OrangeFloridastatefruitTornadoA type of cyclonicstorm in which warmair rises quickly in afunnel, potentiallylifting up soil andobjects andthreatening life andgreat damage toproperty.RachelCarsonA writer, marinebiologist, and ecologistthat was famouslyknown for writing thebook, Silent Springs(1962), which sheargued against the useof pesticides.Biomea large ecologicalunit defined by itsdominant planttype andvegetationstructure.JohnMuirknown as the “Father of the NationalParks”, he was anearly advocate for thepreservation ofwilderness in theU.S.ExtinctionThedisappearanceof an entirespecies fromEarth.ClimateThe pattern ofatmosphericconditions thattypifies ageographic regionover long periodsof time.RalphNaderThe 2000 GreenParty Nominee, hewas an importantlabor andenvironmental activistin the last 20thcentury.Coca-ColaThe numberone plasticpolluter inthe world.AustraliaCountry thathad the highestamount of foodwaste perperson.EcologicalFootprintThe impact ofa person orcommunityon theenvironment. TroposphereThebottommostlayer of theatmosphere.SolarEnergyRadiant light andheat from the Sunthat is harnessedusing a range ofever-evolvingtechnologiesGretaThunbergAn 18-year-oldenvironmental activistwho is well-knowninternationally forfamously challengingworld leaders to takeimmediate actionagainst climatechange.Everglades1.5-million-acrewetlandspreserve on thesouthern tip ofthe U.S. state ofFlorida.BiodiversityThe variety oflife in the worldor in aparticularhabitat orecosystem. TundraA biome that is nearlyas dry as deserts butis located at veryhigh latitudes alongthe northern edges ofRussia, Canada, andScandinavia.InvasiveSpeciesNon-nativespecies thatspreads,becomingabundant anddominate in thearea.Tsunamia long high seawave caused byan earthquake,submarinelandslide, or otherdisturbance.OrangeBlossomFloridastateflowerHurricaneA type of cyclonicstorm that formsover the ocean butcan do damageupon its arrival onland.PhotosynthesisThe process ofusing light energyto synthesisglucose fromcarbon dioxideand water.OzoneLayera layer in the earth'sstratosphere whichabsorbs most of theultraviolet radiationreaching the earthfrom the sun.Tragedyof theCommonsTitle of a paperpublished by GarrettHardin, Argued thatresources that areopen to unregulatedexploitation would beeventually depleted.EcologyThe science thatdeals with therelations oforganisms to oneanother and totheir physicalsurroundings.ClimateChangeA change inglobal orregional climatepatterns, fueledby humanemissions. FoodWasteThe lossof foodthat is noteaten.GreenwashingTo make peoplebelieve that yourcompany is doingmore to protect theenvironment thanit really is.CompostSomething made bydecomposingorganic materialsinto simpler organicand inorganiccompounds.OrangeFloridastatefruitTornadoA type of cyclonicstorm in which warmair rises quickly in afunnel, potentiallylifting up soil andobjects andthreatening life andgreat damage toproperty.RachelCarsonA writer, marinebiologist, and ecologistthat was famouslyknown for writing thebook, Silent Springs(1962), which sheargued against the useof pesticides.Biomea large ecologicalunit defined by itsdominant planttype andvegetationstructure.JohnMuirknown as the “Father of the NationalParks”, he was anearly advocate for thepreservation ofwilderness in theU.S.ExtinctionThedisappearanceof an entirespecies fromEarth.ClimateThe pattern ofatmosphericconditions thattypifies ageographic regionover long periodsof time.RalphNaderThe 2000 GreenParty Nominee, hewas an importantlabor andenvironmental activistin the last 20thcentury.Coca-ColaThe numberone plasticpolluter inthe world.AustraliaCountry thathad the highestamount of foodwaste perperson.EcologicalFootprintThe impact ofa person orcommunityon theenvironment. TroposphereThebottommostlayer of theatmosphere.SolarEnergyRadiant light andheat from the Sunthat is harnessedusing a range ofever-evolvingtechnologiesGretaThunbergAn 18-year-oldenvironmental activistwho is well-knowninternationally forfamously challengingworld leaders to takeimmediate actionagainst climatechange.Everglades1.5-million-acrewetlandspreserve on thesouthern tip ofthe U.S. state ofFlorida.BiodiversityThe variety oflife in the worldor in aparticularhabitat orecosystem. TundraA biome that is nearlyas dry as deserts