Papyrus ------A long-lasting,paper-likematerial madefrom reedsembalm ------to preserve abody afterdeathImhotep ------first vizier,later nameda godLower Egypt------Thenorthern partof ancientEgyptlinen ------cloth usedto wrapbodiesKa ------Inancient Egypt,the immortalhuman lifeforce.Sahara Desert ------the largestdesert in theworld, coveringmost of northernAfricaHorus ------Son ofOsiris andIsisValley of the Kings ------An area weremany tombs wherebuilt after the greatpyramids because itallowed for easierguarding and lessgrave robbery.Ankh ------Egyptian goodluck symbol;symbol foreternal lifeNile Delta ------Themost fertile area ofland in Egypt locatedend of the Nile Riverwhere it empties intothe MediterraneanSeaIsis ------wifeto Osiris -the mothergoddess ofEgypttemple ------built tohonor thegodsCanopic ------Jars in which theancientEgyptianspreserved theinternal organs.Upper Egypt------thesouthern partof ancientEgyptEastern Desert ------Mountainous desertarea between the Nileand Red Sea:important for mining(primarily gold, andsemiprecious stonessuch as amethyst andcarnelian)Natron Salt ------A type ofsalt used todry out themummy.archeologist ------a personwho studiesartifacts fromthe pastRed Sea ------Thisbody of waterseparates theArabian Peninsulafrom Africa.Lower Court ------consisted of agroup of eldersin each townand overheardcourt casesmummy ------Adead bodypreserved inlifelike conditionthroughembalmingSinai Peninsula------apeninsula innortheasternEgyptTwo Fields ------land that was aheavenly placeof the afterlifeMediterraneanSea ------abody of waternorth of AfricaOsiris ------Egyptian god ofthe underworldand judge ofthe deadsarcophagus ------a coffin in which aperson was laid torest after theembalmingprocessThoth ------god ofwriting andknowledge/wisdomTutankhamen ------a10 year old pharaohwho ruled for nineyears and then diedunexpectantly;restored the old godsNefertiti ------Akhenaton'swifeRa ------Egyptiangod of the sun,most importantgod, hawk headPharaoh's wife------secondmost importantperson inancient EgyptAnubis ------God ofmummificationand/or embalming;shown with thehead of a jackalNomarch ------ruler of anome underVizierRamses II ------king of Egyptfor 67 yearswho built manymonumentsHigh Court ------The courtin which theVizier servedas judgeMa'at ------Goddessof truthand justiceHieroglyphics ------An ancient Egyptianwriting system inwhich pictures wereused to representideas and soundsNubia/Kush ------Kingdomsupriver fromEgypt.HowardCarter ------DiscoveredKing Tut'stombNile River ------Theworld's longest river,which flowsnorthward throughEast Africa into theMediterranean SeaAkhenaten ------Pharoah of Egyptwho rejected theold gods andreplaced them withsun worshipMenes ------The kingwho unifiedEgypt.Memphis ------Thecapital of OldKingdom Egypt, nearthe head of the NileDelta. Early rulerswere interred in thenearby pyramids.Thebes ------Capital city ofEgypt and home ofthe rulingdynasties duringthe Middle andNew Kingdoms.Hatshepsut------FirstfemalepharaohCleopatra VII------The lastpharaoh ofEgypt.Dynasty ------A series ofrulers fromthe samefamilyGiza ------AnancientEgyptian city;the site of theGreat PyramidBa ------the soul oftheindividualLibyan Desert ------forms thenorthern andeastern part ofthe SaharaDesertpyramid ------astructure used astombs fordeceasedpharaohs androyal familymembersnome ------area likea state orprovinceTheocracy ------A governmentcontrolled byreligiousleadersPharoah ------aking of ancientEgypt, considereda god as well as apolitical leaderDelta ------a lowfan shaped areawhere a riverdivides beforeentering a largerbody of waterbrain ------thought to beuseless andthrown awayduringmummificationheart ------organ leftin thebodyPapyrus ------A long-lasting,paper-likematerial madefrom reedsembalm ------to preserve abody afterdeathImhotep ------first vizier,later nameda godLower Egypt------Thenorthern partof ancientEgyptlinen ------cloth usedto wrapbodiesKa ------Inancient Egypt,the immortalhuman lifeforce.Sahara Desert ------the largestdesert in theworld, coveringmost