EuropeanUnionEconomic &political unionbetween 27Europeancountries.GulfWar IIUS invaded Iraqbc feared creationof weapons andrise of Al-Qaedaafter 9/11.Domestic& ForeignPolicyReducing airpollution iswhich type ofpolicy.WorldWar IIUS enteredwhenattacked atPearl Harborby Japan.ParliamentLeader of thelargest party inthe legislaturealso serves asthe chiefexecutive.UNICEFFounded toprovide foodandhealthcare tochildrenCommonwealthof NationsPoliticalassociation of 54member stateswho were formermembers of theBritish empire.OligarchySmallgrouprules overcountryIranianHostageCrisisShah of Iran cameto US for medtreatment, Iraniangov took USembassy hostage.InternationalRedCross/RedCresentLargesthumanitariannetwork withpurpose to helpthose sufferingwithoutdiscrimination.ForeignPolicyMiddle Eastpeace is thistype ofpolicy.NorthAtlanticTreatyOrganizationDefense of memberstates formed in 1949to defend againstSoviet attack. USwas committed todefending WesternEurope.MonarchyCountry ruled by aking who inheritspower. The Kingappoints a crownprince to assist andcouncil of ministers.No political parties.UnitedNationsMaintain worldpeace whilepromotingfriendshipsbetweennations.AutocracyGov rulerhasabsolutepower.DomesticPolicyJobs in theUS economyare this typeof policy.DirectDemocracyAll eligiblecitizensparticipatedirectly inmaking govdecisions.CubanMissileCrisisUS foundCuban buildingmissiles forRussia close tothe US,VietnamWarUS' attempt tocontaincommunism inAsia after NorthVietnam invadedSouth.CommunismForm of gov inwhich the govcontrols allfarming,industries andpropertyFederalsystemIn Austria,power is sharedbetweennational govand state gov.SocialismEconomic system inwhich gov ownssome industries andimpose strictregulations onemployers, providessocial services.ForeignPolicyProtectingUkraine fromRussia isthis type ofpolicy.WorldWar IUS entered thiswar in a JointResolution afterGermany hadsubmarines attackAmerican ships.KoreanWarUS sent troops tocontain the NorthKorean'scommunist govfrom invadingSouth andexpanding.AmnestyInternationalWorldwideorganizationdevoted tohumanrights.RepresentativeDemocracyWe electlegislators to makegov decisions forus. If we disagree,we vote them out.Bay ofPigsCastro overthrewBatista in Cuba andestablished acommunist gov. USplan to train Cubanexiles at this island.GulfWar IUS is onlysuperpower whenSaddam Husseininvaded Kuwait. USsent troops to forceIraqis out of Kuwait.DomesticPolicyCreatingeducationalpolicy for acountryOPECOrganizationof thePetroleumExportingCountriesDomesticPolicyTaxes arethis typeof policy.World TradeOrganizationSets rulesfor WorldTradePresidentialCitizens electan independentexecutivebranch ofgovernment.EuropeanUnionEconomic &political unionbetween 27Europeancountries.GulfWar IIUS invaded Iraqbc feared creationof weapons andrise of Al-Qaedaafter 9/11.Domestic& ForeignPolicyReducing airpollution iswhich type ofpolicy.WorldWar IIUS enteredwhenattacked atPearl Harborby Japan.ParliamentLeader of thelargest party inthe legislaturealso serves asthe chiefexecutive.UNICEFFounded toprovide foodandhealthcare tochildrenCommonwealthof NationsPoliticalassociation of 54member stateswho were formermembers of theBritish empire.OligarchySmallgrouprules overcountryIranianHostageCrisisShah of Iran cameto US for medtreatment, Iraniangov took USembassy hostage.InternationalRedCross/RedCresentLargesthumanitariannetwork withpurpose to helpthose sufferingwithoutdiscrimination.ForeignPolicyMiddle Eastpeace is thistype ofpolicy.NorthAtlanticTreatyOrganizationDefense of memberstates formed in 1949to defend againstSoviet attack. USwas committed todefending WesternEurope.MonarchyCountry ruled by aking who inheritspower. The Kingappoints a crownprince to assist andcouncil of ministers.No political parties.UnitedNationsMaintain worldpeace whilepromotingfriendshipsbetweennations.AutocracyGov rulerhasabsolutepower.DomesticPolicyJobs in theUS economyare this typeof policy.DirectDemocracyAll eligiblecitizensparticipatedirectly inmaking govdecisions.CubanMissileCrisisUS foundCuban buildingmissiles forRussia close tothe US,VietnamWarUS' attempt tocontaincommunism inAsia after NorthVietnam invadedSouth.CommunismForm of gov inwhich the govcontrols allfarming,industries andpropertyFederalsystemIn Austria,power is sharedbetweennational