butis located at veryhigh latitudes alongthe northern edges ofRussia, Canada, andScandinavia.InvasiveSpeciesNon-nativespecies thatspreads,becomingabundant anddominate in thearea.Tsunamia long high seawave caused byan earthquake,submarinelandslide, or otherdisturbance.OrangeBlossomFloridastateflowerHurricaneA type of cyclonicstorm that formsover the ocean butcan do damageupon its arrival onland.PhotosynthesisThe process ofusing light energyto synthesisglucose fromcarbon dioxideand water.OzoneLayera layer in the earth'sstratosphere whichabsorbs most of theultraviolet radiationreaching the earthfrom the sun.Tragedyof theCommonsTitle of a paperpublished by GarrettHardin, Argued thatresources that areopen to unregulatedexploitation would beeventually depleted.EcologyThe science thatdeals with therelations oforganisms to oneanother and totheir physicalsurroundings.ClimateChangeA change inglobal orregional climatepatterns, fueledby humanemissions. FoodWasteThe lossof foodthat is noteaten.GreenwashingTo make peoplebelieve that yourcompany is doingmore to protect theenvironment thanit really is.CompostSomething made bydecomposingorganic materialsinto simpler organicand inorganiccompounds.

Environmental Club Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Florida state fruit
  2. A type of cyclonic storm in which warm air rises quickly in a funnel, potentially lifting up soil and objects and threatening life and great damage to property.
  3. A writer, marine biologist, and ecologist that was famously known for writing the book, Silent Springs (1962), which she argued against the use of pesticides.
    Rachel Carson
  4. a large ecological unit defined by its dominant plant type and vegetation structure.
  5. known as the “ Father of the National Parks”, he was an early advocate for the preservation of wilderness in the U.S.
    John Muir
  6. The disappearance of an entire species from Earth.
  7. The pattern of atmospheric conditions that typifies a geographic region over long periods of time.
  8. The 2000 Green Party Nominee, he was an important labor and environmental activist in the last 20th century.
    Ralph Nader
  9. The number one plastic polluter in the world.
  10. Country that had the highest amount of food waste per person.
  11. The impact of a person or community on the environment.
    Ecological Footprint
  12. The bottommost layer of the atmosphere.
  13. Radiant light and heat from the Sun that is harnessed using a range of ever-evolving technologies
    Solar Energy
  14. An 18-year-old environmental activist who is well-known internationally for famously challenging world leaders to take immediate action against climate change.
    Greta Thunberg
  15. 1.5-million-acre wetlands preserve on the southern tip of the U.S. state of Florida.
  16. The variety of life in the world or in a particular habitat or ecosystem.
  17. A biome that is nearly as dry as deserts but is located at very high latitudes along the northern edges of Russia, Canada, and Scandinavia.
  18. Non-native species that spreads, becoming abundant and dominate in the area.
    Invasive Species
  19. a long high sea wave caused by an earthquake, submarine landslide, or other disturbance.
  20. Florida state flower
    Orange Blossom
  21. A type of cyclonic storm that forms over the ocean but can do damage upon its arrival on land.
  22. The process of using light energy to synthesis glucose from carbon dioxide and water.
  23. a layer in the earth's stratosphere which absorbs most of the ultraviolet radiation reaching the earth from the sun.
    Ozone Layer
  24. Title of a paper published by Garrett Hardin, Argued that resources that are open to unregulated exploitation would be eventually depleted.
    Tragedy of the Commons
  25. The science that deals with the relations of organisms to one another and to their physical surroundings.
  26. A change in global or regional climate patterns, fueled by human emissions.
    Climate Change
  27. The loss of food that is not eaten.
    Food Waste
  28. To make people believe that your company is doing more to protect the environment than it really is.
  29. Something made by decomposing organic materials into simpler organic and inorganic compounds.