Login/SignUpHelpCheck the "Shuffleitems only within theircolumn" checkbox(it's poorly named,but I don't know whatelse to call it).How do Icustomizethe calllist order?I just wanta normalnumberedbingo card.However, I don't let thatdishonest behavior ruin itfor everyone else. Refundsshould be easy, regardlessof the potential for abuse. Ifyou are genuinelyunsatisfied with my bingocard generator (or you'rejust one of those "clever"individualsYou can drag and dropimage files (like GIFs,JPEGs, PNGs and SVGs)from your Desktop (or otherfolders on your computer)ONLY. You cannotcopy/paste or drag anddrop images from otherwebsites or applications.That's what the "Paste in alist of words" and "Add NewRow" links are for on thebingo creation page. Youcan add morewords/pictures, and they'llbe mixed in when yourcards are generated.If you need fewerthan 8 accounts,you can sign upmultiple times at theregistration page(logout after eachsign up).Bingo Baker figures out thelargest font size for theword in the cell. You can"trick" Bingo Baker intomaking the word smaller byadding a linebreak aboveor below the word (i.e. hitthe enter key before theword and/or after it).AboutTraditionalNumber Bingo.You can clone it,if you want tochange thingsup.LegalIf you want that,edit your card, andcheck the "Shuffleitems only withintheir column"checkbox.QuickLinksBingoCardsWhy do I seeblanks onmy bingocard?Bingo Bakersucks. I wanta refund.PrivacyPolicy andTerms ofServiceCan I put apretty borderand framearound my cardwith my logoand branding?PurchasingBingoCardGeneratorInstructionson how toplay onlinebingoHow can IpurchaseBingoBakeraccounts inbulk?Can I collecta name oremailaddress frommy players?There is no limit. Butyou can only print 100cards at a time. So ifyou need 500 cards,just print 5 batches of100. And don't worry --you'll get unique cardsevery time you print anew batch.For prospectivepurchases of$10,000 or more,I'll considerreviewing thelegalese.I wantpeople toplay online.How do I dothat?How canI contactyou?Creatinga CardIs there alimit to thenumber ofonlineplayers?Is there a way tokeep items withintheir B-I-N-G-Ocolumns like intraditional bingo?For a 5x5 bingo card, the probabilitythat you'll get a duplicate card is 1 in15,511,210,043,330,985,984,000,000.Don't worry about it.I want to usemorewords/picturesthan squareson the card.andbabykittensYou didn't have25 words onyour card(including thefree space).I can'tuploadimages!!!Your websitedoesn't work.Can Icustomizethe playonline page?My testmakerThe free spaceis moving allaround. How doI keep it in thesame spot?This is caused by somekind of misconfiguration onyour computer or amalfunctioning browserextension you installed. Tryusing a different browser(Firefox, Chrome, or Edge),or a different computer.BingoCardsHelpMembers only: Click the"Full Screen" link on thecall list. Then click the"History" tab in the bottomleft part of the screen (if itisn't already expanded).Check the "Manually selectnext item" checkbox. Clickthe "Start" square, and thenclView the player's card, andensure all items theymarked are items that youcalled. If you're a payingmember, and using thebuiltin Bingo Baker call list,all verified items will be inorange (incorrectly markeditems will be gray, anditems thaMy bingocard has aduplicateitem on it!Yes.It's telling meI can'tupload anymoreimages.You mightalso like...Can I paywith apurchaseorder?MyjeopardygameHuh? Just fill outall the spaces onthe blank card.That's enough forbillions uponbillions of cards.I'm running a bigevent. How can Iensure BingoBaker stays upand can handlethe load?Read theinstructionshere.No. Bingo Bakerregularlyhandlesthousands ofonline bingoplayers.Many people areperfectly happy withhow Bingo Bakerworked andconveniently request arefund after printingtheir cards or playingtheir virtual game totheir satisfaction.Paid members ofBingo Baker canprompt players toenter some kind ofidentifier beforegenerating theironline card.Emailsupport@bingobaker.comwith the number ofaccounts you'd like topurchase (8 is theminimum). There are nobulk discounts. I will sendyou an invoice and setupthe accounts after it is paid.BigEventsWell, that's becausethe card was setupthat way. You canedit the card