govand state gov.SocialismEconomic system inwhich gov ownssome industries andimpose strictregulations onemployers, providessocial services.ForeignPolicyProtectingUkraine fromRussia isthis type ofpolicy.WorldWar IUS entered thiswar in a JointResolution afterGermany hadsubmarines attackAmerican ships.KoreanWarUS sent troops tocontain the NorthKorean'scommunist govfrom invadingSouth andexpanding.AmnestyInternationalWorldwideorganizationdevoted tohumanrights.RepresentativeDemocracyWe electlegislators to makegov decisions forus. If we disagree,we vote them out.Bay ofPigsCastro overthrewBatista in Cuba andestablished acommunist gov. USplan to train Cubanexiles at this island.GulfWar IUS is onlysuperpower whenSaddam Husseininvaded Kuwait. USsent troops to forceIraqis out of Kuwait.DomesticPolicyCreatingeducationalpolicy for acountryOPECOrganizationof thePetroleumExportingCountriesDomesticPolicyTaxes arethis typeof policy.World TradeOrganizationSets rulesfor WorldTradePresidentialCitizens electan independentexecutivebranch ofgovernment.

Mini-Assessment #5 BINGO - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Economic & political union between 27 European countries.
    European Union
  2. US invaded Iraq bc feared creation of weapons and rise of Al-Qaeda after 9/11.
    Gulf War II
  3. Reducing air pollution is which type of policy.
    Domestic & Foreign Policy
  4. US entered when attacked at Pearl Harbor by Japan.
    World War II
  5. Leader of the largest party in the legislature also serves as the chief executive.
  6. Founded to provide food and healthcare to children
  7. Political association of 54 member states who were former members of the British empire.
    Commonwealth of Nations
  8. Small group rules over country
  9. Shah of Iran came to US for med treatment, Iranian gov took US embassy hostage.
    Iranian Hostage Crisis
  10. Largest humanitarian network with purpose to help those suffering without discrimination.
    International RedCross/ RedCresent
  11. Middle East peace is this type of policy.
    Foreign Policy
  12. Defense of member states formed in 1949 to defend against Soviet attack. US was committed to defending Western Europe.
    North Atlantic Treaty Organization
  13. Country ruled by a king who inherits power. The King appoints a crown prince to assist and council of ministers. No political parties.
  14. Maintain world peace while promoting friendships between nations.
    United Nations
  15. Gov ruler has absolute power.
  16. Jobs in the US economy are this type of policy.
    Domestic Policy
  17. All eligible citizens participate directly in making gov decisions.
    Direct Democracy
  18. US found Cuban building missiles for Russia close to the US,
    Cuban Missile Crisis
  19. US' attempt to contain communism in Asia after North Vietnam invaded South.
    Vietnam War
  20. Form of gov in which the gov controls all farming, industries and property
  21. In Austria, power is shared between national gov and state gov.
    Federal system
  22. Economic system in which gov owns some industries and impose strict regulations on employers, provides social services.
  23. Protecting Ukraine from Russia is this type of policy.
    Foreign Policy
  24. US entered this war in a Joint Resolution after Germany had submarines attack American ships.
    World War I
  25. US sent troops to contain the North Korean's communist gov from invading South and expanding.
    Korean War
  26. Worldwide organization devoted to human rights.
    Amnesty International
  27. We elect legislators to make gov decisions for us. If we disagree, we vote them out.
    Representative Democracy
  28. Castro overthrew Batista in Cuba and established a communist gov. US plan to train Cuban exiles at this island.
    Bay of Pigs
  29. US is only superpower when Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait. US sent troops to force Iraqis out of Kuwait.
    Gulf War I
  30. Creating educational policy for a country
    Domestic Policy
  31. Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries
  32. Taxes are this type of policy.
    Domestic Policy
  33. Sets rules for World Trade
    World Trade Organization
  34. Citizens elect an independent executive branch of government.