of northernAfricaHorus ------Son ofOsiris andIsisValley of the Kings ------An area weremany tombs wherebuilt after the greatpyramids because itallowed for easierguarding and lessgrave robbery.Ankh ------Egyptian goodluck symbol;symbol foreternal lifeNile Delta ------Themost fertile area ofland in Egypt locatedend of the Nile Riverwhere it empties intothe MediterraneanSeaIsis ------wifeto Osiris -the mothergoddess ofEgypttemple ------built tohonor thegodsCanopic ------Jars in which theancientEgyptianspreserved theinternal organs.Upper Egypt------thesouthern partof ancientEgyptEastern Desert ------Mountainous desertarea between the Nileand Red Sea:important for mining(primarily gold, andsemiprecious stonessuch as amethyst andcarnelian)Natron Salt ------A type ofsalt used todry out themummy.archeologist ------a personwho studiesartifacts fromthe pastRed Sea ------Thisbody of waterseparates theArabian Peninsulafrom Africa.Lower Court ------consisted of agroup of eldersin each townand overheardcourt casesmummy ------Adead bodypreserved inlifelike conditionthroughembalmingSinai Peninsula------apeninsula innortheasternEgyptTwo Fields ------land that was aheavenly placeof the afterlifeMediterraneanSea ------abody of waternorth of AfricaOsiris ------Egyptian god ofthe underworldand judge ofthe deadsarcophagus ------a coffin in which aperson was laid torest after theembalmingprocessThoth ------god ofwriting andknowledge/wisdomTutankhamen ------a10 year old pharaohwho ruled for nineyears and then diedunexpectantly;restored the old godsNefertiti ------Akhenaton'swifeRa ------Egyptiangod of the sun,most importantgod, hawk headPharaoh's wife------secondmost importantperson inancient EgyptAnubis ------God ofmummificationand/or embalming;shown with thehead of a jackalNomarch ------ruler of anome underVizierRamses II ------king of Egyptfor 67 yearswho built manymonumentsHigh Court ------The courtin which theVizier servedas judgeMa'at ------Goddessof truthand justiceHieroglyphics ------An ancient Egyptianwriting system inwhich pictures wereused to representideas and soundsNubia/Kush ------Kingdomsupriver fromEgypt.HowardCarter ------DiscoveredKing Tut'stombNile River ------Theworld's longest river,which flowsnorthward throughEast Africa into theMediterranean SeaAkhenaten ------Pharoah of Egyptwho rejected theold gods andreplaced them withsun worshipMenes ------The kingwho unifiedEgypt.Memphis ------Thecapital of OldKingdom Egypt, nearthe head of the NileDelta. Early rulerswere interred in thenearby pyramids.Thebes ------Capital city ofEgypt and home ofthe rulingdynasties duringthe Middle andNew Kingdoms.Hatshepsut------FirstfemalepharaohCleopatra VII------The lastpharaoh ofEgypt.Dynasty ------A series ofrulers fromthe samefamilyGiza ------AnancientEgyptian city;the site of theGreat PyramidBa ------the soul oftheindividualLibyan Desert ------forms thenorthern andeastern part ofthe SaharaDesertpyramid ------astructure used astombs fordeceasedpharaohs androyal familymembersnome ------area likea state orprovinceTheocracy ------A governmentcontrolled byreligiousleadersPharoah ------aking of ancientEgypt, considereda god as well as apolitical leaderDelta ------a lowfan shaped areawhere a riverdivides beforeentering a largerbody of waterbrain ------thought to beuseless andthrown awayduringmummificationheart ------organ leftin thebody

Untitled Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Papyrus ------A long-lasting, paper-like material made from reeds
  2. embalm ------to preserve a body after death
  3. Imhotep ------first vizier, later named a god
  4. Lower Egypt ------The northern part of ancient Egypt
  5. linen ------cloth used to wrap bodies
  6. Ka ------In ancient Egypt, the immortal human life force.
  7. Sahara Desert ------the largest desert in the world, covering most of northern Africa
  8. Horus ------Son of Osiris and Isis
  9. Valley of the Kings ------An area were many tombs where built after the great pyramids because it allowed for easier guarding and less grave robbery.
