Write a poemabout anorgan systemas per yourOGL!Stand in achain andcomplimentthe person toyour right ;)Take OGpictureswith 5 firehydrants :)Create aSpotify playlistwith songtitles to makeup a story~Blindfoldedcountingchallenge to20~ You have3 chances >:DHit an average of8000 steps perperson during yourrace! We needscreenshottedproof :PDance to asong of yourOGL'schoice B)Tell yourOGLs a jokeand makethem laugh!Come upwith an OGhand-sign!Keep it PG~Get at least halfyour OG tojuggle 3 items.Minimum 4seconds!Win a thumb-wrestling matchagainst your CA'srepresentative!Once chance is allyou get >:)Taste the rainbow~As an OG, makesure that all 7colours of therainbow arerepresented inyour meals!Take turnsto do yourbest OGLimpression~Create yourown diseaseand explainit to yourOGLs.Bottle flipchallenge! 4times in a row,nothing morenothing less.Reciteeveryone'sname in yourhouse :3Chug chug chug!Get 2 freshies tofinish a bottle ofwater each within7 seconds.Perform aTikTok danceor skit for theCA!Pay byPayWaveat 3 shops;)Play scissorspaper stoneagainst yourOGL. Onechance to win itall >:(Tonguetwisterchallenge!Whole OG, 70seconds >:)Have a rapbattle withinthe OG!Keep itPG13 0:)Serenadeyour OGL andmake themfall in lovewith you~ <3Dancewithout abeat for 15seconds!Sing thealphabetbackwards in 7seconds andrecord it~ Nocheating hor.Write a poemabout anorgan systemas per yourOGL!Stand in achain andcomplimentthe person toyour right ;)Take OGpictureswith 5 firehydrants :)Create aSpotify playlistwith songtitles to makeup a story~Blindfoldedcountingchallenge to20~ You have3 chances >:DHit an average of8000 steps perperson during yourrace! We needscreenshottedproof :PDance to asong of yourOGL'schoice B)Tell yourOGLs a jokeand makethem laugh!Come upwith an OGhand-sign!Keep it PG~Get at least halfyour OG tojuggle 3 items.Minimum 4seconds!Win a thumb-wrestling matchagainst your CA'srepresentative!Once chance is allyou get >:)Taste the rainbow~As an OG, makesure that all 7colours of therainbow arerepresented inyour meals!Take turnsto do yourbest OGLimpression~Create yourown diseaseand explainit to yourOGLs.Bottle flipchallenge! 4times in a row,nothing morenothing less.Reciteeveryone'sname in yourhouse :3Chug chug chug!Get 2 freshies tofinish a bottle ofwater each within7 seconds.Perform aTikTok danceor skit for theCA!Pay byPayWaveat 3 shops;)Play scissorspaper stoneagainst yourOGL. Onechance to win itall >:(Tonguetwisterchallenge!Whole OG, 70seconds >:)Have a rapbattle withinthe OG!Keep itPG13 0:)Serenadeyour OGL andmake themfall in lovewith you~ <3Dancewithout abeat for 15seconds!Sing thealphabetbackwards in 7seconds andrecord it~ Nocheating hor.

LKC FOP Amazing Race - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Write a poem about an organ system as per your OGL!
  2. Stand in a chain and compliment the person to your right ;)
  3. Take OG pictures with 5 fire hydrants :)
  4. Create a Spotify playlist with song titles to make up a story~
  5. Blindfolded counting challenge to 20~ You have 3 chances >:D
  6. Hit an average of 8000 steps per person during your race! We need screenshotted proof :P
  7. Dance to a song of your OGL's choice B)
  8. Tell your OGLs a joke and make them laugh!
  9. Come up with an OG hand-sign! Keep it PG~
  10. Get at least half your OG to juggle 3 items. Minimum 4 seconds!
  11. Win a thumb-wrestling match against your CA's representative! Once chance is all you get >:)
  12. Taste the rainbow~ As an OG, make sure that all 7 colours of the rainbow are represented in your meals!
  13. Take turns to do your best OGL impression~
  14. Create your own disease and explain it to your OGLs.
  15. Bottle flip challenge! 4 times in a row, nothing more nothing less.
  16. Recite everyone's name in your house :3
  17. Chug chug chug! Get 2 freshies to finish a bottle of water each within 7 seconds.
  18. Perform a TikTok dance or skit for the CA!
  19. Pay by PayWave at 3 shops ;)
  20. Play scissors paper stone against your OGL. One chance to win it all >:(
  21. Tongue twister challenge! Whole OG, 70 seconds >:)
  22. Have a rap battle within the OG! Keep it PG13 0:)
  23. Serenade your OGL and make them fall in love with you~ <3
  24. Dance without a beat for 15 seconds!
  25. Sing the alphabet backwards in 7 seconds and record it~ No cheating hor.