andremove the duplicatenumber/word/image.Paid members ofBingo Baker canchange the textdisplayed on the"Play Online" page,and the card page.Bingo Baker- Bingo CardMakerMyschool/company/organizationrequires vendors to sign amassive legal contract beforeI can purchase. Will you signit?Bingo Baker rarely goesdown. But to ensure yourevent runs smoothly, a 100%service level agreement (SLA)for your event can bepurchased starting at $500USD. Emailsupport@bingobaker.com withinformation about your event.Please include the daIt's rightthere whenyou viewyour card.The call listdoesn't havethe B-I-N-G-O columnletters!Can I copyand paste aword listfrom Excel?Where'sthe calllist?BingoBakerHelpLogin/SignUpUnfortunately, due tothe widespread refundabuse, your paymentfingerprint will beblocked, and you areprohibited frompurchasing amembership in thefuture.PrintingOtherWhat is themaximumnumber ofcards I canprint?CreateanAccountEdit your card, andensure the freespace is in the centersquare. Then checkthe box that says"The center square isthe free space".Yes. Copy the wholecolumn of words, and pastethem into the textbox thatappears when you click the"Add more words" link onthe homepage. Just leavethe cells on the bingo cardblank (except the freespace, of course).Free users of Bingo Bakercan upload 30 images per24 hour period (paidmembers can upload asmany as they want). If youexceed that limit, you needto wait a full 24 hoursbefore you can uploadmore images. A lifetimemembership is dirt cheap, I'm worried aboutgetting duplicatecards. How manyunique cards doesyour programgenerate?LegalBingo Baker was createdby Matt Johnson while hewas an undergrad atWashington StateUniversity, Vancouver backin 2011. Over 2 millioncards have been createdsince then.I just get ablank pagewhen I try toprint thePDF.BingoCardGeneratorPurchase orders can beaccommodated foramounts of $199 or more.Emailsupport@bingobaker.comwith the number ofaccounts you'd like topurchase. There are nobulk discounts.Playing/VirtualBingoIf your legal document isrelated to student privacy,you should know that youcan use BingoBakerwithout sharing anysensitive student data withthe system. In fact, thedefault way to play inBingoBaker does notcollect any personalinformatioPlease read everything onthis page before you emailme asking for help.support@bingobaker.comBingoCardsHow can Icontrolthe fontsize?BingoCardGeneratorMycrosswordpuzzlemakerNo. Whatyou see iswhat youget.Is Bingo Bakerreally, truly,honestly a one-time charge fora lifetimemembership?How manywords do Ineed for xnumber ofbingo cards?How do Iverify abingo?Login/SignUpHelpCheck the "Shuffleitems only within theircolumn" checkbox(it's poorly named,but I don't know whatelse to call it).How do Icustomizethe calllist order?I just wanta normalnumberedbingo card.However, I don't let thatdishonest behavior ruin itfor everyone else. Refundsshould be easy, regardlessof the potential for abuse. Ifyou are genuinelyunsatisfied with my bingocard generator (or you'rejust one of those "clever"individualsYou can drag and dropimage files (like GIFs,JPEGs, PNGs and SVGs)from your Desktop (or otherfolders on your computer)ONLY. You cannotcopy/paste or drag anddrop images from otherwebsites or applications.That's what the "Paste in alist of words" and "Add NewRow" links are for on thebingo creation page. Youcan add morewords/pictures, and they'llbe mixed in when yourcards are generated.If you need fewerthan 8 accounts,you can sign upmultiple times at theregistration page(logout after eachsign up).Bingo Baker figures out thelargest font size for theword in the cell. You can"trick" Bingo Baker intomaking the word smaller byadding a linebreak aboveor below the word (i.e. hitthe enter key before theword and/or after it).AboutTraditionalNumber Bingo.You can clone it,if you want tochange thingsup.LegalIf you want that,edit your card, andcheck the "Shuffleitems only withintheir column"checkbox.QuickLinksBingoCardsWhy do I seeblanks onmy bingocard?Bingo Bakersucks. I wanta refund.PrivacyPolicy andTerms ofServiceCan I put apretty borderand framearound my cardwith my logoand branding?PurchasingBingoCardGeneratorInstructionson how toplay onlinebingoHow can IpurchaseBingoBakeraccounts