A boy has thepower to create hisown world andanything he canimagine, simply bydrawing it with hiscrayon.An orphanedmonkey embarkson fun adventureswith a man whowears a yellowhat.A girl likes to befancy in everythingfrom her advancedvocabulary to hercreative andelaborate attire.A boy's imaginationtransforms hisbedroom into a forestsetting and a boatsails him to the landfull of "wild things".A fish has beautifulscales which theother fish want too.The fish keeps themto himself but growslonely and learns thevalue in sharing.A narrator asksdifferent animalswhat they see andthe animalsrespond thatanother animal islooking at them.A little girl is sentinto the woods byher mother to visither sickgrandmother. Sheencounters a wolfalong the way.Three pigs buildthree houses outof differentmaterials and awolf attempts toblow each of themdown.An elephant iscertain he can'tdance but a pigtries to convincehim to give it ashot.A small caterpillaremerges from an eggand begins eatingeverything in sight.Once it is no longerhungry and small, itbuilds a cocoon andbecomes a butterfly.A girl who is treatedpoorly by her stepfamily, attends a ballwhere she meets aprince and leavessomething behind.Before hisbedtime, a rabbitgoes around hisroom, noticesitems, and saysgoodnight to all ofthem.A teddy bear waitsevery day for someoneto come into the storeand take him home.One day a little girlwants to buy him, buther mother points outthat he is missing abutton.A mouse is given acookie and then asksfor a glass of milk,which ends upleading to a series ofadditional requests.Lowercase lettersclimb up a coconuttree in alphabeticalorder, until theirweight causes thetree to lean and theyall fall off.A box of crayonsdecide to go onstrike becausethey are notsatisfied with howthey are used.A cat visits twochildren who arehome alone andhaving a dull day.The cat reassuresthe kids that theirmother won't mindthe fun and games.A boy has thepower to create hisown world andanything he canimagine, simply bydrawing it with hiscrayon.An orphanedmonkey embarkson fun adventureswith a man whowears a yellowhat.A girl likes to befancy in everythingfrom her advancedvocabulary to hercreative andelaborate attire.A boy's imaginationtransforms hisbedroom into a forestsetting and a boatsails him to the landfull of "wild things".A fish has beautifulscales which theother fish want too.The fish keeps themto himself but growslonely and learns thevalue in sharing.A narrator asksdifferent animalswhat they see andthe animalsrespond thatanother animal islooking at them.A little girl is sentinto the woods byher mother to visither sickgrandmother. Sheencounters a wolfalong the way.Three pigs buildthree houses outof differentmaterials and awolf attempts toblow each of themdown.An elephant iscertain he can'tdance but a pigtries to convincehim to give it ashot.A small caterpillaremerges from an eggand begins eatingeverything in sight.Once it is no longerhungry and small, itbuilds a cocoon andbecomes a butterfly.A girl who is treatedpoorly by her stepfamily, attends a ballwhere she meets aprince and leavessomething behind.Before hisbedtime, a rabbitgoes around hisroom, noticesitems, and saysgoodnight to all ofthem.A teddy bear waitsevery day for someoneto come into the storeand take him home.One day a little girlwants to buy him, buther mother points outthat he is missing abutton.A mouse is given acookie and then asksfor a glass of milk,which ends upleading to a series ofadditional requests.Lowercase lettersclimb up a coconuttree in alphabeticalorder, until theirweight causes thetree to lean and theyall fall off.A box of crayonsdecide to go onstrike becausethey are notsatisfied with howthey are used.A cat visits twochildren who arehome alone andhaving a dull day.The cat reassuresthe kids that theirmother won't mindthe fun and games.

Children's Books Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. A boy has the power to create his own world and anything he can imagine, simply by drawing it with his crayon.
  2. An orphaned monkey embarks on fun adventures with a man who wears a yellow hat.
  3. A girl likes to be fancy in everything from her advanced vocabulary to her creative and elaborate attire.
  4. A boy's imagination transforms his bedroom into a forest setting and a boat sails him to the land full of "wild things".
  5. A fish has beautiful scales which the other fish want too. The fish keeps them to himself but grows lonely and learns the value in sharing.
  6. A narrator asks different animals what they see and the animals respond that another animal is looking at them.
  7. A little girl is sent into the woods by her mother to visit her sick grandmother. She encounters a wolf along the way.
  8. Three pigs build three houses out of different materials and a wolf attempts to blow each of them down.
  9. An elephant is certain he can't dance but a pig tries to convince him to give it a shot.
  10. A small caterpillar emerges from an egg and begins eating everything in sight. Once it is no longer hungry and small, it builds a cocoon and becomes a butterfly.
  11. A girl who is treated poorly by her step family, attends a ball where she meets a prince and leaves something behind.
  12. Before his bedtime, a rabbit goes around his room, notices items, and says goodnight to all of them.
  13. A teddy bear waits every day for someone to come into the store and take him home. One day a little girl wants to buy him, but her mother points out that he is missing a button.
  14. A mouse is given a cookie and then asks for a glass of milk, which ends up leading to a series of additional requests.
  15. Lowercase letters climb up a coconut tree in alphabetical order, until their weight causes the tree to lean and they all fall off.
  16. A box of crayons decide to go on strike because they are not satisfied with how they are used.
  17. A cat visits two children who are home alone and having a dull day. The cat reassures the kids that their mother won't mind the fun and games.