettes can cause scaring in the lungs. This issue is commonly called...
    Popcorn lung
  15. What percentage of college students have a gambling problem?
  16. Correct or incorrect: It's harder for teenagers to become addicted to a drug than an adult.
  17. Correct or Incorrect: New Mexico has a statewide self-ban program that allows people to ban themselves from casinos in NM.
  18. Using a fake ID to buy alcohol is a criminal act. It is also a crime to lend, transfer, or sell a fake ID.
  19. An adult who serves alcohol to minors in his home can be charged with....
    4th degree felony
  20. Where can students go to get help if they think they might have an addiction?
    R9 SBHC
  21. How many seconds does it take nicotine to reach your brain?
  22. Treatment for most addictions can inclue support groups, medications, and ...
  23. According to the YRRS, the most abused drug among teens is...
  24. E-cigarette cannot explode causeing burns and disfigurement of the face and body.