inbulk?Can I collecta name oremailaddress frommy players?There is no limit. Butyou can only print 100cards at a time. So ifyou need 500 cards,just print 5 batches of100. And don't worry --you'll get unique cardsevery time you print anew batch.For prospectivepurchases of$10,000 or more,I'll considerreviewing thelegalese.I wantpeople toplay online.How do I dothat?How canI contactyou?Creatinga CardIs there alimit to thenumber ofonlineplayers?Is there a way tokeep items withintheir B-I-N-G-Ocolumns like intraditional bingo?For a 5x5 bingo card, the probabilitythat you'll get a duplicate card is 1 in15,511,210,043,330,985,984,000,000.Don't worry about it.I want to usemorewords/picturesthan squareson the card.andbabykittensYou didn't have25 words onyour card(including thefree space).I can'tuploadimages!!!Your websitedoesn't work.Can Icustomizethe playonline page?My testmakerThe free spaceis moving allaround. How doI keep it in thesame spot?This is caused by somekind of misconfiguration onyour computer or amalfunctioning browserextension you installed. Tryusing a different browser(Firefox, Chrome, or Edge),or a different computer.BingoCardsHelpMembers only: Click the"Full Screen" link on thecall list. Then click the"History" tab in the bottomleft part of the screen (if itisn't already expanded).Check the "Manually selectnext item" checkbox. Clickthe "Start" square, and thenclView the player's card, andensure all items theymarked are items that youcalled. If you're a payingmember, and using thebuiltin Bingo Baker call list,all verified items will be inorange (incorrectly markeditems will be gray, anditems thaMy bingocard has aduplicateitem on it!Yes.It's telling meI can'tupload anymoreimages.You mightalso like...Can I paywith apurchaseorder?MyjeopardygameHuh? Just fill outall the spaces onthe blank card.That's enough forbillions uponbillions of cards.I'm running a bigevent. How can Iensure BingoBaker stays upand can handlethe load?Read theinstructionshere.No. Bingo Bakerregularlyhandlesthousands ofonline bingoplayers.Many people areperfectly happy withhow Bingo Bakerworked andconveniently request arefund after printingtheir cards or playingtheir virtual game totheir satisfaction.Paid members ofBingo Baker canprompt players toenter some kind ofidentifier beforegenerating theironline card.Emailsupport@bingobaker.comwith the number ofaccounts you'd like topurchase (8 is theminimum). There are nobulk discounts. I will sendyou an invoice and setupthe accounts after it is paid.BigEventsWell, that's becausethe card was setupthat way. You canedit the card andremove the duplicatenumber/word/image.Paid members ofBingo Baker canchange the textdisplayed on the"Play Online" page,and the card page.Bingo Baker- Bingo CardMakerMyschool/company/organizationrequires vendors to sign amassive legal contract beforeI can purchase. Will you signit?Bingo Baker rarely goesdown. But to ensure yourevent runs smoothly, a 100%service level agreement (SLA)for your event can bepurchased starting at $500USD. Emailsupport@bingobaker.com withinformation about your event.Please include the daIt's rightthere whenyou viewyour card.The call listdoesn't havethe B-I-N-G-O columnletters!Can I copyand paste aword listfrom Excel?Where'sthe calllist?BingoBakerHelpLogin/SignUpUnfortunately, due tothe widespread refundabuse, your paymentfingerprint will beblocked, and you areprohibited frompurchasing amembership in thefuture.PrintingOtherWhat is themaximumnumber ofcards I canprint?CreateanAccountEdit your card, andensure the freespace is in the centersquare. Then checkthe box that says"The center square isthe free space".Yes. Copy the wholecolumn of words, and pastethem into the textbox thatappears when you click the"Add more words" link onthe homepage. Just leavethe cells on the bingo cardblank (except the freespace, of course).Free users of Bingo Bakercan upload 30 images per24 hour period (paidmembers can upload asmany as they want). If youexceed that limit, you needto wait a full 24 hoursbefore you can uploadmore images. A lifetimemembership is dirt cheap, I'm worried aboutgetting duplicatecards. How manyunique cards doesyour programgenerate?LegalBingo Baker was createdby Matt Johnson