JosefaLlanesEscodafounder ofthe GirlScouts of thePhilippines FlorenceNightingalefounder ofmodernnursingJunkoTabeifirst woman to reachthe summit of MountEverest and the firstwoman to ascend theSeven Summits,climbing the highestpeak on everycontinentJKRowlingIndiraGandhiGandhi was thefirst, and to thisday is the only,woman to serveas the PrimeMinister of IndiaMelchoraAquinoHellenKellerfirst deaf and blindperson to earn acollege degree -proving that the onlyobstacle in achievingone's dream isyourselfGloriaDiazCleopatraAncient Egypt's lastactive pharaohplayed a great rolein maintainingEgypt's reign overtheir own land.InternationalWomen'sMonthPrincessDianaMiriamDefensorSantiagoTrinidadTecsonthe first-everFilipino woman toundergo the‘sandugo,’ signingher name with herown bloodDr. FedelMundoa Filipino pediatricianwho was the firstwoman to be admittedto Harvard MedicalSchool in 1936 — overten years before theschool officially beganadmitting womenAmeliaEarhartMargaretThatcherthe longest-serving Britishprime minister ofthe 20th centuryand the firstwoman to holdthat officeQueenElizabethIIKatherineG.Johnsonmathematician,helped sendthe first man tothe moonSallyRidethe first Americanwoman to go tospace, but she wasalso the youngestastronaut to havemade the tripMotherTeresaOprahWinfreyRosaParksAdaLovelacethe world’sfirstcomputerprogrammerGabrielaSilangthe firstfemaleleader of thePhilippineRevolutionAnneFrankMarieCuriediscoveredradiumandpoloniumJosefaLlanesEscodafounder ofthe GirlScouts of thePhilippines FlorenceNightingalefounder ofmodernnursingJunkoTabeifirst woman to reachthe summit of MountEverest and the firstwoman to ascend theSeven Summits,climbing the highestpeak on everycontinentJKRowlingIndiraGandhiGandhi was thefirst, and to thisday is the only,woman to serveas the PrimeMinister of IndiaMelchoraAquinoHellenKellerfirst deaf and blindperson to earn acollege degree -proving that the onlyobstacle in achievingone's dream isyourselfGloriaDiazCleopatraAncient Egypt's lastactive pharaohplayed a great rolein maintainingEgypt's reign overtheir own land.InternationalWomen'sMonthPrincessDianaMiriamDefensorSantiagoTrinidadTecsonthe first-everFilipino woman toundergo the‘sandugo,’ signingher name with herown bloodDr. FedelMundoa Filipino pediatricianwho was the firstwoman to be admittedto Harvard MedicalSchool in 1936 — overten years before theschool officially beganadmitting womenAmeliaEarhartMargaretThatcherthe longest-serving Britishprime minister ofthe 20th centuryand the firstwoman to holdthat officeQueenElizabethIIKatherineG.Johnsonmathematician,helped sendthe first man tothe moonSallyRidethe first Americanwoman to go tospace, but she wasalso the youngestastronaut to havemade the tripMotherTeresaOprahWinfreyRosaParksAdaLovelacethe world’sfirstcomputerprogrammerGabrielaSilangthe firstfemaleleader of thePhilippineRevolutionAnneFrankMarieCuriediscoveredradiumandpolonium

Bingo Ka Dai! - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. founder of the Girl Scouts of the Philippines
    Josefa Llanes Escoda
  2. founder of modern nursing
    Florence Nightingale
  3. first woman to reach the summit of Mount Everest and the first woman to ascend the Seven Summits, climbing the highest peak on every continent
    Junko Tabei

  4. JK Rowling
  5. Gandhi was the first, and to this day is the only, woman to serve as the Prime Minister of India
    Indira Gandhi

  6. Melchora Aquino
  7. first deaf and blind person to earn a college degree - proving that the only obstacle in achieving one's dream is yourself
    Hellen Keller

  8. Gloria Diaz
  9. Ancient Egypt's last active pharaoh played a great role in maintaining Egypt's reign over their own land.
  10. International Women's Month

  11. Princess Diana

  12. Miriam Defensor Santiago
  13. the first-ever Filipino woman to undergo the ‘sandugo,’ signing her name with her own blood
    Trinidad Tecson
  14. a Filipino pediatrician who was the first woman to be admitted to Harvard Medical School in 1936 — over ten years before the school officially began admitting women
    Dr. Fe del Mundo

  15. Amelia Earhart
  16. the longest-serving British prime minister of the 20th century and the first woman to hold that office
    Margaret Thatcher

  17. Queen Elizabeth II
  18. mathematician, helped send the first man to the moon
    Katherine G. Johnson
  19. the first American woman to go to space, but she was also the youngest astronaut to have made the trip
    Sally Ride

  20. Mother Teresa

  21. Oprah Winfrey

  22. Rosa Parks
  23. the world’s first computer programmer
    Ada Lovelace
  24. the first female leader of the Philippine Revolution
    Gabriela Silang

  25. Anne Frank
  26. discovered radium and polonium
    Marie Curie