  10. Ankh ------Egyptian good luck symbol; symbol for eternal life
  11. Nile Delta ------The most fertile area of land in Egypt located end of the Nile River where it empties into the Mediterranean Sea
  12. Isis ------wife to Osiris - the mother goddess of Egypt
  13. temple ------built to honor the gods
  14. Canopic ------Jars in which the ancient Egyptians preserved the internal organs.
  15. Upper Egypt ------the southern part of ancient Egypt
  16. Eastern Desert ------Mountainous desert area between the Nile and Red Sea: important for mining (primarily gold, and semiprecious stones such as amethyst and carnelian)
  17. Natron Salt ------A type of salt used to dry out the mummy.
  18. archeologist ------a person who studies artifacts from the past
  19. Red Sea ------This body of water separates the Arabian Peninsula from Africa.
  20. Lower Court ------consisted of a group of elders in each town and overheard court cases
  21. mummy ------A dead body preserved in lifelike condition through embalming
  22. Sinai Peninsula ------a peninsula in northeastern Egypt
  23. Two Fields ------land that was a heavenly place of the afterlife
  24. Mediterranean Sea ------a body of water north of Africa
  25. Osiris ------Egyptian god of the underworld and judge of the dead
  26. sarcophagus ------a coffin in which a person was laid to rest after the embalming process
  27. Thoth ------god of writing and knowledge/wisdom
  28. Tutankhamen ------a 10 year old pharaoh who ruled for nine years and then died unexpectantly; restored the old gods
  29. Nefertiti ------Akhenaton's wife
  30. Ra ------Egyptian god of the sun, most important god, hawk head
  31. Pharaoh's wife ------second most important person in ancient Egypt
  32. Anubis ------God of mummification and/or embalming; shown with the head of a jackal
  33. Nomarch ------ruler of a nome under Vizier
  34. Ramses II ------king of Egypt for 67 years who built many monuments
  35. High Court ------The court in which the Vizier served as judge
  36. Ma'at ------Goddess of truth and justice
  37. Hieroglyphics ------An ancient Egyptian writing system in which pictures were used to represent ideas and sounds
  38. Nubia/Kush ------Kingdoms upriver from Egypt.
  39. Howard Carter ------Discovered King Tut's tomb
  40. Nile River ------The world's longest river, which flows northward through East Africa into the Mediterranean Sea
  41. Akhenaten ------Pharoah of Egypt who rejected the old gods and replaced them with sun worship
  42. Menes ------The king who unified Egypt.
  43. Memphis ------The capital of Old Kingdom Egypt, near the head of the Nile Delta. Early rulers were interred in the nearby pyramids.
  44. Thebes ------Capital city of Egypt and home of the ruling dynasties during the Middle and New Kingdoms.
  45. Hatshepsut ------First female pharaoh
  46. Cleopatra VII ------The last pharaoh of Egypt.
  47. Dynasty ------A series of rulers from the same family
  48. Giza ------An ancient Egyptian city; the site of the Great Pyramid
  49. Ba ------the soul of the individual
  50. Libyan Desert ------forms the northern and eastern part of the Sahara Desert
  51. pyramid ------a structure used as tombs for deceased pharaohs and royal family members
  52. nome ------area like a state or province
  53. Theocracy ------A government controlled by religious leaders
  54. Pharoah ------a king of ancient Egypt, considered a god as well as a political leader
  55. Delta ------a low fan shaped area where a river divides before entering a larger body of water
  56. brain ------thought to be useless and thrown away during mummification
  57. heart ------organ left in the body