while hewas an undergrad atWashington StateUniversity, Vancouver backin 2011. Over 2 millioncards have been createdsince then.I just get ablank pagewhen I try toprint thePDF.BingoCardGeneratorPurchase orders can beaccommodated foramounts of $199 or more.Emailsupport@bingobaker.comwith the number ofaccounts you'd like topurchase. There are nobulk discounts.Playing/VirtualBingoIf your legal document isrelated to student privacy,you should know that youcan use BingoBakerwithout sharing anysensitive student data withthe system. In fact, thedefault way to play inBingoBaker does notcollect any personalinformatioPlease read everything onthis page before you emailme asking for help.support@bingobaker.comBingoCardsHow can Icontrolthe fontsize?BingoCardGeneratorMycrosswordpuzzlemakerNo. Whatyou see iswhat youget.Is Bingo Bakerreally, truly,honestly a one-time charge fora lifetimemembership?How manywords do Ineed for xnumber ofbingo cards?How do Iverify abingo?

Untitled Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Login/Sign Up
  2. Help
  3. Check the "Shuffle items only within their column" checkbox (it's poorly named, but I don't know what else to call it).
  4. How do I customize the call list order?
  5. I just want a normal numbered bingo card.
  6. However, I don't let that dishonest behavior ruin it for everyone else. Refunds should be easy, regardless of the potential for abuse. If you are genuinely unsatisfied with my bingo card generator (or you're just one of those "clever" individuals
  7. You can drag and drop image files (like GIFs, JPEGs, PNGs and SVGs) from your Desktop (or other folders on your computer) ONLY. You cannot copy/paste or drag and drop images from other websites or applications.
  8. That's what the "Paste in a list of words" and "Add New Row" links are for on the bingo creation page. You can add more words/pictures, and they'll be mixed in when your cards are generated.
  9. If you need fewer than 8 accounts, you can sign up multiple times at the registration page (logout after each sign up).
  10. Bingo Baker figures out the largest font size for the word in the cell. You can "trick" Bingo Baker into making the word smaller by adding a linebreak above or below the word (i.e. hit the enter key before the word and/or after it).
  11. About
  12. Traditional Number Bingo. You can clone it, if you want to change things up.
  13. Legal
  14. If you want that, edit your card, and check the "Shuffle items only within their column" checkbox.
  15. Quick Links
  16. Bingo Cards
  17. Why do I see blanks on my bingo card?
  18. Bingo Baker sucks. I want a refund.
  19. Privacy Policy and Terms of Service
  20. Can I put a pretty border and frame around my card with my logo and branding?
  21. Purchasing
  22. Bingo Card Generator
  23. Instructions on how to play online bingo
  24. How can I purchase BingoBaker accounts in bulk?
  25. Can I collect a name or email address from my players?
  26. There is no limit. But you can only print 100 cards at a time. So if you need 500 cards, just print 5 batches of 100. And don't worry -- you'll get unique cards every time you print a new batch.
  27. For prospective purchases of $10,000 or more, I'll consider reviewing the legalese.
  28. I want people to play online. How do I do that?
  29. How can I contact you?
  30. Creating a Card
  31. Is there a limit to the number of online players?
  32. Is there a way to keep items within their B-I-N-G-O columns like in traditional bingo?
  33. For a 5x5 bingo card, the probability that you'll get a duplicate card is 1 in 15,511,210,043,330,985,984,000,000. Don't worry about it.
  34. I want to use more words/pictures than squares on the card.
  35. and baby kittens
  36. You didn't have 25 words on your card (including the free space).
  37. I can't upload images!!! Your website doesn't work.
  38. Can I customize the play online page?
  39. My test maker
  40. The free space is moving all around. How do I keep it in the same spot?
  41. This is caused by some kind of misconfiguration on your computer or a malfunctioning browser extension you installed. Try using a different browser (Firefox, Chrome, or Edge), or a different computer.
  42. Bingo Cards
  43. Help
  44. Members only: Click the "Full Screen" link on the call list. Then click the "History" tab in the bottom left part of the screen (if it isn't already expanded). Check the "Manually select next item" checkbox. Click the "Start" square, and then cl
  45. View the player's card, and ensure all items they marked are items that you called. If you're a paying member, and using the builtin Bingo Baker call list, all verified items will be in orange (incorrectly marked items will be gray, and items tha
  46. My bingo card has a duplicate item on it!
  47. Yes.
  48. It's telling me I can't upload any more images.
  49. You might also like...
  50. Can I pay with a purchase order?
  51. My jeopardy game
  52. Huh? Just fill out all the spaces on the blank card. That's enough for billions upon billions of cards.
  53. I'm running a big event. How can I ensure Bingo Baker stays up and can handle the load?
  54. Read the instructions here.
  55. No. Bingo Baker regularly handles thousands of online bingo players.
  56. Many people are perfectly happy with how Bingo Baker worked and conveniently request a refund after printing their cards or playing their virtual game to their satisfaction.
  57. Paid members of Bingo Baker can prompt players to enter some kind of identifier before generating their online card.
  58. Email support@bingobaker.com with the number of accounts you'd like to purchase (8 is the minimum). There are no bulk discounts. I will send you an invoice and setup the accounts after it is paid.
  59. Big Events
  60. Well, that's because the card was setup that way. You can edit the card and remove the duplicate number/word/image.
  61. Paid members of Bingo Baker can change the text displayed on the "Play Online" page, and the card page.
  62. Bingo Baker - Bingo Card Maker
  63. My school/company/organization requires vendors to sign a massive legal contract before I can purchase. Will you sign it?
  64. Bingo Baker rarely goes down. But to ensure your event runs smoothly, a 100% service level agreement (SLA) for your event can be purchased starting at $500 USD. Email support@bingobaker.com with information about your event. Please include the da
  65. It's right there when you view your card.
  66. The call list doesn't have the B-I-N-G-O column letters!
  67. Can I copy and paste a word list from Excel?
  68. Where's the call list?
  69. Bingo Baker Help
  70. Login/Sign Up
  71. Unfortunately, due to the widespread refund abuse, your payment fingerprint will be blocked, and you are prohibited from purchasing a membership in the future.
  72. Printing
  73. Other
  74. What is the maximum number of cards I can print?
  75. Create an Account
  76. Edit your card, and ensure the free space is in the center square. Then check the box that says "The center square is the free space".
  77. Yes. Copy the whole column of words, and paste them into the textbox that appears when you click the "Add more words" link on the homepage. Just leave the cells on the bingo card blank (except the free space, of course).
  78. Free users of Bingo Baker can upload 30 images per 24 hour period (paid members can upload as many as they want). If you exceed that limit, you need to wait a full 24 hours before you can upload more images. A lifetime membership is dirt cheap,
  79. I'm worried about getting duplicate cards. How many unique cards does your program generate?
  80. Legal
  81. Bingo Baker was created by Matt Johnson while he was an undergrad at Washington State University, Vancouver back in 2011. Over 2 million cards have been created since then.
  82. I just get a blank page when I try to print the PDF.
  83. Bingo Card Generator
  84. Purchase orders can be accommodated for amounts of $199 or more. Email support@bingobaker.com with the number of accounts you'd like to purchase. There are no bulk discounts.
  85. Playing/Virtual Bingo
  86. If your legal document is related to student privacy, you should know that you can use BingoBaker without sharing any sensitive student data with the system. In fact, the default way to play in BingoBaker does not collect any personal informatio
  87. Please read everything on this page before you email me asking for help. support@bingobaker.com
  88. Bingo Cards
  89. How can I control the font size?
  90. Bingo Card Generator
  91. My crossword puzzle maker
  92. No. What you see is what you get.
  93. Is Bingo Baker really, truly, honestly a one-time charge for a lifetime membership?
  94. How many words do I need for x number of bingo cards?
  95. How do I verify a bingo?